2005/10/13, 10:00 AM
I'm really trying to get this right. But there seems to be a lot of differing opinions on the issue. Okay...I am 130 lb. female trying to lose 10-15 lbs. I do cardio from 5-6 am and then lift weights from 2-3. Do I need to eat anything before my cardio? If so, any suggestions on how long before and what it should be?? Then when and what to eat before and/or after 2:00 weight session?? Any suggestions would be appreciated. Thank you.
2005/10/14, 04:03 AM
I wouldn't eat anything before the cardio. You'd have to be up so early, just to let that food settle a bit. I think that after cardio, you should eat mainly carbs and b4 and after weights you should be getting mainly protein.
I'm no expert, though! This just seems like the logical solution.
-------------- each to their own
2005/10/14, 08:47 AM
i have to disagree kalanchoe. before the morning cardio session, you should get something in your tank. you're coming off a long night fast, and doing exercise immediately risks muscle breakdown. a shake, or some fruit and a bit of protein would probably be your best bet.. they would be absorbed fast. i think bb1fit posted a digestion time thread in the nutrition forum.. give it a search on fitbuddy for some more ideas.
before your weight session, make sure to get some complex carbs and and protein.. they will give you sustained energy to last across your workout. after, ideally, get a protein shake into you immediately, and a meal soon after. the meal should be pretty carb oriented, and this is the time you can sub in, say white rice, white bread, etc. for a faster absorption.
2005/10/14, 09:17 AM
Thanks klanchoe and bropie. Maybe I'll try each way for a week or two at a time and see which way works better for me. I appreciate the insight and help. Oh, bropie says eat rice or bread after my weight workout but is that okay even if it late in the day. I thought you weren't "suppose" to eat those things after 1 or 2 in the afternoon??
Thanks again!
2005/10/24, 06:45 PM
Here is what I do. Before 6am cardio I drink a protein shake (water, 25grm protein powder, greens, glutamine and anti-oxidants). After training I eat B2B all natural protein bar. They are perfect to replenish the muscles amino-acis, glycogen, and medium chain triglcerides. I wait about 2-3 hours and then eat 1 whole egg, 5 egg whites and my 1/2 cup of oatmeal plus my vitamins. Continue eating every three hours. Hope this helps. Oh yea, B2b bars are available on Bodybuilding.com for cheap.Enjoy they taste great(Double chocolate).