2001/12/02, 10:16 PM
Hey, I noticed they changed their front page. Not only that but you can't see a list of whos-on-line like they use to have. AND the chat thing..still isnt working..I just tried and got a blank screen...hmmmmmm
2001/12/02, 10:44 PM
I can't get into the chat either!! And I can't find where to look for whose online too!
2001/12/03, 04:54 AM
Patience girls. Adrian and George are doing a great job here, so don't worry it'll come and then you can chat aaaall day long! (o:
2001/12/03, 01:07 PM
Personally, I really like the new setup here. Of course, I can't find anything either :), but it looks really nice! It'll just take some time getting used to the new way. Great job guys!
2001/12/03, 01:24 PM
I should have waited til today, cause I found the "online users" when you first log in. Its under the mailbox. I like the new site too!
2001/12/03, 10:35 PM
Talking about the chat...no one ever is on there..a few weeks ago there were 113 people online and I checked the chat..no one on..go figure...
2001/12/03, 10:57 PM
About the chat.... I can't get into it? All I see is a blank screen and I get nothing else! Is anyone else having this problem?
2001/12/04, 09:40 PM
Yep that sounds like the same thing I've got. Supposenly they are working on it??? I wish you could like look up a profile. Well, put it this way...some guy sent me an email (it was nice) but I can't find if he has a profile or not.