Group: Under 25 Club

Created: 2011/12/31, Members: 647, Messages: 8009

Everyone 25 years of age and under are encouraged to join this group to share common goals, stories and encouragement with their goals.

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stressed out kid

Posts: 1
Joined: 2003/01/01
United States
2003/01/02, 01:29 AM
Hey there. I'm seventeen, a senior in college prep highschool, trying to get ready for college, and a gigantic ball of stress. I'm constantly busy... no joke, unfortunatly most of the work I have to do involves being seated. The few moments I have that belong to me I just want to crash. I'm seriously overweight and have a crazy schedual. I have to grab what I can when I can. Does anyone have any suggestions that can help me to keep on a decent diet or any quick stress relieving exercises that I can do on a daily basis?
Posts: 196
Joined: 2002/11/20
United Kingdom
2003/01/06, 05:30 AM
Sounds like you have got a work to do! Try getting easy to prepare snacks ready in advance that are also healthy, fruit, and Veg. Also try to cut out the bad stuff from your diet, treat mayonnaise ect as a luxury not as the norm. Remember a gram of fat not eaten is a gram you don’t need to lose. But don’t try to starve yourself weight loss comes form BOTH eating less and exercise doing just one will not suffice.

As such try setting aside an hour to train a few days in the week at a time that’s good for you. But use time management for example if you do it just before you would shower normally (maybe first thing?) then you will not waste time.

As for 100lbs in 1 year (from your profile) achievable but that’s a couple of pounds a week so will take dedication for that sort of consistent loss. You might need to sacrifice one of your other activities? Also try setting more short-term goals so you will feel better once you achieve them say no chocolate for a week? And feel good about what you do achieve, feel good for taking the apple not the candy, or the sandwich not the burger. At the end of the day I can often think well I made little progress in the lab and have still got XYZ to do tomorrow, but I did cycle to town instead of taking the bus and this stops me feeling so stressed – achieving something at the end of the day. Hope this helps ED!