Group: Competitive Bodybuilding & Fitness

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Trying to encourage my wife

Posts: 28
Joined: 2003/04/08
United States
2003/04/15, 03:18 PM
I was wondering if anyone had a few good idaels I couls encourage my wife to compete with. There is a small local contest coming up and I was hoping she would enter the Figure short class. I know that with some per diet and a bit of cardio she could have a good chance to win something. Sorry I don't have any pictures but she is 5.3 and very buff. I keep telling her she is the right size and build, heck I wish it was half as easy for me as it for her to put on muscle. I think she want to but she does not know the rules, or poses she would need and I don't know were she would find them. Any help would be great and thanks for your time. Mike
Posts: 8,542
Joined: 2002/01/20
2003/04/15, 04:24 PM
There are a few girls on here that are experienced with what you are asking in terms of your wife competing.
I am sure they will respond to your post.
Let me tell you, if she is not in to doing it, it is not right to nag her. She will get frustrated if she is only doing it to please you. She has to want to do it, and will when she is ready. Perhaps you might want to leave some magazines around,(the ones you might read) and she might eventually get into it.

We must become the change we want to see.

Ivan Montreal Canada
Posts: 8,201
Joined: 2003/01/07
United States
2003/04/15, 06:22 PM
If she is interested she can search the different organizations that have events, they should list their guidelines and rules. Fitness/figure is the big draw right now, so there are lots of shows to choose from, but if she doesn't want to do it, don't push. Just encourage her and let her know how fantastic you think she is.
If she is interested, tell her it is a great experience and she will probably have a really good time doing it.
Plus figure is a good place to start because you don't have to do a routine and they just put you thruogh quarter turns, there aren't any mandatory poses to practice.

Challenge + Consistency = Results
Posts: 28
Joined: 2003/04/08
United States
2003/04/16, 05:25 PM
I wanted to thank both of your for the word of wisdom. Belive me I don't want to push and it would not get me anyplace if I tried. She is very hard headed, but I know it has crossed her mind in the past, so I wanted to get some more info for her. I think this will help her in making her mind up.
Posts: 333
Joined: 2002/10/17
2003/04/22, 02:15 AM
I've just decided that I'm going to do a competition in the fall. It's a big step because I used to be very intimidated by those amazing fitness women. Maybe your wife needs to gain self-confidence before she can take it to that next level. I think that the majority of women don't see their bodies as positively as the men that love them do. Keep supporting her and letting her go at her own pace, she's lucky to have you.

Think you can or think you can't; either way you're right--Goethe
Posts: 28
Joined: 2003/04/08
United States
2003/04/22, 03:49 PM
I've stayed out of it aside of getting her more info when she needs it. I belive she is going to do the contest. She is going to meet with a contest trainer and go over some do's and do not's as well as the training she will need to do to lead up to it. I know she'll do very well, it's one of those things that just kind of fits her, with her build and a little help she do fine. Trust me I would love for it to be half as easy for me to add size and tone as it is her. I belive that the help will do more than anything to encourage her. I think it's easier for her to listen and understand when she gets it from someone who has been there and someone who is a women. Thanks for the kind remarks Mike
Posts: 4,078
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2003/04/23, 01:48 AM
It's very hard to compete but doing it with somebody else can be motivating and help wonders. (I wish my husband one day would even think of competing with me.......)
You need to know what she doesn't like. Is it the diet? The muscles? The poses?

- Nina :o) Les Victoires éternelles sont celles du coeur.
Posts: 28
Joined: 2003/04/08
United States
2003/04/25, 12:18 PM
We kind of had to pass on the trainer, they wanted $500.00 to work with her and it was not what she was lookin for. My wife was just wanting someone to talk to one day get a few ideals and advice. She follows a good diet already and works out as much as she can. She just could not see spending that much on this first contest, if she likes it and feels like she will want to more of it, then yes she could spend that kind of money and will spend it with these people. They are very nice and still very helpful. She is not happy with her butt and abs ( I'm not sure but is that a women thing and I don't like my abs ether )and will foucs some extra attention there. She is also worried about the quarter turns and thing like that. She has a month to find it out, so whish her luck. As for me I'll keep on helping were I can and keeping everyone posted on how it goes. Thanks for your help. Mike
Posts: 8,542
Joined: 2002/01/20
2003/04/25, 08:00 PM
Try getting her to read some of the posts on here. The topic
has been discussed.

We must become the change we want to see.

Ivan Montreal Canada
Posts: 11,105
Joined: 2001/06/30
United States
2003/04/27, 10:55 AM
You will find many unscrupulous "professinals" in all aspects of life wanting to charge you an arm and a leg for advice. Most of the advice they can give you can actually be freely obtained,or if not very cheaply. My wife and I were going to do a comp together in 3 weeks, but unfortuately she is not going to be ready in time. I myself have been doing them, and may I suggest doing the same as i did, for about 10 bucks, buy the tape "perfect posing". It is well worth the price, you can practice along with tthe tape all the mandatories and routines, both men and women, and get them down. This is what I did my first time, and still refer back to it. Very informative, and comes highly recommended from someone who before they had ever done a show, used it and learned how to pose. Good luck to you both, my wife plans to still do a competition with me now in July. By the way, she is a diabetic, had high blood pressure, etc., and if she can even dream of competing, I am sure your wife can. More power to you both, it is a dream and a cool one. We have our routine down, and it is pretty cool.

The one goal you will NEVER achieve is the one you never attempt.
Posts: 1,008
Joined: 2002/01/24
United States
2003/04/27, 01:15 PM
She can only have fun with it if she really wants to do it. You can give her hints and maybe leave some fitness stats laying around the house so that she can see that she has what it takes to compete. All you need to do is give her a few encouraging words but don't push her.


Just laugh about it....