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Hi you guys my name is Arianna im 19 years old && im trying to get fit... ive always been "the chubby girl" you kno not the fat girl (which have a shape and look beautiful) or the skinny girl (which obviously is a lot of ppls dreams) but the chubby girl ( which is the girl who is stuck in the middle, clothes jus dnt fit her body shape properly && she is jus there). Ive been fine with it but now i want a change i want to lose about 25-30 lbs, i want to have a flat stomach && i want to jus be a little more comfy in my skin. i dnt want to be skinny i want to be thick (yu kno flat stomach but got hips && a booty) i think its beautiful && thats what i want to be...Anywhoo nice to meet yu guys i hope i stick to my training/exercising && i hope i reach my goals..Hope yu guys do tooo if any of yu need a support team i can be in it as long as yur in mine as well (=
you're feeling better already, but perhaps fretting about how you're supposed to fit more sport into your life. No worries. Just up the intensity, rather than the duration of your cardiovascular activities this week. This will allow you sneakily to burn more calories in less time. The biggest step this week is starting to jog. When running, forces applied to the limbs can be in excess of 6x bodyweight, as opposed to 2x bodyweight when walking. This means you have to be ready to cope with the impact of this extra force. A simple test to check is to stand on one leg with arms spread at shoulder height as if you were on a crucifix. Your other leg should be bent 90 degrees at the knee, with the shin parallel to the floor. If you can't hold this position for 30 seconds you're not ready to jog, and should work on last week's squats and keep practising. Whether or not you jog, do a combination of the below at least every other day this week.