2001/09/09, 12:17 AM
I've been taking creatine, glutamine, Methoxy Factor HP, Myoplex Deluxe, and of course a multivitamin since June. I've made some pretty good gains over the past few months, but I think I still need to increase my caloric intake. Starting Monday, I plan on dropping the Methoxy Factor (which is a tough thing for me to do) in favor of more meal replacement shakes and bars, flaxseed oil, and HMB. Since I'm a middle school teacher, it's hard to find time to eat every 2-3 hours. Hopefully increasing the number of meal replacement bars and shakes to 3 a day (2 shakes, 1-2 bars) will help increase my overall caloric intake and help with gaining mass. I'm sticking with my creatine and glutamine; no change there. I've also change my workout again to concentrate more on intense, heavy power movements. More sets, less reps, bigger head rush. ;)