2009/03/12, 11:43 AM
Hey all....my work out provided calls for training mon, wed and friday........Now the days im able to do it is tues, wed, fri, sat and sun....I also wanted a 5 day work out and it only has me doing 3 days.....Any suggestions??? Can i do 5 days or will that not help me??
2009/03/13, 11:19 AM
Do the strength training on the 3 day split with a little cardio directly afterwords, and more intense cardio on the days in between.
2009/03/13, 01:26 PM
Im sorry what do you mean??? Sorry, can you spell it out for me....lol......if the 2 days i cant do anything are mon and thurs.....thanks appreciate it....:big_smile:
Quoting from returnofplex:
Do the strength training on the 3 day split with a little cardio directly afterwords, and more intense cardio on the days in between.
2009/03/16, 02:29 PM
Okay, here's what I meant:
-Go ahead and do the strength training on Tuesday,Friday, and Sunday. After each strength training session, do some mild cardio for 15-30 minutes(this is just for that little extra calorie burn.)
-On Wednesday and Saturday, just do cardio for a longer and more intense period of time. (maybe 30-45 minutes)
A "split" refers to how you break up your workout days in relation to the muscle groups worked. If you work two muscle groups a day, it will take three training days to make sure all muscle groups have been worked that week. So that would be a 3-day, full body split.
Quoting from dietgirl09:
Im sorry what do you mean??? Sorry, can you spell it out for me....lol......if the 2 days i cant do anything are mon and thurs.....thanks appreciate it....:big_smile: