2004/06/21, 01:48 PM
I am 5'10 200 lbs, but 3 months ago was 220 pounds. I am looking to do the exact same thing as you.. Gain muscle, but lose weight. So far so good for me. This is what I do. I do a workout 4 days a week, and lots of cardio. I usually work out with weights in the morning and do cardio (usually swimming of exersize bike) when I get home from work. Cardio will help take off pounds in your belly, and lifting will help gain muscle in the other places. For supplements , I take GNC Thermo burst before I work out, and I take a protein shake with amino acids mixed in, after I work out. Now that I am at my target weight, I started taking creating too with my protein shake. I would not recommend taking it before you lose weight though, becuase creatine is a water retainer and you tend to be a few pounds heavier becuase of the creatine. Also, diet is very important in this.. You should definetely eat from all the basic food groups ( do NOT do one of those low carb things). Your body needs all the nutrients becuase of your working out. Right now, I eat about 2000 -2500 calories a day, because the more you work out, the more energy you need to burn off fat. I hope this info was helpful