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Joined: 2004/01/20 ![]() |
2004/02/05, 02:45 PM
Hey GaLs
This is my prob...when i am not on my period, i eat well, HOWEVER, when i get "my friend" i crave chocolate and junk!! I also crave this late night while i watch tv/movies with my husband...what can i do to help with the cravings? Plus, am i doing harm pigging out on the first three days of my period? My goal is to lose 5 pounds by June 2004 and tone up for my big trip to Greece this summer. Any Suggestions/advice? |
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Joined: 2002/08/12 ![]() |
2004/02/05, 04:40 PM
Honestly, I used to stress about this a lot but now I don't. My PMS cravings usually last a few days at most and after that I usually have a few days where my appetite decreases so I figure it all evens out in the end. So I usually use that time as my "treat" time. I do try to avoid chocolate or candy or chips just because those things have NO nutritional value and I'm absolutely guaranteed to go overboard on them - but ice cream... well, you get the idea. :)
Joined: 2002/08/12 ![]() |
2004/02/05, 04:41 PM
The cookie dough kind, of course. :)
Joined: 2003/09/11 ![]() |
2004/02/05, 07:33 PM
I like to get the mintures & then only have two of them with water - that usually works for me -------------- Reddy All people smile in the same language |
Joined: 2002/08/12 ![]() |
2004/02/05, 09:57 PM
I also like Cherry Garcia. :)
Joined: 2001/10/19 ![]() |
2004/02/06, 02:39 AM
Go for long walks, keep your hands busy with drawing, writing, knitting, manicure whatever. Listen to some music, dance a little, drink herbal tea, read fitness magazines and look at the athletes you want to look like. Play with the kids or dog, call a friend, clean your house.......-------------- - Nina :o) Les Victoires éternelles sont celles du coeur. www.nme-pro.com |
Joined: 2004/01/27 ![]() |
2004/02/06, 07:45 AM
My doctor told me that PMS could be a result of the chemicals changing in the brain the two weeks before you start, your body tries to compensate, thus the cravings. The best advice she gave me was to increase pasta and fresh fruit and eat several times a day and to stay far away from caffine during that time. For whatever reason, it has worked well. I wish you luck!
Joined: 2002/08/12 ![]() |
2004/02/06, 11:17 AM
Okay, I'm a slacker! LOL
I do find if I eat as soon as I'm hungry several times a day like Julisa said, it helps keep the cravings at bay. Maybe I'm just using PMS as an excuse to eat ice cream. :) |
Joined: 2003/04/11 ![]() |
2004/02/07, 02:55 AM
Chocolate seems to be the #1 craving for PMS. Personally I think if we have to put up with it every month we ought to be allowed a Snickers or 2, but I know that doesnt help with our goals. I bet in big offices you can tell who's PMS-ing by the trips to the candy machine. There's always chocolate rice cakes, right? <gag>-------------- ~Victoria~ ...Do not be discouraged; everyone who got where he is, started where he was.--anon ...There are no shortcuts to any place worth going.--Beverly Sills |
Joined: 2003/10/07 ![]() |
2004/02/07, 04:53 AM
My dog Rona would probably be more willing to yield her morning bone to a stray dog than I am to let go of this chocolate bar right now! :D -------------- The years we spent just waiting for a moment we both knew... |
Joined: 2003/02/03 ![]() |
2004/02/07, 02:26 PM
I feel that it is important to listen to our bodys cravings. I know I know, eating chocolate or junk food is not going to help with weight loss, but it won't do harm either if you keep an eye on portion size. I always eat what I crave, but only a small amount. So I will have my chocolate or pretzels or whatever, but I usually take a few out of the bag and make that my limit. If you deprive yourself, you'll always make up for it later...I do anyways. Plus, if we have to suffer through cramps and all that "fun" stuff, a little treat is well-deserved!! =)
Joined: 2003/12/12 ![]() |
2004/02/26, 01:48 PM
I have never been one who tracks her monthly friend on the calender and I do eat pretty healthy and workout religiously but maybe the week before I start my period it is like I cant get enough to eat.....I am constantly craving junk food sweet stuff and chocolate.....I can nomrally satisfy those cravings with a swig of chocolate milk (if I have it) or a piece of sweet fruit but today I have had a break down and had potato chips and I just bought a snickers that I am staring a hole through deciding if I should eat it or not. I normally fine in the sweet tooth department and not tempted because I just dont buy the junk food becuase if it is there I will eat it and sometimes I am not as strong as I would like to be.....................today I feel as if I have ate everything under the sun and I am still hungry or should I say craving any and everything..........I hate this....this normally lasts a few days before my period until about the second day of it and then I can keep the cravings at bay but today for some reason there is no controlling them and I am thining to myself that if I eat this candy bar that is extra time in the gym.......I have come so far!!!!! Does anyone else ever feel like this and if so what do you do to handle this????
-------------- you can lead the horse to the water but you can't make them drink..... ~lynnoakdale |
Joined: 2003/12/12 ![]() |
2004/02/26, 02:39 PM
The Snickers is still here...havent ate it yet!!! opted for some banana nut crunch instead........baby steps baby steps it is never easy saying no to chocolate.:angry:
Joined: 2004/01/05 ![]() |
2004/02/26, 03:21 PM
I am usually good at not giving into my cravings, but last week I went crazy :angry: ice cream, chips, muffins, pretzels pop...and this was all within 2 hours..I haven't done that in years! I felt terrible the next day. I guess if you treat yourself every once in a while it won't get this bad! :big_smile:
Joined: 2003/12/12 ![]() |
2004/02/27, 08:17 AM
ok I never ate the snickers so I go home and open the freaking bag of peanut M&M's my sister sent me and had maybe 2 handfuls then I ate alot of cantulope and some grilled fish.......man I went freaking wild but I made a huge decision last night after my little binge and I gave away the snickers bar and the 3lb bag of M&M's I figure as long as it is there I will be tempted to eat it.........yes getfit I think we should treat ourselves everyonce in a while to prevent this from happening...saying no to chocolate is never easy at least not for me:surprised:-------------- you can lead the horse to the water but you can't make them drink..... ~lynnoakdale |
Joined: 2003/12/05 ![]() |
2004/02/27, 08:49 AM
Ok, I couldn't pass up a thread that had ice cream involved in it. Mint chip, cookie dough, Blue Bunny has a new flavor out called Peppermint AND IT ROCKS, chocoloate brownie.... basically, anything without nuts and fruit in it RULES! mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm :love:ice cream:love:
Greekgirl, I suck at this too. I just realized that during this time I TOTALLY go nuts on junk food (chips, candy, fruit juice, pop, etc)... which doesn't exactly help me right now because I fell off of my workout wagon. I read somewhere that if you eat or drink things with caffine (chocolate included), your cramps and such will be much worse. I haven't not ever eat chocolate in my life so I don't know if that's true or not for me. Hm, Thanks for posting this Greekgirl... I didn't realize that I had a problem with it. Something else I need to work on... wonderful.:angry: -------------- The average dog is nicer than the average person. -Andy Rooney |
Joined: 2003/04/11 ![]() |
2004/02/27, 01:38 PM
I just ate a chocolate donut!!! I was hungry as soon as I got into the office this morning, and not because I skipped breakfast either. I knew there were donuts in the kitchen, and if there hadnt been a chocolate one I mightve resisted but no way could I walk past a chocolate donut today. I too feel hungry all the time the week before my period. And I think because I already feel bloated and heavier I figure 'whatthehell'. The trainer at the gym mentioned on Wed that he still needed to measure my bodyfat and I had to tell him....'not this week you wont, or next week either'. I dont know about anyone else but I feel like I only get one really good week a month where I feel thin and can eat right without thinking about it. And personally I think that stinks.:angry:-------------- ~Victoria~ ...Do not be discouraged; everyone who got where he is, started where he was.--anon ...There are no shortcuts to any place worth going.--Beverly Sills |
Joined: 2004/01/05 ![]() |
2004/02/27, 03:13 PM
I agree with you azredhead. I am good for 1-2 weeks & the rest is, bloated, cramps, moody & cravings!! I never had any of these problems until I had kids. But of course there worth it! :love:
Joined: 2003/10/15 ![]() |
2004/02/27, 03:17 PM
I'm with you Azred.
This past week my eating has been out of control. I'm wondering if taking diet pills during the week before my period would be a good idea. Don't like taking pills unless they are vitamins but, it seems though 3 weeks of clean eating go to waste when I get pms cravings for a whole week! |
Joined: 2004/02/19 ![]() |
2004/02/27, 05:27 PM
Chewing gum helps me with a lot of my urges on or off the dreaded time of the month. When I feel the urge,(to smoke or eat) I grab a new piece and chomp away.
Joined: 2003/04/11 ![]() |
2004/02/28, 12:29 AM
Sorry but when I am PMSing and hungry as a bear, a good song or a whole case of gum just aint gonna cut it. I dont know Taurie, I started a bottle of Xenedrine a couple weeks ago and the last couple days it hasnt seemed to do its usual trick. Tonight I pulled something at the gym and had to cut my workout short. Even though I was in pain doing some of the stuff, it bummed me out. Add that to my uncontrollable hunger and guess what I had for dinner? Pizza! Pan crust, extra cheese and lots of grease. That and some Ibuprofen and I feel slightly better. I know I wont in the morning, but as my favorite southern belle would say....'tomorrow is another day.'-------------- ~Victoria~ ...Do not be discouraged; everyone who got where he is, started where he was.--anon ...There are no shortcuts to any place worth going.--Beverly Sills |
Joined: 2003/02/11 ![]() |
2004/02/28, 05:01 PM
I found taking flax oil or udos oil blend seemed to help my monthly cycle.-------------- "If you are going to walk on thin ice you might as well dance" angelsnow@freetrainers.com |
Joined: 2002/08/12 ![]() |
2004/02/29, 12:23 PM
I'm with AZ, I'm better off if I just eat as soon as I feel hungry. If I try to restrict during that time it's practically a guarantee I'll be eating ice cream out of the carton. Which means I'll be standing there until the carton is empty. LOL
Diet pills scare me! I feel like if I can't cut kcals naturally, and in a healthy way, I don't need to be doing it. |
Joined: 2003/12/05 ![]() |
2004/03/02, 08:26 AM
You know what I think about all of this? Our bodies change when we have our periods... while I realize that the eating could very well ONLY be hormonal, but it also COULD be that our body is missing something. So, if we are only eating kinda weird one week a month, then so be it. I mean, moderation is good but the way I feel about this is that it's OK! Also, in my own humble opinion, I wouldn't be taking diet pills strictly during that time of the month in that our bodies are special and unique and already out of wack that time of the month... no reason to make things worse!
I 100% agree with Jessica in that if we don't eat when we are hungry, then later we will be tempted to eat junk... and I 110% agree with RedHead in that gum for me just won't cut it. Eat when you are hungry, try to make it healthy and if not, you got next month to do better :big_smile:. Ah, the joys of being a women. LOL -------------- The average dog is nicer than the average person. -Andy Rooney |
Joined: 2003/04/11 ![]() |
2004/03/02, 12:59 PM
So, along with
1 - retaining water (causing about a 5# weight gain):angry: 2 - killer cramps (take Ibuprofen/get constipation):angry: 3 - totally unreasonable emotional outbursts (dont even think about criticizing anything I do or say):angry: 4 - can't fit into my favorite jeans frustration (so I have to wear my 'fat' ones):angry: 5 - uncontrollable hunger (for all the wrong things):angry: just to name a few, now you want us to give up ice cream (or chocolate, or donuts, or cookies) ????? You'd best go back and read #3 and #5, and then run for cover. quoting Shakkai "ah, the joys of being a woman" :laugh: -------------- ~Victoria~ ...Do not be discouraged; everyone who got where he is, started where he was.--anon ...There are no shortcuts to any place worth going.--Beverly Sills |
Joined: 2002/08/12 ![]() |
2004/03/03, 05:13 PM
BH, is there any evidence to back this up?
I don't think flower remedies are going to be much use, sort of like bringing a bandaid to a train wreck. LOL |
Joined: 2003/04/11 ![]() |
2004/03/03, 09:59 PM
Sorry to say, I wasn't being sarcastic. I was and am dead serious. And we know what is and isn't good for us, that is what started the thread....craving things we shouldn't eat. For me it isnt ice cream it is chocolate, but I was speaking for all. As for the orgasms, Jessica, I don't know if they do much for PMS but they seem to relieve the cramps anyway. I know that, and my husband knows that. And normally he is more than happy to do his part to help, but he is in Iraq, so we do the best we can loooooooonnnngggggg distance :big_smile:!-------------- ~Victoria~ ...Do not be discouraged; everyone who got where he is, started where he was.--anon ...There are no shortcuts to any place worth going.--Beverly Sills |
Joined: 2002/08/12 ![]() |
2004/03/04, 12:56 AM
No, BH I think there's some truth to what you said as far as low blood sugar aggravating the mood swings, and too much sugar will create a spike/crash. That's true for me at any time during the month, not just PMS but during that week I need all the help I can get. LOL I think the site oversimplifies, though, by breaking down PMS into the five types; I don't know if the other women here have been in the same boat but my PMS used to be so bad it covered the entire spectrum. Oddly the only thing I never had was cramps. I had to literally plan my life around it, it was so bad. I tried every "natural" remedy in the book and the only thing that ever helped at all (other than exercise) was mood stabilizers, I kid you not. So when I read the part about Bach flower remedies I just had to shake my head. My PMS really was a train wreck.
As far as the other suggestion I wish that helped, but when my PMS is bad the last thing I want is to be touched. Or even talked to. Come to think of it I just need a LOT of time alone! Mine isn't anywhere NEAR as bad as it was - but it still is a good time for me to rest, take it easy on myself and spend some time alone to regroup. I tend to get reclusive anyway. |
Joined: 2003/12/05 ![]() |
2004/03/04, 10:50 AM
BH, we're used to guys trying to FIX our problems... and you wonder how you can make our lives simpler during PMS.:laugh: ...Just giving you a hard time, but it is ironic I must say.
One thing I did want to add, I used to not ever have cramps per se. I'd be moody but that was it. For some reason, in the past few years I have been having horrible stomach cramps and get EXTREMELY irritable. I'm with you Jessica, in that I don't even want to be touched during PMS. I mean, that makes NO sense to me that sex would help. Just leave me alone and let me work it out... my hubby LOVES PMS week. :laugh: -------------- The average dog is nicer than the average person. -Andy Rooney |
Joined: 2003/04/11 ![]() |
2004/03/04, 11:26 AM
Jessica and shakkai, I never had a (menstrual)cramp until after 40. Even with the births of my children my labor pain was always in my back. I never had much sympathy for women who claimed their cramps were so bad they stayed in bed. Thought it was just an excuse. I apologize for even thinking that cuz now I KNOW. Mine are so awful now it makes up for all the years without any. A tip for those of you who also have bad cramps, my doc gave me a scrip for 600mg Ibuprofen, but he said the trick is to try to get 4 of them into your system the day BEFORE you start. It works if you are regular enough to know that day, or if you can tell by the signs. He said taking it after you are already having the cramps doesnt do as much.-------------- ~Victoria~ ...Do not be discouraged; everyone who got where he is, started where he was.--anon ...There are no shortcuts to any place worth going.--Beverly Sills |
Joined: 2003/12/05 ![]() |
2004/03/04, 11:30 AM
Thanks for the suggestion AZred, I will definately put it to use next time!:)-------------- The average dog is nicer than the average person. -Andy Rooney |
2004/03/04, 11:32 AM
3 advil = 600 mg ibupropin if you don't wanna go to the doctor. I learned alot about pain with recent surgery and the narcotic pain killers weren't an option.-------------- Some times life is like herding cats. Charlie | |
Joined: 2003/12/05 ![]() |
2004/03/04, 11:34 AM
Charlie, so nice to see you in the PMS thread.:laugh:
Thanks for the advice!:) -------------- The average dog is nicer than the average person. -Andy Rooney |
2004/03/04, 11:37 AM
I have only lurked until I could be useful. Remember ladies that we men are an integral part of these things too.-------------- Some times life is like herding cats. Charlie | |
Joined: 2003/12/05 ![]() |
2004/03/04, 11:38 AM
Charlie, I'm just giving you a hard time. I appreciate the support and advice. I KNOW you guys are a part of this (unfortunately, you sometimes are the BRUNT of it).-------------- The average dog is nicer than the average person. -Andy Rooney |
2004/03/04, 11:41 AM
The average mean dog is nicer than Andy Rooney shakkai!:big_smile:-------------- Some times life is like herding cats. Charlie | |
Joined: 2003/12/05 ![]() |
2004/03/04, 11:44 AM
haha... You've told me that before, I get the hint that you don't like Andy Rooney.
Ok, just for you my friend, I'm changing it... do you recognize where I got it? Hugs to you Charlie! :love: -------------- Say what you mean, mean what you say but don\'t say it mean. |
2004/03/04, 11:46 AM
Jimmy Buffet wrote a song about that. Love the Rooney. I am often compared to him in both looks and temperament. :big_smile:-------------- Some times life is like herding cats. Charlie | |
Joined: 2003/12/05 ![]() |
2004/03/04, 11:49 AM
Well, actually, I got it from a friend of Bill.:)-------------- Say what you mean, mean what you say but don\'t say it mean. |
Joined: 2003/12/05 ![]() |
2004/03/04, 11:52 AM
I guess we cannot have apostrophes in our signature.-------------- Say what you mean, mean what you say but do not say it mean. |
Joined: 2003/04/11 ![]() |
2004/03/04, 05:05 PM
Does it say how much mag? I already take B vitamins and some mag with the calcium.-------------- ~Victoria~ ...Do not be discouraged; everyone who got where he is, started where he was.--anon ...There are no shortcuts to any place worth going.--Beverly Sills |
Joined: 2004/02/10 ![]() |
2004/03/17, 12:55 AM
Hmm.. I knew I had cravings for chocolate before. But since I changed my diet, I am craving dairy. I ate a cup and a half of cottage cheese (light, mind you:)) for snack last night. Started with a half a cup, then I proceeded to finish the whole container. Needless to say I won't be putting a cottage cheese on my grocery list for a few days.:laugh:
Hate this craving thing. It makes me feel like I don't have any self control.:angry: I just needed to say this to get this frustration out.:( |
Joined: 2004/02/11 ![]() |
2004/03/17, 09:20 AM
4 x 600 mg Motrin = 2400 mg. = 12 Advil. Doc advised me against this because of the effect on your stomach lining. Something about the additional ingredients of so many pills, they're not intended for mass consumption.
I was on 800 mg Motrin, then moved to Anaprox. Taking two at the very first slightest indication (or day before if you are regular), and then one every 4 hours for two days was the only thing that kept me from being curled up in a ball of misery. And that's just the ONE symptom!:angry: --------------------- 3 advil = 600 mg ibupropin if you don't wanna go to the doctor. I learned alot about pain with recent surgery and the narcotic pain killers weren't an option. charlie --------------------- ..get 4 of them into your system the day BEFORE you start. It works if you are regular enough to know that day, or if you can tell by the signs. He said taking it after you are already having the cramps doesnt do as much. azredhead57 --------------------- -------------- : ] ~ Danielle Action may not always bring happiness, but there is no happiness without action. ~Benjamin Disraeli |
Joined: 2002/11/13 ![]() |
2004/03/18, 10:43 AM
Protein bars like detour, joyride, oneway all taste like chocolate bars and are good for you....just go for the half sized ones (170cals instead of 300)