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The birth controll shot

Posts: 21
Joined: 2005/02/18
United States
2005/03/20, 12:10 PM
I was wondering if I can get some advice from the women..I got pregnet and at two months I lost the baby and after that I got on the birth controll shot I have tooken that shot befor and it has never made me gain waight and I did not gain much waight when I got pregnet becase I was not that far along..dose anayone know if the shot could of made me gain waight because I got pregnet..and stop takeing the shot this month I did not get it so I hope I can now lose the waight I think the shot made it so I could not lose the waight..dose anayone know abought this please tell me what you think..thanks
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2005/03/21, 02:37 PM
What is the name of the shot??

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2005/03/24, 04:45 AM
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2005/03/26, 12:33 PM
I got the Depot in October of 2004, never again, not only did I have my period for 4 months straight, I found myself very unmotivated to lose weight, I have lost 59 pounds since not taking the shot, so I don't think it stops you from losing weight if you work hard and eat just made me very tired and with all the blood I was losing didn't help me.
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2005/03/26, 12:54 PM
I meant Depo.....not Depot!! :)
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2005/03/27, 04:24 PM
Any kind of hormone ( extra/manmade) will effect people differently. Reason why most gain weight is cause if the body "thinks" its preg it doesn't ovulate......hince not getting preg. But the body in some people "prepares" for a baby......telling the body to eat more. I think you need to talk to a doc/gyno.....and not us. Pill my work better for you than shot.

Lady at work get it, however can't take it anymore, due to if taken for 4 years or so or more, it can cause irreversable bone lose.

how are you trying to loose weight?

soem concider "trying" to loose weight running 15mins a day 3 4 times a week. and lay around and eat crap all day long.

" The only true eye, is your minds eye"- plato
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2005/03/27, 04:27 PM
btw last I checked, in my human anatomy book......during a period the woman only loses about a table spoon full of " her" blood. The rest is tissue going to the utrus to prepare for "lifesupport." This lining is whats shed once a month.

" The only true eye, is your minds eye"- plato
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2005/03/27, 09:12 PM
I have friends who love it and friends who don't.
3 didn't gain and ounce (all three have had children in the past, so I don't think your 1st trimester pregnency should have any affect on gaining weight on the shot.
My friend who really didn't like it is VERY sensitive to medications and hormones and should have know better (personal opinion - but she said it too after the fact!)

I personally don't like things that you can't stop when you may be having a problem. A shot is a done deal. You can't "take it back".

Pills are easy and you can get VERY light dosages these days so that's definitely my preference. I hear the new patches are pretty good too.

Big A's right - everyone can react differently. You're best to talk to your doctor and find a solution that is best for you. Jajewel is a perfect example - she is the only person I have heard of who even got a period. All of my friends' periods stopped once on the shot and did not happen again until they went off the shots.

It's all about YOU! Take the time to find a solid solution.

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United States
2005/04/03, 01:29 AM
Jade I was on that shot and it make me gain 20 pounds and I was on my periiod for the whole first 3 months that I was on it and the second shot that I got made me have mood swings and made my nerves bad made me mad easier I lost my sex drive for awhile and it says that now you can only take it for like 1 year cause it cause you not to have kids after you take it for so long if I was you I'd do on the birth control patch thats what I am on and I love it it does burn your skin alittle bit but not that bad its just where the hormones goes through your skin from the patch.. You wear 1 patch for 1 week change it at week after you put it on and you do that for 3 weeks and the 4th week you go a week without a patch on and thats when you should have your period...Hope I helped...Bridget
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Joined: 2005/04/03
2005/04/03, 03:00 PM
Depo is unfortunately one of the harsher birth control methods available.
70% of women using Depo gain weight. About half of these women gain more than 5 pounds in one year of use and many more women gain more than 10 pounds.

Unfortunately it takes 6 months for the drug to leave the body so the effects may remain in your body until the drug is gone.

You should check with your doctor because it could be the hypothalamus not reading the estrogen or progesterone levels in your bloodstream.
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2005/04/06, 05:32 PM
I had it & didn't gain wieght - I'm really bad about not taking pills so it was idea for me - After my second child, I got my tubes tied so now I don't worry with it at all

Keep a list of what you eat & see if it is the same as before - you may need to make sure your diet is right & I have got to get back on mine but I have been so hungry lately (I wonder if it is the weather or something but I just want to snack all day)


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2005/04/13, 02:26 PM
I was on depo for almost 3 years, and gained 5lbs with every shot. Depo is the main reason I am so over weight.

With depo, for most people weight gain occurs because it stimulates your appetite, and therefore you eat more than normal.

For some however(like me)diet and exersize stay the same, and you still gain the weight. There are also other very bad side effects that go with this shot, such as depression,hair loss,lack of sex drive, and many many others.

My suggestion would be to get off of depo as soon as possible, and switch to another form of birth control.
Posts: 34
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United States
2005/04/13, 11:48 PM
I had depo shot, I think 3 time. I didn't gain weight, but at the same time I never gain weight on any birth control pills either. HOWEVER, depo does horrable things to your body. As everybody said, I had my period forever, became irritable, lost sex drive etc. My friend love it becaues she doesn't get her period at all. But I think it is bad for us not to have period at all. I won't recommend depo to anyone.
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United States
2005/05/28, 11:45 PM
i was on depo for 3 years and gained no weight from it but had many other side effects, i am now on a low dose progesterone pill called errin that works great with no side effects so far the only bad thing, you have to take it at the same time every day:angry:but other than that no complaints:)

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Posts: 116
Joined: 2003/12/12
United States
2005/06/02, 09:33 AM
I was on Depo for about a year or so (5 years ago) during that year I gained 30 pounds. I really hate taking birth control because I generally think my hormones are out of whack as it is and I dont need the help of something else. Yes Depo is great for the simple fact that you dont have to do anything but get a shot not having your period (in my case) for months to come really healthy? Fast forward 5 years and I am currently on the Ortho Evra patch (I think that is the name)due to a ovarian cyst and they are hoping the hormones will decrease the size....who knows. I apply the patch once a week for three weeks and on the last week I leave it off and that is my period week. I like this so much better because I am not an moody and my eating habits havent really changed not that I can tell anyway. I hate birth control because of the changes it causes my body......breast tenderness, mood swings etc etc. There is also something call the Othro ring and you insert it inside and leave it in for 3 weeks. I think there is so many more options to birth control then Depo so try different ones and figure out which is right for your body.

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