Group: Injuries & Rehabilitation

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Tennis Elbow and tricep excerises

Posts: 36
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2010/01/22, 09:01 AM
I am having some tennis elbow in my left arm. My bicep workout last night was as great as can be. Now for my tricep's tonight I have no idea. Anyone find the perfect tricep movement with little pain when having tennis elbow.
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2010/01/22, 12:24 PM
Any movement with less weight would be an improvement for your condition. Drop the weight level to an amount that you might begin with..

Patience, persistence and perspiration make an unbeatable combination for success.

Ivan (GO HABS GO!)

Montreal Canada (City of Festivals)
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2010/01/23, 01:40 AM
Thank you!! I did stick with lower weights tonight with a tricep and shoulder workout. It was great! I have a kink in my shoulder and that was very trying too.
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2010/01/23, 12:23 PM
Again, drop the weight level for the shoulders. It's better to do this type of weight in order to keep working the muscle. Also when you hold the weights don't squeeze the grip. If the pain purists consult a doctor..

Patience, persistence and perspiration make an unbeatable combination for success.

Ivan (GO HABS GO!)

Montreal Canada (City of Festivals)
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2010/01/26, 10:48 AM
Hey, do you know if when doing bench press with dumb bells, does this hurt the shoulder joints? Or maybe if it hurts the shoulder joints im using to heavy of weight. I use 45lb dumbbells for 10 - 12 reps with only my spotter maybe helping just on the last 2 reps just a bit. Thanks for all your help!!

My shoulder feels fine now. But on anther note we have chest workout tonight. I am trying to get stronger and build muscle so i have a hard time lowering weights unless its due to injury.

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2010/01/26, 03:16 PM
It's hard to evaluate on the internet, actually impossible to give a reliable answer. I don't know your capabilities or experience, 45lbs is heavy for all the symptoms you describe.

Patience, persistence and perspiration make an unbeatable combination for success.

Ivan (GO HABS GO!)

Montreal Canada (City of Festivals)
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2010/01/27, 11:32 AM
Ya your right. 45lb dumbbells heavy for my condition. I did down my weight last night in bench press to 35lb dumbbells. that was fine. but last set i just had to see and went up to the 45lb-ers ya not a smart move. It did not hurt at all, at the time, but more pain last night and today. (this did not effect my tennis elbow at all just my shoulder. I think its tendonitis)

I might just take your advice and any arm workouts use low weight or even take 2 weeks off. That is just so hard for me to do either of them. But now im aware that if I don't I will end up with a worse injury which will put me out for longer i really don't want that again.

I was out with injury after labor day 4 wheeler wreck. That was just side and rib pain though. All heal in that area.

Thank you so much for listening!!!!
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2010/01/27, 10:04 PM
If you can handle lighter weights instead of going off for two weeks try that. It's better to keep using the muscle than just being Idol. Lighter weights meaning even 25llbs. You need to keep the muscle strong while recuperating it. Also Ice it.

Patience, persistence and perspiration make an unbeatable combination for success.

Ivan (GO HABS GO!)

Montreal Canada (City of Festivals)
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2010/01/27, 10:37 PM
Ya I agree with u. Back was tonight and went fine with everything. I did use lower weight with 1 arm rows and then one other machaine but im not sure what its called. We have to put the weights on it then its liek a pull down mach. It did not target either arm where they are sore so I was very happy. Oh and Im trying to take all vit's and supplements that help too. :)
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2010/01/27, 10:40 PM
If you are eating a healthy diet don't wast your money on Vitamins and supplements. They won't help your condition. Try Ibuprofen if the pain is intolerable.

Patience, persistence and perspiration make an unbeatable combination for success.

Ivan (GO HABS GO!)

Montreal Canada (City of Festivals)
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2010/01/28, 11:46 AM
Oh I just mean daily good health supplements that im not always good at taking regularly. Fish oil , Vit c, Glu/msm I have joint issues all the time. And Cal/vit d.. Oh and the L-Glutamine. I take this with every injury and when cutting cal's to help save muscle. Does it work?? Some say yes and some say no I like thinking it does and staying positive is a big part of everyday life..Right??
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2010/01/28, 11:48 AM
Oh I just mean daily good health supplements that im not always good at taking regularly. Fish oil , Vit c, Glu/msm I have joint issues all the time. And Cal/vit d.. Oh and the L-Glutamine. I take this with every injury and when cutting cal's to help save muscle. Does it work?? Some say yes and some say no I like thinking it does and staying positive is a big part of everyday life..Right??
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2010/01/28, 11:48 AM
Oh I just mean daily good health supplements that im not always good at taking regularly. Fish oil , Vit c, Glu/msm I have joint issues all the time. And Cal/vit d.. Oh and the L-Glutamine. I take this with every injury and when cutting cal's to help save muscle. Does it work?? Some say yes and some say no I like thinking it does and staying positive is a big part of everyday life..Right??
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2010/01/28, 06:47 PM
wow!! sorry about the copy of posting.. computer wasn't working right
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2010/01/28, 09:46 PM
RIGHT ON! Being and staying positive is the biggest part.

Patience, persistence and perspiration make an unbeatable combination for success.

Ivan (GO HABS GO!)

Montreal Canada (City of Festivals)
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2010/01/29, 10:38 AM
Woohoo!!!!!! Bicep's last night was so rad!! Biggest Bicep pump i've ever had. No pain in elbow or shoulder. 15lb dumbbells on incline seated curls 15 reps could of went more (3 sets), no pushing it at this time though, mach. seated curls with 40lb weight selected for a rep of 12 (3sets) Then standing cable curls ?? Stand and pull both arms toward the back of my head. Not sure if I have the right name of ex. but I think you pry know what I mean. Not sure how the weight is measured. I used 3 plates for 1 set rep of 15. then next set 4 plates for a rep of 10 , last set 4 plates 6 reps could of went more.
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2010/01/29, 10:44 AM
Its all about quality and NOT quantity.
I think the exercise you did is "Overhead triceps extensions".
Keep up the good work.

Patience, persistence and perspiration make an unbeatable combination for success.

Ivan (GO HABS GO!)

Montreal Canada (City of Festivals)
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2010/01/29, 11:03 AM
No not triceps. arms are out to the sides of my head. Im standing in the middle of the cable mach a cable in each hand. With arms extend out to the sides I curl them in towards my head. Leaning forward a bit makes them end up at the back of my head. Does that make more since?
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2010/01/29, 03:16 PM
Sorry , it's difficult to "name that exercise" :big_smile:

Patience, persistence and perspiration make an unbeatable combination for success.

Ivan (GO HABS GO!)

Montreal Canada (City of Festivals)
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2010/02/05, 01:37 PM
Well I went and got a shot in the elbow. I was sick of it not getting better. I guess they work pretty good. Many people I have talked to and one being a PT have had this and the shot as well. Im so excited to get back to lifting to my max level.... Shoulder is starting to come around too. not sure about it but I do believe it was just some inflammation. If elbow is fine tomorrow as in no pain i might get an anti-inflammatory shot for shoulder. Couldn't do both at the same time. Opposite arms and I still have to live everyday Mom, wife, work and of course workout.. Yeah!!
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2010/02/08, 10:58 AM
Good Morning!! I was reading a post of yours from a time ago. I believe you have had tennis elbow before, is that right? Do you know where I can find it. I would like to reread it and i seem to be going in circles looking for it...

Well the shot hasn't made anything better.( maybe it takes more time) However i didn't expect to be healed in 3 days but i did hope for pain relief. :( I am wondering if i should wear the braces the doc advises. I worry that stabilizing it for 3 weeks could lead to muscle atrophy or what is it called??
she said to use the brace that goes right below the elbow plus a wrist brace that keeps wrist from bending at ALL!!

I might go back as my condition maybe that of something different. Or tennis elbow with something else going on. I AM SO CONFUSED.. anyways if you have any info for me i thank you much!!!!!
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2010/02/09, 01:05 PM
Where the brace. It will help. As I said in earlier post you must continue to work the muscle but at extreme light weight. I did suffer from it. To the point where even a simple squeeze of the hand (as in a hand shake) almost floored me. It has to heal on it's own. I tried cortisone a couple of times, but was only a temporary fix for about a week. Usually the brace has a metal bar running paralell to the fore arm connecting to the wrist and elbow. Question; when you squeeze your fist, where does it hurt?

Patience, persistence and perspiration make an unbeatable combination for success.

Ivan (GO HABS GO!)

Montreal Canada (City of Festivals)
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2010/02/09, 04:51 PM
It is getting a little better not much. I am wearing the elbow brace however as for today i have not wore the wrist brace. Lets see. squeezing my fist not so much pain. Squeezing a washcloth or lift frying pan the pain is inch or so down from elbow in the forarm. I have had tennis elbow before which i know thats what it is. Last time it just didnt hurt on the out side of the elbow as well. Right where the tendon attaches to it I think. Its sore there all day. But I go to lift something like frying pan it give the tennis elbow feeling.
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2010/02/10, 09:52 AM
Congratulations, you just described classic tennis elbow. Take it easy and rest it.

Patience, persistence and perspiration make an unbeatable combination for success.

Ivan (GO HABS GO!)

Montreal Canada (City of Festivals)
Posts: 36
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United States
2010/02/10, 11:20 AM
Thank you for all you help. It does seem to be getting better. I have been going light on weights even chest day.

May i bug you about my shoulder. I have been taking care of it too. Very hard to explain how it feels but ill try. As I sit here i feel a not pain, but kinda of stretching feeling under the collarbone..?? Is there a tendon there that leads to the shoulder? The beginning of the pain I thought there was a kink on the inside of shoulder.
( if you put you finger on the center of the outside of teh shoulder it was deep in the center of that.) That pain went away there for the most part. But not under the collarbone. I have been stretching it like this.. arms on outside of door and lean in as hard as i can take the stretch. Then hold arms out palms facing fw pushing back in a bouncing motion as far as I can.

The Gym owner/pt said my front should muscle (holding arms out touch the front of shoulder that leads to chest its that one) this muscle looks very puffy or big he thought. as he said it was over developed..???? hmm. He said my tendon in there is stiff and tight. IDK??? what to think. Thank if you have any input.
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2010/02/10, 11:29 AM
Oh heres another note i forgot.

He said im not standing up correctly do to lack of building muscles in my upper back.. hmm. I have been working out for sometime 1 year faithful and of and on 3 years before. always have done Shoulder press, la.t raises, pull ups here and there.... back rows sitting, back 1 arm row, knee on bench and 1 back machine . Not the same day of course just letting you know which ones I have done most of the time.

Thanks again if you have any input. Sorry its so long
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2010/04/18, 03:27 PM
So heres an update on my tennis elbow. The first shot I received was put in the forarm (not my doctor) and that was wrong according to my doctor. 8 weeks later I recieved a 2nd shot directly at the pain on the elbow. It seems to be complety better at this point. :big_smile:
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2010/04/28, 11:30 AM
Update and :( new injury. Tennis elbow is completely healed:big_smile:.
Walked right into a shoulder injury. :angry: I believe it is because we worked shoulders on tues followed with chest on wed. Not good. This is when the shoulder pain started. Also went to a new weight on incline barbell chest press. ya I did it with a spotter but that is part of the problem too. I think it was to heavy for me. It took all my arm strength and I never even had a sore chest. Bad form all the way im sure. Doing shoulders last night I thought the left arm would jsut give out if i went down to far. Then the pain would jsut set in for a min. after each set. this was dumbell presses. The right shoulder hurts a bit too but in a different way. wht! I am in the 7th week of the 8week program.. Im very sad. I will start rice theropy and take it easy. Back day today so that will be fine. I will keep this updated for those of you who might read it in curiosity of what other have done for the shoulders. I love reading what all of you have done and what others have to say.
This website rocks!!
Train carefully and with good form it will help avoid injury.
I know this, but let lifting heavy get in my way. I'm Learing quick it only sets you back.
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United States
2010/08/24, 07:06 PM
im so so very sad. Tennis elbow has came back with a huge bang. never felt so much pain. its in the bicep too, idk what thats all about doctor said bicep tendonitis ?? I will need to research this. I didn't heal the tennis elbow correctly and or if I did i need i went to heavy one day which caused it again. I have new herbal meds Im trying ZYSOMINE I think . ill check later and get the correct spelling. Ill keep updates for anyone who may read this.
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2010/08/28, 04:56 PM
I am going to beat this tennis elbow no matter what it takes. Im in rehab now for it. its just in home excerises I found. I also bought one of the ultrasonic mach. like the chiropratic offices use. Not working out any bicep or triceps at all for awhile. Tennis elbow is way to painful this time..and with the bicep tendon inflamed too, I can't lift anything that might cause the bicep to flex that just really hurts. Can't even put a ponytale in my hair without clinching my teeth and taking a deep breath. ok so ill keeping posting here as it helps me stay on track. I started the in home rehab Yesterday Aug 27 and I should have pain relieve in 4-6 weeks if I stay with it. Wish me luck...
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2010/09/20, 08:32 AM
After visiting with the doc he is not sure I have tennis elbow and I pry never did.
It may be a damage nerve. now along with it on the out side of the elbow I think its nerve entrapment not bicep tendonitis. Im taking prednisone now, have to see if it will help as my doctor didn't want to give me a shot till it was 6months out from the last injection. I can have the shot again after october. If the shot doesn't relieve the problem or pain that will rule out inflamation and I will have to get a MRI. I have about 8 days left on the Prednisone.
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United States
2010/10/04, 09:35 PM
Went back to the doctor today. Im so tired of this pain. He does belive it is just tennis elbow. He did many hand and arm tests to rule out bicep and tricep tendonitis. when he held my hand and ask me to twist it. Holly cow that hurt. He said yes its just tennis elbow. He gave me a shot and I have my fingers crossed. I am only doing legs and abs for workouts from now on untill i know this is healed. I can start rehab excerises in about 2 days. adding weights back maybe in 6weeks, and moving very slowly. He said be careful for about 6 months to a year. fine by me I just want the pain gone for good.