Group: Under 25 Club

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Sticky Weight Loss Tips For Teens

Posts: 422
Joined: 2006/02/21
2006/03/17, 08:56 AM
Figuring out a strategy for losing weight is a great first step! I have several tips for you that not only will help you lose weight, but help you to keep the weight off for a lifetime.

1. Forget blame and guilt: It is important for you to make sure that you don't blame anyone -- either yourself or your parents -- for where you are right now. Feeling guilty about your appearance is a negative feeling that won't help.

2. Take the long term approach: Look at what you are about to undertake not as a short term, quick, weight loss, but rather a change in lifestyle to last a lifetime. You will begin to make more nutritious food choices, add exercise, and cut back somewhat on your eating. If you falter along the way, you don't need to look at it as a failure because you know that you have a long time to make the changes. For example, if you go with your friends to eat at a fast food restaurant, and you indulge in a large order of fries, there is no need to feel guilty because you know that eating them is not a regular habit, and that at the next meal you will eat more sensibly.

3. Set reasonable goals: Losing one-half to one pound per week is very realistic. Don't drop your calorie intake to below 1,300 calories because it would be hard to get all the important nutrition that you need in less than that, plus, you probably won't feel satisfied.

4. Add daily exercise: I suspect that you may be caught in a vicious cycle of not exercising, eating and not having energy. Exercising actually makes you feel more energetic once you have made a habit of it. If you don't feel like you have energy to exercise now, start out with some physical activity that will get you moving, but won't require a lot energy. How about taking the dog for a walk? Or, if you don't have a dog, take the neighbor's dog for a walk. Once you have done some walking, every day for a couple of weeks, try running for a short distance. Get out on your bicycle, or roller blades, or shoot some baskets in the driveway. If you are at a loss for exercise ideas, speak to your gym teacher. I'll bet they would love to help you out. Most teachers are thrilled with kids that are self-motivated to improve.

5. Enlist the support of your family: Have a serious talk with your parents and ask them to help. They should be able to help you find materials on nutritious eating, and can help purchase the foods that will help, such as fresh fruits for snacks and whole grain cereals for breakfast. And they can avoid purchasing foods that will tempt you with poor choices, such as sodas, chips, candy, donuts or cookies.

6. Find measures of success besides weight loss: This isn't just about losing weight, it's about getting healthier for good. So, don't measure your success merely on how much weight you lose. Other things you can look at (for example) may be the amount of time you spent being physically active and not watching television, an increase in endurance (for example, biking for a longer distance or jogging for a longer period of time), or a week of making nutritious snack choices (for example, after school you picked a yogurt fruit smoothie instead of cookies and a soda).

7. Block out cultural messages that emphasize being thin: Decide not to focus on the television shows with actresses or actors that are too thin, as well as fashion magazines with overly thin models. In the real world, most people don't look like that. In fact, it is hard to look like a model and still get the appropriate nutrition from an adequate amount of food. Instead, take a look at high school and college athletes. Most of them are muscular, full bodied and brimming over with good health! You don't have to be a full fledged athlete to look or feel that way, but once you have developed an active lifestyle and good eating habits, you will.

8. Schedule a visit with your health-care provider: If you think your energy level is unusually low, have your mom or dad call the doctor. It may be that some health problem is contributing to how you feel.

9. Find your motivation from within: Weight loss won't happen unless the desire comes from inside you. No amount of outside pressure will do the job.

Good luck to you and have fun developing a happy and healthy lifestyle.

Posts: 1
Joined: 2006/04/09
United States
2006/04/09, 08:26 PM
:big_smile:I totally agree with you!... I am also trying these new things :) I have just been sitting at the computer for the past two three months..

I used to be a kickboxer and wrestler last year.. but things at school just got me lazy :(
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2006/04/24, 05:39 AM
School has made my good habits decline as well. But today I'm starting anew. Iappreciate your tips and look forward to regain optimal health.
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Joined: 2006/04/26
2006/04/26, 06:46 PM (Edited: george - 2012/01/01, 08:03 AM)
why not try a healthy alternative
Posts: 6
Joined: 2006/07/19
United States
2006/07/21, 02:15 PM
I agree I mean I just felt i was too busy to exercise. BUt I have been dealing with wieght like all my life. So i ready to make a change for myself.
Posts: 146
Joined: 2006/07/28
United States
2006/08/13, 08:39 PM
helpful tips:)
Posts: 1
Joined: 2006/09/16
United States
2006/09/16, 12:18 AM
hmmm.......i want sumone to send me a diet plan with a list of wha to do everyday until i get to my weight!!1y is it so hard to find sumfon like that!!!
ny1 wid ideas or a diet/exercise plan email
it would be so appreciated

Posts: 10
Joined: 2007/03/04
United Kingdom
2007/03/04, 12:26 PM
When I was 6 I started Karate, I did it for 7 years...when I stopped I noticed the weight was piling on! Now I feel I am ready to take it off!

If barbie is so popular why do you have to buy her friends?
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United States
2007/04/19, 01:50 PM
I'm Gunna Do It!
Posts: 32
Joined: 2007/06/06
United States
2007/06/08, 01:01 PM
Thanks for the tips! Im overweight and have NO ENERGY at all. i dont weigh my self that much, i just wanna feel better (and look better :))
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United States
2007/06/09, 04:28 PM
what if your family don't want to support you what do you do then?:(
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United States
2007/06/24, 07:11 AM
thanks for the tips.:)
Posts: 17
Joined: 2007/06/30
United States
2007/06/30, 04:06 PM
If you're family doesn't want to support you, and you've tried explaining why you feel this is important to you, try enlisting the help of your friends. Find a friend who will go running with you or a gym buddy that will make you want to go exercise. Even when you guys go out, you will have the support of your buddy to order the right thing on the menu!

I pay no attention whatever to anyone\'s praise or blame; I simply follow my own feelings. - W.A. Mozart
Posts: 3
Joined: 2007/07/21
United Kingdom
2007/07/21, 10:17 AM
all set and ready to go :big_smile:

Gail Tinto
Posts: 10
Joined: 2007/08/13
2007/08/14, 08:08 AM
very good tips. Thanks a lot:big_smile:
Posts: 10
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2007/08/14, 08:08 AM
very good tips. Thanks a lot:big_smile:
Posts: 1
Joined: 2008/01/19
United States
2008/01/19, 05:30 PM
Thanks for the tips. I think they will really work!:love:
Posts: 2
Joined: 2008/02/25
2008/02/26, 05:48 PM
i'm not over weight, i actually weigh 100, but i would just like to be more muscular and active. i recently joined my schools basketball team and noticed how out of shape i am. i dont want to lose weight just eat healthier and gain more muscle. any help ?
Posts: 1
Joined: 2008/03/26
2008/03/27, 12:09 AM
hi im new too this site.
Its not i think im totally overweight. but im 5'2 and wigh 54kg.. i jsut hate having a "belly"
What do you think i should start doing???
Posts: 21
Joined: 2008/06/10
United States
2008/06/29, 01:22 AM
could some one help me with a diet or send me one cause i cant make or choose one i really dont no how to make one plz help Email is
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United States
2008/07/03, 06:41 PM
what would be a good weight to use for free weights to tone arms...ive been using 2 8 lb dumbells that too heavy for a 5'4 105 lb girl to just tone arms and lose fat ?
Posts: 2
Joined: 2008/07/14
United States
2008/07/15, 01:05 AM
im ready 2 make a turn in life im 5'2 and im 140pounds I have a fat stomach n thighs if i could jus change dat i think my self-esteem would go up i have good self-esteem but i think my weight is keeping it from going to da max so im goin 2 take dese tips n use dem:big_smile:
Posts: 1
Joined: 2008/08/25
United States
2008/08/25, 09:47 PM
I am wondering if anyone knows any relatively fast ways to loose some pounds, expecially around the hips and stomach areas. I need a basis, like how many of which exercises should I be doing?
Posts: 1
Joined: 2009/04/24
2009/04/25, 03:41 AM
i'm 14, 57kg and 159cm tall.
i dont have any equipment.
i dont like my stomach, arms nor my thighs.
what excercises can i do that will make these areas better, but not make me flat chested or take away my butt?
please help :(
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Joined: 2010/10/03
United States
2010/10/17, 09:08 AM losing weight
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United States
2010/11/23, 11:56 PM
me too! lol
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United States
2011/01/11, 01:03 AM
Good tips! ( :

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Joined: 2011/07/01
United States
2011/07/01, 01:46 AM
Hi, im new to this site but seriously need some help. Im only 21 just got married and weigh 260lbs. does anyone have suggestions?:surprised:
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Joined: 2015/06/08
2015/06/09, 09:29 AM (Edited: armand23 - 2015/06/09, 09:31 AM)
i totally agree with you i used to do athletics but i stopped doing it and well i taken some weight . losing weight and doing gym is a fight  going on in our mind , efforts and life and yes  we need to realise there must bea change in life style for us to accomplish our goals
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Joined: 2016/01/10
United States
2016/01/10, 02:30 PM
I have a big problem with procrastenating so I decided that I need to start and not stop.  I cut sugar out of my diet but getting motivated to exercise is tough!! I'm overweight and my poor dog is packing on some pounds, too.
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Joined: 2020/04/05
United States
2020/04/05, 09:08 AM
Thanks! This is really helpful!