2001/10/24, 04:57 PM
I just got it Z-masPM ..an employee at vitamin shop... promise great result .. Anyone taking it .. It says to take it at night .. Cool ..Not with food.. or supplement containing calcium .. Anyone know why ..i take multi vitamin during the day..... not night ...should i take it .. any info ...
2001/10/24, 06:47 PM
Most of the ZMA products on the market now are pretty good. The zinc and magnesium aspertate will naturally increase testosterone production without harmful side effects. I'd recommend it to anyone who wants to increase mass and strength to take this stuff.
You're not supposed to take it with calcium-containing foods because the magnesium and calcium with 'fight' for absorption. This can reduce the potency of the product and render it somewhat useless. When I take ZMA, I eat a good size pre-bedtime meal with a good amount of carbs and protein about 45-60 minutes before bed. I take the ZMA with my glutamine just before my head hits the pillow. And trust me, this stuff works.
2001/10/24, 07:15 PM
J bennett
thanks a lot ...
cool ...
2001/10/25, 10:06 PM
Plus if you have migranes, it's supposed to help. But for some reason, I have trouble sleeping when I take it...don't know why..most people report the opposite...that it seems to HELP them sleep.
2002/01/09, 07:08 PM
I recently took this stuff and let me tell you.. It really works! It was different at first because i had trouble sleeping but then i felt stronger in the morning and at the gym. In turn, this helped me produce stronger gains. I recommend it to anyone trying to gain strenght and/or mass.
2001/11/06, 04:36 PM
Not sure why you should not take it with calcium, but i used to take it and i got good results, take it, but just take you multi vitm in the mourning, like normal. The z-mass you take at night so you should have no problems. The one time i had calcium with the z-mass, all it did was give me the runs, so best of luck!
2001/11/06, 07:06 PM
thanks getbig
anyone use it see result quickly .. i mean how long it takes to see it work ..
2001/11/14, 07:20 PM
I took a cycle of Z-Mass and i had trouble sleeping at first but then my body got used to it and it helped me get pretty good gains of strengh. I recommend it to anyone trying to gain strengh.
2002/01/09, 08:31 PM
BigDavid I am taking a product called ZMA sounds like its about the same. Take before bed no food in tummy take no calcium with it. ZMA is zinc and magnesium. Help you sleep better good for recovery from strenuous W.Out. Good for the skin too! Its just minerals not harmful or exxpensive.
2002/01/09, 09:58 PM
Itroisi is right on the money. Plus, several university studies have show that a zinc-mag supplement can raise your body's own serum testosterone naturally. Let us know...........Michael