2001/05/23, 02:30 PM
List your favorite training tips here.
2001/05/23, 02:32 PM
Here we go:
" Be sure to get a full stretch and a complete contraction of the muscle at work "
.o0 Arnold 0o.
2001/05/23, 03:58 PM
I always use weight just enough to make the workout comptetive enough, but I concentrate more on good form and the longest range of motion possible, especially in rows. I hate to see people using very heavy weight and going no more than 1/3 of the motion. Amr
2001/05/23, 09:31 PM
Yep, I find that a slow controlled movement with good form will yield better results than heavier wt and bad form...And definitely use a full range of motion but being sure to keep stress on the muscle durring the entire exercise
2001/05/23, 10:35 PM
STAY FOCUSED!!! Its hard most of the time and extremely hard some of the time. Rest 60 seconds between sets and focus only on the task at hand......
2001/05/24, 01:20 AM
Tip 1)Dont over train.....I dont believe in putting in 100% in the gym.....its90%, so that you dont overtrain. Tip 2)When you workout, jst do that....DONT TALK OR ANYTHING ELSE. Tip 3)If you dont know the right way to lift and breathe, then its no point doing it. Tip 4)Carry a towel. Tip 5)Get a good protein and carb meal within 45 mins of your workout. Theres a lot more......
2001/05/24, 02:59 AM
Hi gregi187, be sure to keep a clean diet. Your diet is just as important as your workout maybe more. I know from past workouts if your diet isn't clean you won't make any gains no matter how hard you try.
2001/05/24, 08:09 AM
Go slow Deliberate & strict movements. go a little lighter if nessisary to do this