2007/12/10, 01:20 PM
I'm ultra frustrated this morning, I'm hoping for some insights and tips about how to improve my program efficiency, sorry this is going to kinda be a novel.
I'm 35, 6'6", 240, around 38w, 46.5c, 16.5a. with the exception of my waist, my stats have been stuck there for about 6 months. I've seen differences in appearances, but it seems the only gains I've had are b/f around my waist!
My goals are to be around 52c, 18-19a, 36w, 26t, 8-10%b/f. I've been lifting dedicated for 11months, usually a 3 on, 1 off or 5 on, 2 off split
I haven't ever done a 1rm on my exercises before, but also for about the last 6 months I haven't significantly increased weights, for instance, declind db bench #65 up from #50 4 or so months ago, incline up from #25 to #40. pretty much what I would call moderate increases in weights since July 07.
I work hard at varying my workout, warm up with 10 minute cardio, focusing on eccentric movements, compound movements, form, varied exercises, pyramiding reps on the exercises. 30-60 second rests between sets, usually about a 50 minute workout start to finish. I really feel good about my intensity, but have nothing to compare my workout too, since I use a home gym and the closest gym to me is 40 miles away.
I have been trying to take in about 200grams protien through regular diet and of whey isolate daily, which I get in about 6 meals a day, plan is usually
meal 1:eggs, sausage, potato breakfast,
meal 2:pre and post workout shake w/30grams protien, creatine, BCAA's,
meal 3:lunch,
meal 4:protien shake,
meal 5:dinner, (lean protien, fish chicken most times, vegitable,
meal 6:shake before bed
I'm told I need more protien, but most of the time I feel like my gut's going to explode, haha.
I'm using a home gym, working with knowledge from ft.com(awesome site!!) and other sights. I'm totally frustrated with my size gains. I'm sick of putting on b/f and nothing else. WHAT AM I MISSING HERE?! I feel like I'm spinning my wheels, any help or critique of what I've got going here would be appreciated.
2007/12/10, 02:19 PM
Thanks for your reply Wrestler123. I've got to post reply here cause I accidentally double posted, and the mod removed the repeat post you replied to.
My understanding of eccentric movements is to do a 1-2 count on the up rep, and a 3 count on the down rep, from what I've read the down rep is where the most benefit is made.
My understanding of Pyramiding is like starting with 12 reps, working my way down to 6-7 reps over 4 sets of an exercise. My training split is
Day 1:Back
Day 2:Legs
Day 3:arms
Day 4:shoulders
Day 5:chest
Day 6:rest
Day 7:rest
always warm up with 10 minute cardio, usually do abs every other day.
I don't think I'm cheating, I watch the movements carefully to follow what ft.com and other's say, and even review the movements before my workout.
I'm pretty lucky because candy, sweets, etc is wasted on me. I occasinally drink a beer, but rarely. I avoid anything refined, eg. flower, sugar, white rice.