Group: Strength & Powerlifting

Created: 2012/01/01, Members: 39, Messages: 16459

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strong today

Posts: 166
Joined: 2005/02/23
United States
2006/02/15, 11:03 PM
Doing the upper/lower split. In the 2nd week of 2nd month. Did upper tonight. This is a kicking routine.

5 min treadmill @ 5mph to get warmed (thanks menace)

1 min rest btw sets

Incline DB 8*3:

Bent Over Rows 3*10: 125x10,135x10,135x10

Seated Shoulder BB Presses 3*15: 95*12,95*12,95*10

Chin Ups weighted 8*3:

Out of town so decided to push it ince feeling good.

Flat BB Bench
13x5,185x5,195x3, superset 195x2-185x2-135x5

I couldn't believe that I could put that weight up at the end of my workout.

I can testify for the upper/lower and undulating period.

See wrestler's awesome post on periodization if you want to make good gains. You gotta be willing to push it though. I have almost barfed on a few times.

Thanks wrestler.
Posts: 4,619
Joined: 2004/01/27
United States
2006/02/15, 11:41 PM
I appreciate the feedback. A lot of people may disagree with a lot of what I say because it sometimes goes against "tradition", but those that are willing to take my advice usually let the results speak for themselves. I do like to hear what kind of results those that do listen get.

"Out of town so decided to push it ince feeling good."
This is good. You are learning to listen to your body. This is applying cyberkinetic periodization to your routine.

Iron and chalk.

Pain is only temporary, it is in your mind. If you can still walk, then you can still run.