Fitness Logs

FLogs are a way to motivate yourself and others by sharing your health and fitness progress with the community. You may use the links on the right to limit the FLogs which are displayed.

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  • Bottom

    Today I signed up on this site. Im honestly hoping that this will be a positive start for my reimaged healthy fit life. Ive tried getting back in shape in the past but it was never really motivated. Now im p-mped up and ready to change my self ima...
    by: Vpope04 on: 2013/12/08
  • starting fitness and weightloss journey

    Ive been lazy lately and have not been able to make myself stop eating and giving myself more food or eating too much sugary foods, i am the highest weight i have ever been (66kg) i am not obese, just overweight and look a little chubby so my goal...
    by: aliida13 on: 2013/12/08
  • I'm Starting

    So, I just found out that I'm presenting at a history conference in two months.  I'm about 100 lbs overweight, I've lost a lot of weight already, but then I moved into a dorm.  I know in two months, I'll still be overweight, but I want to do what ...
    by: squeakybear on: 2013/11/03
  • Starting on the workout plans

    Today I have decided to out my foot down and say no to laziness. By the end of this year, I want the beer belly gone, legs toned and everything better. I am supers-excited.
    by: dolk on: 2013/10/19
  • first day!!

    i just set this up and im excited. i did the math and everything and my goal is for me to lose 72 pounds by my bday in april. :)         i am currently 260 pounds and ultimatly would like to weigh between 125-140. its going to be really tough but ...
    by: pants9113 on: 2013/09/21
  • Getting in 'Mint' Condition

    Today is day 1 of the 12-week fitness challenge at my job and I am so pumped! Good luck to all the participants!
    by: gidva04 on: 2013/08/15
  • day by day with FREE TRAINERS

    by: snehilpallavsin on: 2013/08/13
  • my personal walk

    today on my personal exercise i walked almost 3.75 miles and i walked at a 3.5 mile pace i walked the last 4 days in a row  for a total of 11.25 miles and i have    been exercise for the last six years so far i weigh 201 pounds and  i want to wei...
    by: bigpaoi1978 on: 2013/07/17
  • How I lost 35Lbs

    Hello everyone, I wanted to share my personal story on how I lost 35lbs in less than 6 months, with the fat loss factor, I was so excited that I created a youtube video about it. I want you to see it and tell me what you think
    by: fcano0071 on: 2013/07/04
  • Fifth Day

    Yesterday was the 5th day of full body exercise and I am still highly motivated. I am feeling the burn but it is so worth it. In addition to these exercises I have been doing progressive crunches and push-ups. I started the progressive crunches on...
    by: k6sb35z8f9 on: 2013/06/22
  • back for more

    Well I am starting back on my routines.  My shoulder is healing up pretty well but I still know its injured and need to be easy with it for a little bit before I try and regain all the strength I have lost.  Most of the time I am not in too much p...
    by: upallnightops on: 2013/05/18
  • ready for a journey

    I'm feeling good and I'm ready tomorrow will be the start of the first time I exercise since I was in high school I'm nervous but I got my water bottle ready and I'm ready maybe my husband will work out with me
    by: BriannaC on: 2013/05/17
  • Monday will be my first day

    Going to start on Monday, I'm 50 and need to keep it tight, pray for me lol
    by: Msnniecy on: 2013/05/11
  • Something to share

    Hi all! Well I know its been awhile since I logged on here and all but I have something I really want to share with you all. Now last year I posted a very sad depressing flog at the beginning of my journey, I am now doing so much better, I'm po...
    by: soulqueen90 on: 2013/05/05
  • Today

    Today is my first day here! Im super excited to be building my body strength and keeping myself healthy. I have been working out on my own at home but I feel its better to have contact with others that are into working out as I am... Who knows may...
    by: srondell on: 2013/05/03
  • Can't wait to get started!!!

    Hopefully this site will give me the organization I need to match my motivation to lose weight and get healthy! I've been winging it for too long! Tomorrow is my first day!
    by: Olexys on: 2013/03/22
  • 3/21/13 - Start

    As of Christmas I had allowed myself to get to 210-215 lbs Mid February, quit drinking beer throughout the week!! What an excellent start. This is really where it all begins. Descipline. Dieting soon followed, within a month I had eliminated sec...
    by: foust130 on: 2013/03/21
  • Focus T25 - New Workout from Shaun T (Insanity Creator)

    Have you guys seen this yet?? Is anybody as excited as I am about this? 25 minutes wow.
    by: chriswatson06 on: 2013/03/21
  • First workout

    Am feeling good have just finished my first whole body excercise session, am hoping to go for a long walk tomorrow!! Size twelve here I come!!!!!!
    by: hezbishop on: 2013/03/16
  • Enuff is Enuff!!

    OK.  This is it!  I have no other choice than to quit bouncing around on my diet and exercise program.  I consistently start and stop and never make any real headway.  Now my doc tells me I have NO CHOICE but to loose the weight because my glucose...
    by: cmraines on: 2013/03/12
  • Gym Day 1

    I just did my first class that was 1 hr, harder than I remember it being but at least I did it feeling good!
    by: Victoria29 on: 2013/03/06
  • Day 25 of 90

    So day 25 and I've hot double digits. Today's weigh in - 99.9kg. It was a goal for this week so I am pumped that I made it. The week it was - Good start, riding to and from work each day. Did have 3 days away at a resort with the family. My onl...
    by: Picko123 on: 2013/03/05
  • Pumped Up & Ready to Go!

    TODAY is the day. It takes FOUR weeks for you to notice a change in your body. It takes EIGHT weeks for your friends to notice.  It takes TWELVE weeks for everybody to notice. Give it TWELVE weeks. Don't quit. 
    by: BrookeBody on: 2013/02/17
  • Week 2

    I am working in the middle of my week 2.  Adding upper body strength and core support elements.  Getting myself fit to where I want to be again.  I decided on my new goal.  I am going to train myself hard this winter to push my limits, get tone...
    by: upallnightops on: 2013/02/13
  • Day 1

    Day 1 done and dusted. Weigh in this's only down from here! Balanced diet throughout the day and a 25min cycle home from work. This week will be about food and cycling to/from work. Next week will start to include s...
    by: Picko123 on: 2013/02/11
  • Thank fellow members!

    This is for Monica11082012 and RaychelB. Thank you for your comments on my FLog titled Sick just knowing that others are cheering me on was all the motivation that i needed to stay on track. so up date i did not have the chocolate donut idid have ...
    by: vflores16 on: 2013/02/05
  • Restart

    Its hard to be almost 40 and have to start all over again with your fitness. You are unsure of what you are capable of and what may or may not work for you. With all that being said, I am so ready for this. I have put taking care of myself off for...
    by: KaDeK on: 2013/01/31
  • My New Years resolution to finding Me!

    Today is day end of week one of working out and to keeping my new years resolution. I started by asking my self what it was that i wanted and how i wanted my life to be so i wrote that down and the wrote down solutions and posted them on index ...
    by: vflores16 on: 2013/01/28
  • My Weightloss Story - From misery to success

    Ok so I wanted to share with the freetrainer community my weightloss story because it is quite a long journey and I hope that It will motivate others. The problem is that it is WAY WAY TOO LONG to put on my profile page so I decided to just put it...
    by: chriswatson06 on: 2013/01/22

    Well im Abel im only 25 years old. I always been a chubby guy. Jajajaja since i was a little kid. Now im married going for 2 years married. I weight 360lbs, and im starting to feel kinda sick. I truly want to loose weight, 100 pounds or more if po...
    by: abelavila on: 2013/01/18
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