2008/06/23, 03:10 PM
First off, To give a little background, I'm 31 married and have 2 daughters ages 3 and 5months. Obviously, Family and Work (Sitting behind a desk in front of a Computer) take up the majority of my time.
Now for the Bad... My overall Activity Level has decreased in the last few years and I have allowed myself to get out of shape. I'm not quote Overweight at 165# and 5'9", but I definetely don't have the stamina, or strength I used to have.
The Good..... I have quit smoking, and Joined a Gym. My schedule allows for at least 3 days a week in the Gym. I have between 1-2hrs that I can spend working out and I have been going regularily for a little over a month now.
My Goals....... To Reduce BF (Approx 19-20% currently), Increase strength and Mass. Generally Tone and Shape my body, and Return to a Healthy State.
Now for a few questions....
1: I have read the many posts and stickies about When to do cardio, and how much Cardio to do. I believe bb1fit recommends not doing cardio on the same days as weight training, UNLESS you have a lot of Fat to lose. So, my question is what is a Lot of FAT to lose? As mentioned, I don't consider myself Fat, just our of shape. And all the charts show 20%BF as being on the top of the Normal/healthy Range.
Should I be concerned about doing weight training and my cardio on the same days as my Weight training?
2: Training routine.... I am on my second week of the routine recommended by the site. Currently, it's setup for a 3day schedule as follows.
Monday:back - shoulders - biceps - abs
Thursday:chest - triceps - forearms
Saturday:legs - calves
However, I actually go on Tues, Thurs, Sunday. The Problem is the Monday Routine is quite long, and the Sunday Routine is Quite short. Would there be a problem with rearranging some items on Different days? Additionally, It seems like a full 7 days between workouts is a long time. Should I truly stick with this schedule?
3: Eating..... Realistically, I have NEVER truly watched what I ate until now. And, I have always Eaten when I was hungry, typically only twice a day or so. I'm not someone who would snack or even eat because food was close or just convenient. That being said, Now I am trying to Eat better 3-5 smaller meals a day including snacks. The Problem is "What is a Snack"???? What would typically constitute a snack? The Calorie Calculator here states that I should consume ~2400 cals to maintain. Since I am trying to Lose Fat, I am trying to stay below this number. Does this also sound correct????
Thanks for all the help and the site seem s great.... Hopefully soon, I won't be such a Newbie to being healthy...
Cliff Planck