2001/02/28, 11:11 AM
I'm about to start taking Creatine next week. I'm already taking amino acid supplements and glutamine. Is their any other supplements I should add to this combination that will help me see results?
2001/02/28, 11:17 AM
if this is the first time that you are using creatine, you should go through the loading phase which lasts typically from 5-6 days. Read the label on the creatine package, but it's usually 25-30 grams per day.. 5 grams servings.
You should always take your creatine following your workout along with glutamine. 5 grams mixed in a shake or with water.
The aminos can still be taken with your meals.
Which creatine brand did you get by the way?
.o0 Arnold 0o.
2001/02/28, 12:44 PM
Pro Performance Creatine
2001/03/02, 08:59 AM
Hey Arnold, I agree with everything you said, but would like to add to it.
Mac242, follow what Arnold wrote but besure to cycle your creatine or any supplement and drink lots of water during and between cycles.
2001/02/28, 10:13 PM
2001/03/02, 08:59 PM
I would recommend protein powder or a meal replacement. And a multi-vitamin
2001/03/03, 08:22 AM
doesn't anybody think that he should rely more on food.. I mean I take for example 4 good meals aday.. and then I supplement my diet with some creatine containing meal replacments. Amr
2001/03/03, 12:42 PM
I agree tot with Amr...
2001/03/04, 02:23 AM
me too .... some people concentrate too much on supplements
remember they are only SUPPLEMENTS
2001/03/05, 11:18 AM
Supplements are luxuries and many don't do what the manufacurers claim. Get your food h2o training and rest right first. Begginers shouldn't even use supplement beyond vit/min and maybe a protien pow if you don't get enough in diet. They'll get great gains just because they are new at it. But still it's kinda fun exprimenting with supps. Kinda like playing the lotto.