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what do i have to do, to do side splits?

Posts: 3
Joined: 2005/10/14
2005/10/30, 06:44 AM
vhi people, im new around here and i aready looked around this fourm to see if there was any topic about side spilt unfortunely i couldn't find any. Therefore i would like to ask if any know what is the best and fastest was to do side spilts. I am currently doing taekwondo for awhile and been stretetching alot but my side spilt havn't seem to moved. So can anyone tell me what to do?
Posts: 1
Joined: 2005/10/31
2005/10/31, 03:03 AM
Perserverance, I did Tae Kwon Do for 3 years and found that I got a much better stretch after training when I had totally warmed up. Also stretch your legs with a partenr to help you go just that little further each time and you will eventually get there.
Posts: 3
Joined: 2005/10/14
2005/10/31, 09:23 AM
ok thx alot for your advice
Posts: 19
Joined: 2005/09/07
2005/10/31, 10:45 AM
few key things about stretching...
Warm up first
Don't bounce - muscle reacts by tensing up wich is opposite of what you want.
For side need to stretch out the hips..try this
from butterfly position,
- have partner hold your knees down
- Now using you muscles try to bring your knees up 3-5 sec
- then relax, exhale and allow legs to go further
- if knees already reach floor...then get partner to hold them on floor while you resist.

This type of stretching ( I think It may be called Dynamic stretches or reverse stretch) can be applied to other stretches...just have partner hold you in place and use the muscle you want to stretch to push...then relax...its like strecthing the muscle from the inside rather than from the ends.

fyi...I never did get side splits...I found that it palced to much pressure on the inside of my knees when I attempted never persued it further.. I did achieve front splits.
Posts: 3
Joined: 2005/10/14
2005/10/31, 06:55 PM
hehe just like me...i can do front spilts but not side splits >.< but im still going to try achive side spilts