2005/03/15, 04:06 PM
I've just read recently that small frequent meals help boost metabolism. I'd like some suggestions what I might use for that.
I work all day (like most of you, I'm sure.) I'm a receptionist in a busy vet's office. I don't take breaks except lunch. Plus it's almost an hour commute morning and evening.
I eat breakfast, if at all, between 6:30 & 7 a.m. Lunch is at noon or 1. Dinner at home between 6:30 and 7 p.m. In between those times I just drink water, diet coke, or coffee with stuff in it. (assorted kinds of artificial sweetner and either powdered creamer or heavy cream.) Yes, I know this is killing me, but it does keep the hunger pangs away.
I have some weight to lose & I've just started ... I dunno what you want to call it... the technical term for working with free weights (at home.)
Anyway, I'm not supposed to eat while customers are there. So naturally every time I put something in my mouth a customer walks in. What are some good, unobtrusive things I could eat during the day at work? And how much constitues a "Small" meal?
I've thought of a handful of macadamia nuts. Or maybe drinking chicken broth in a coffee mug. I have insulin resistance, and had some luck losing weight on a low-carb diet. But I've been stalled for a long time and I'm sure it's because I eat WAY too much fat.
What do the rest of you do? TIA
2005/03/16, 09:53 AM
You will want to eat 5 to 6 small, balanced meals throughout the day. The meal should consist of a protien, healthy carbs and good fats. How big that meal is depends on your required daily calorie intake. The trick is not to let yourself get hungry, because when you do your metabolism begins to slow down. Constant meals will prevent this and force your metabolism to work constantly.
Do not try to supress hunger through diet soda's, coffee or chicken broth (is there anything in that other then sodium?). Hunger pangs are you bodies way of saying, "I'm out of fuel! Fill me up please."
Nuts are a great snack, especially in your position where you cannot eat infront of customers. If your allowed to drink have you thought about making yourself whey shakes or meal replacement shakes?
2005/03/16, 03:00 PM
perhaps instead of taking a long lunch you could take a few 10/15 mins? This calculator thingy-ma-jig may help you with your fat / cal issue
2005/03/16, 08:57 PM
Mmmm sodium... :laugh: Kidding!
Thanks, both of you for the tips and the calculator. (what a neat tool!)
Today, I took some sliced beef (which turned out to have too much salt for my taste, but you can't win 'em all) and some soy chips. I can't remember the name of the chips, but they look like little rice cakes, and the nutritional value is close to what I'm looking for. For lunch, I had a small roast chicken breast & some cherry tomatoes.
It's gonna be a long hard road to give up the coffee and the diet soda.
I'm going to try one or two new things at a time. They soy chips are a totally new thing for me and I was surprised how much I like them. I'm searching for the whey shake recipes. So I will try to add this to my new things this weekend. All this "body-builder" food is still new and weird to me. But I am nothing if not adventurous. I will sure give it a shot!
I'm allowed to take breaks, I just never have. I made a real effort today to take a few minutes, during slow times. My health is at least as important as my job.:love:
I'll keep working at it and post other things here as I find them. I'm sure I'm not the only one who could use the information.
Thanks again,