Group: Experienced Exercise

Created: 2012/01/01, Members: 50, Messages: 19484

For intermediate and advanced individuals. Share and learn how to take your fitness to the next level!

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Were do i start!

Posts: 3
Joined: 2004/06/17
United States
2004/06/21, 01:26 PM
Hi , im currently 20yr old male 6ft 250lbs and im trying to build mass but im not sure were to start i know i need to loose weight wich i am working on, i just dont know what type of supplements if any i should use and how offten should i lift or should i loose weight first then lift . i would like to weigh 220lbs another thing is im being told to eat alot to gain muslce but im trying to loose weight could someone clear this up for me? Thanks.:(
Posts: 64
Joined: 2004/06/14
United States
2004/06/21, 01:48 PM
I am 5'10 200 lbs, but 3 months ago was 220 pounds. I am looking to do the exact same thing as you.. Gain muscle, but lose weight. So far so good for me. This is what I do. I do a workout 4 days a week, and lots of cardio. I usually work out with weights in the morning and do cardio (usually swimming of exersize bike) when I get home from work. Cardio will help take off pounds in your belly, and lifting will help gain muscle in the other places. For supplements , I take GNC Thermo burst before I work out, and I take a protein shake with amino acids mixed in, after I work out. Now that I am at my target weight, I started taking creating too with my protein shake. I would not recommend taking it before you lose weight though, becuase creatine is a water retainer and you tend to be a few pounds heavier becuase of the creatine. Also, diet is very important in this.. You should definetely eat from all the basic food groups ( do NOT do one of those low carb things). Your body needs all the nutrients becuase of your working out. Right now, I eat about 2000 -2500 calories a day, because the more you work out, the more energy you need to burn off fat. I hope this info was helpful
Posts: 64
Joined: 2004/06/14
United States
2004/06/21, 01:49 PM
spelling corrections -- I do swimming or excersize bike..
I take creatine, not creating.