Group: Under 25 Club

Created: 2011/12/31, Members: 648, Messages: 8010

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Workout tips needed

Posts: 5
Joined: 2012/03/18
United States
2012/03/18, 10:37 PM
Hey everyone my name is bik and i just had a few questions on the types of workouts i should do in order to lose wieght im 18 years old 6'5 nd wiegh around 335 and it would help if i knew how to loose wieght nd start putting on muscle.
Posts: 14
Joined: 2012/02/29
United States
2012/03/22, 07:34 PM
i would start with walking. when i started working out, it was all i did for about a week before i got on youtube and just looked for workouts. don't overpush yourself though if you absolutely need a break, take one.
Posts: 8
Joined: 2012/01/20
United Kingdom
2012/04/02, 10:18 AM
Hi Bik, It usually depends on what equipment is available to you. Macybelle is 100% correct in saying start out walking. Its a great way to burn excess calories. But one of the biggest things that impacts your gut is what you put in your mouth. Im not saying diet but finding that balance is crucial to loosing weight. 

If you can reduce the amount of genral fast foods like: Pizza, Kebabs, sweets. and increase the amount of water you drink per day watch the weight fall off! Im 18 aswell and Im around 6'0 tall and I use to weigh around 230lbs after watching what I eat and exercising frequently I now weigh 180lbs and I can now start to see that six pack I always dreamed about when I was younger.(not quite but getting there haha)

I would recommend reading Sylvester Stallones Sly moves book. Its great and is very inspirational for the Diet side of things. 

Weight training is something you can progressivly look at. :)

Hope this helps! 
All the best!

Posts: 2
Joined: 2012/04/02
United States
2012/04/05, 10:51 AM
Whats up man,

Its a good thing that you have finally decided to make the change! I am 18 as well and i used to weigh around 275 i currently weigh 195 - 200 Of almost pure muscle. Basically what i started doing was at night i would walk around the track. Then one day i finally decided to start running, but the key here is to start off slow. You are not going to be able to run miles and miles at a time. Start off slow maybe a lap a half a lap, but you have to do SOMETHING. Once you are able to run a lap, try and run another lap. Eventually you will be able to run miles. This is when the weight starts to fall off like hot rocks. Eventually whenever you get to around 215 or so it gets harder. Thats when your diet starts to come into play. EVENTUALLY when you get to around 180 or so, you can start to lift weights. Yes you will gain weight back but it will not be fat. It will be muscle and you will notice your body starting to go into changes. Its amazing really at least this is what i did to get results. You can try it if you would like :)
Posts: 3
Joined: 2012/01/01
United States
2012/04/26, 03:57 AM
Hey bro,
(not sure if you'll get thisbut oh well)
First you have potential. LOTS OF IT! Being 6'5 you can "grow into" your body very well. I was like 210+ when I was young and even though I'm 205 now, I can confess that I have looked in the mirror and felt pretty satisfied for how far I've come. Best part for you, I'm only 6'1, so you have more room to spread the weight around on.
I do agree with everyone else about the baby steps. There isn't anything more discouraging than finding out how much you can't do before you find out what you can do.
The only thing that I would disagree on is that i don't think you need to get to 180 lbs before you start lifting. According to Marine standards, for your height, the least amount of weight you could be would be 160 lbs. Now that is 20 lbs difference, but I think you could use some of that extra weight you have as energy when you are ready.
Also if you were wondering, sorry, I don't have a number or knowledge to know when you are ready. That is a answer you will have to find in yourself. Just know that if you want your goal, then it's yours. You just have to understand you will be fighting for it and that it is worth the fight.