Group: New Members Greet & Meet - Introduce yourself

Created: 2011/12/31, Members: 1541, Messages: 27038

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Will this site be able to help me?

Posts: 4
Joined: 2008/07/07
United States
2008/07/07, 04:39 PM
Hi, I just joined this site. I am 42 years old, 50lbs. overweight, have a BMI of 32.55. I've tried EVERYTHING from pills, trainers, cd's, tie-bo, do it yourself. NOTHING works. I am using this as my last resort and if this doesnt work...I will opt for a tummy tuck, (something I really dont want to do). This weight gain has been a problem in my marraige for a couple of years now...and my husband is not happy as I am neither...I cannot fit my clothes, and dont look good/very uncomfortable in anything I wear. I hope this site will be able to help me or turn me in the right direction to attain my goal.

2008/07/07, 05:01 PM
I see that you found the site - good luck and ditch the pills.
A good clean diet with exercise (lifting and cardio) will get you results. There are no quick fixes so it will take time. Turn your desperation into dedication and you will see results. Good Luck and welcome to FT.
Posts: 4
Joined: 2008/07/07
United States
2008/07/07, 06:49 PM
Thanks. So far I have a workout schedule from FT. but I cant seem to grasp the nutrition plan... I'll look for the WSSC thread.

Quoting from KA:

I see that you found the site - good luck and ditch the pills.
A good clean diet with exercise (lifting and cardio) will get you results. There are no quick fixes so it will take time. Turn your desperation into dedication and you will see results. Good Luck and welcome to FT.
Posts: 801
Joined: 2007/10/26
United States
2008/07/08, 04:56 PM

Quoting from dknlvly:

Hi, I just joined this site. I am 42 years old, 50lbs. overweight, have a BMI of 32.55. I've tried EVERYTHING from pills, trainers, cd's, tie-bo, do it yourself. NOTHING works. I am using this as my last resort and if this doesnt work...I will opt for a tummy tuck, (something I really dont want to do). This weight gain has been a problem in my marraige for a couple of years now...and my husband is not happy as I am neither...I cannot fit my clothes, and dont look good/very uncomfortable in anything I wear. I hope this site will be able to help me or turn me in the right direction to attain my goal.


Can I be honest with you at the risk of sounding mean? You are(almost certainly) gaining weight because you aren't properly controlling your daily calorie intake. Ya know, it's really surprising just how many calories we eat that we don't know about. The first thing to do is to start eating around 9-10 calories per pound of body weight , per day for weight loss. You need to make sure to keep track of your calorie uptake for the day, possibly with a journal(which is a total pain I know, but it works). Also it is extremely critical to understand the portion sizes relative to the calories. It's the portion sizes that get people the most. I mean who really eats 1 cup of cereal in the morning? what you thought would be a 200 calorie breakfast, could end up being triple that without you even knowing it. Another thing that will help you is to at least make a modest effort to do some strength training. Find a schedule(even two days a week as long as you get to work each muscle group at least once per week) to do some strength training. You'll see waaaay better results if you couple strength training with a healthy diet. And lastly, do some moderate cardio a couple times per week(i.e. power walking or light jogging 20-30 minutes). This is just scratching the surface, but it should get you started.