2008/01/29, 01:21 PM
I just ordered this program in the weekend, have not got it yet...has anyone used this program before? I want to shed another 8 pounds of body fat before the spring time. My diet hasn't been that clean lately, so I am hoping this will give me the boost I need to get back on track diet wise.
2008/01/29, 02:39 PM
If I were you I would just stick to the basic of cardio and a clean diet. I have never been a fan of fad diets or workout movies.
2008/01/30, 09:35 AM
I like the turbo jam cardio workouts a lot!!!!!! their diet plan is basically low cal, fairly low carb.
A change in the type of cardi oyou do can sometimes bust a plateau, have fun!
-------------- Permanence, perseverance and persistence in spite of all obstacles, discouragements, and impossibilities: It is this, that in all things distinguishes the strong soul from the weak.
Thomas Carlyle
2008/02/01, 05:19 PM
Thanks Asimmer, I hope it makes me sweat...I am sort of sick of my taebo workouts, I memorized them all. I can't wait to get them.
In response to annijjar- The only reason why I am doing workouts at home is because during winter months the weather is so bad out it's tough to drive in the snow.