Does any here train more infrequently than the standard westside template that is posted of 4 days a week? I'm studying abroad this semester and I've only been able to lift about twice a week, but even with only one day a week of upper body lifting I think I'm getting better results than I did when I was in the states. I think menace mentioned something about not training each body part that often. People who train less frequently, what kind of routines do you do, and how do you determine how often to do your main lifts?
2005/11/01, 05:30 PM
I have found I can make great gains by doing lower body lifts in the 1-3 rep max range every 14-21 days and still make good progress....for upper body I can keep/slightly increase/decrease(it depends) my strength with about the same frequency but I need to train more often maybe every 7-10 days to make good gains....Again I lift heavy for very few sets...I go heavy for every single exercise including assistance work(ie dumbell curls for 2-4 reps)
So I separate my leg and back workouts by 5-7 days...and my bench and close grip bench workouts by about 5-7 days.....I am trying to do most other workouts(biceps, grip, rotator cuffs) more frequently at the end of other workouts as assistance work...
Thanks man, I'll try that out when I get back to the states. Right now I've been doing higher volume stuff with dumbells due to the constraints of my gym, but it's actually working ok.