2003/05/26, 07:09 PM
Hey Guys.
Whats your views on tanning beds?
Do any of you guys use them?
-The reason i ask this question is because I'm thinkin of going on them... but due to all the 'Go on the sun-bed & get skin-cancer' thing, i dont really know what to do.?
Thanks for your time,
2003/05/27, 02:04 PM
I have a tanning bed in my gym and yes I use it. I change between using sunlamps and self tanners.
Don't ever overdo one thing and you'll be okey (ask for more info at the gym proposing the sunbeds).
-------------- - Nina :o) Les Victoires éternelles sont celles du coeur.
2003/05/27, 09:26 PM
I use tanning beds but only once a week for 20 mins.
2003/05/28, 03:27 PM
i do like tanning beds but my skin doesnt. I dont burn, and even though i moisturize like crazy and exfoliate, i find my skin starts to look "old" and im only 28, so i dont use them anymore. I do miss having a tan but i'm not fond of using self tanners.Plus a lot of cancer runs in my family on both sides.
2003/05/30, 04:24 PM
I used a tanning bed (stand up)for a month and loved it. Was allowed to use it only every other day and for only ten minutes per session, but it worked, though no one seemed to notice. I don't tan easily, I usually burn, but that is probably because I over-exposed. You need to be aware of the possible side effects of skin cancer. I've never used the "lie down". They take longer--have to bake on both sides.
2003/05/31, 11:48 AM
you can take one of those tanning showers. :)
it takes about 2 mins and yo're nicely brown for the summer.
i think it costs a lot though...
2003/06/02, 11:13 AM
Thanks for the input folks.
Take care,
2003/06/02, 08:00 PM
Just don't overdo it and turn orange. I hate that "fake'n bake" orange colour.