Fitness Logs

FLogs are a way to motivate yourself and others by sharing your health and fitness progress with the community. You may use the links on the right to limit the FLogs which are displayed.

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  • Day 1!

    121 lbs Looking a little out of shape Abs definitely need work Arms could be musclyer Legs could use some shaping
    by: Kancee on: 2024/07/22
  • Get more Fitness and Strength

    by: DileepRavindu on: 2022/06/10
  • test

    by: Stanislava on: 2022/04/29
  • Day 1

    Good exercise and motivation will be the key going forward
    by: TheTats on: 2021/09/12
  • Finishing up Week 4

    I am back in my local fitness center for the past four weeks. While I cannot say I am joyful about getting up at 5:30 am to get a workout in before my workday starts, I can honestly say it hasn't been that difficult. Of the past 26 days, I have ma...
    by: SportyMomDJG on: 2021/08/26
  • Healthy Life Style

    Certified Personal Trainer
    by: J.Fit.Style on: 2021/06/22
  • My workout today

    boy was it AWESOME
    by: Sacredbeauty660 on: 2021/02/19
  • So far so good

    I started a new meal plan a couple of weeks ago. The first week went well; I had prepped 3/4 of my food, so all I had to do was heat it up. The second week didn't go well, I think becaues I didn't prep my food. Well, I prepped my meat and that was...
    by: on: 2020/10/26
  • 25.10

    Wide Grip Machine Pulldowns 18kg One Arm Dumbbell Rows 5kg Dumbbell Shrugs 5kg Seated Dumbbell Presses 5kg Standing Dumbbell Curls 5kg
    by: Amanfranca on: 2020/10/25
  • My progress

    Well, I have dropped 10 pounds and I know some size. I really feel good. Had a rough night, on and off sleep. Got up was not to thrilled thinking about the gym. But, now, I've been up a bit and can't wait to get there!! Love going and feeling ME ...
    by: SusanB1957 on: 2020/10/12
  • 10/12/2020

    Great workout
    by: Navychief99 on: 2020/10/12
  • ON THE WAY!!

    Hey, I have found this really GREAT website:!! LOL And it is helping me setup my excerise program. I live in apartments and we have a SMALL gym.With a elipic machine, free weights, 1 machine you put the free weights on, and a trea...
    by: SusanB1957 on: 2020/09/30
  • Ugh...

    Well, my mom was visiting all last week and I feel like all we did was eat LOL. I had grown stagnant with my workouts. Bored. BUT, I just realized that I could add more than one workout to my calendar! So now I am going to do circuit training t...
    by: on: 2020/09/29
  • Workout cardio

    by: Ashleybuffano1 on: 2020/09/23
  • Workouts

    So this workout is for people that want to loss weigh and want and get more slim And stay heath. This is going to be 4 month program
    by: Faith..Howard90 on: 2020/08/12
  • CW 188.7lbs

    Weighed in this morning. 188.7. It’s ok though. I feel better than I have in weeks, so staying on track shouldn’t be too difficult. I’m focusing on protein with my diet, and low carb. Mostly I’m eating chicken and broccoli, and having recovery sha...
    by: on: 2020/06/23
  • Here we go again

    Welp. I keep returning to FreeTrainers because I love this program and it worked for me back in the day. I am heavier than ever...185lbs now. Maybe closer to 190...I haven't checked in about a week.  I participated in my second half marathon ye...
    by: on: 2020/06/22
  • Starting this new journey

    I gave birth to my daughter in November 2018 and I have been struggling ever since to lose the weight. Don't get me wrong... I never had the body of a runway model but I used to be fit. a few eyears before my pregnancy, I started to gain weight. I...
    by: clupien3 on: 2020/06/11
  • May 11

    Did a 20 minute Youtube cycle, pretty challenging Did most of the workouts in this one- didn't technically "choose one." Only for some! Reminder: you're doing this FOR YOU!!! 
    by: emilycovert on: 2020/05/11
  • Day 1 Strength Training at Home

    Ran 1.5 miles outside for warmup, only stopped briefly to catch my breath. Core exercises were very easy- might need to adjust for more of a challenge, or adjust technique if I'm doing them wrong Chest were difficult but doable. Used just bar fo...
    by: shattucc on: 2020/05/04
  • Day Log 4/23/20

    3:00PM Woke up around               Ate a big piece of cake, followed by tea               Smoke cart               Face Wash #1 (Full Routine) 6:50PM Face Wash #2 (Soap Only)              Shower 7:00PM Ate Chilli (about 1-1 1/4 cup)   ...
    by: HarleyQuinn14 on: 2020/04/23
  • Day 1

    I just started with this website today and I really like it. Even though today is a rest day and I start my workout plan tomorrow I am still trying to find a decent nutrition plan as well. Today's FLog entry is catorgorized as motivational because...
    by: ehheh33 on: 2020/04/22
  • Getting signed up

    Today I signed up to transform my body in 21 days. I wish to be a 32 cm wait and have a very good body. Starting weight 73kgs Goal 58 kgs Bikini body is desired.
    by: Rosslinda on: 2020/03/26
  • 100 Pushups Daily Challenge Day 16

    100 Pushups Daily Challenge Day 16 5 Sets  1st Set - 45 2nd Set - 45 3rd  Set - 45 4th Set - 45 5th Set -  45 Total Pushups - 225 Goal of this challenge to keep a routine of daily pushups until can do 100 pushups overall and then 100 p...
    by: nismolu on: 2020/03/26
  • Plank Workout - Day 13

    Starting my own daily plank routine, goal is to get to a 10 minute plank. Doing 5 sets.   1st set - 1 minute 2nd set - 1 minute  3rd set - 1 minute  4th set - 1 minute  5th set - 1 minute Situps 1st set - 30 reps 2nd set - 30 reps 3rd...
    by: nismolu on: 2020/03/26
  • Plank Workout - Day 12

    Starting my own daily plank routine, goal is to get to a 10 minute plank. Doing 5 sets.   1st set - 1 minute 2nd set - 1 minute  3rd set - 1 minute  4th set - 1 minute  5th set - 1 minute Situps 1st set - 30 reps 2nd set - 30 reps 3rd...
    by: nismolu on: 2020/03/24
  • 100 Pushups Daily Challenge Day 14

    100 Pushups Daily Challenge Day 14 5 Sets  1st Set - 40 2nd Set - 40 3rd  Set - 40 4th Set - 40 5th Set -  40 Total Pushups - 200 Goal of this challenge to keep a routine of daily pushups until can do 100 pushups overall and then 100 p...
    by: nismolu on: 2020/03/24
  • Injury Reflection

    I did a chest workout day as well as play basketball same day roughly 3 or 4 weeks ago, and I set a pick and a persons body weight went straight into my chest muscle and basically I collapsed. I couldn't really move my arm without pain in my chest...
    by: nismolu on: 2020/03/23
  • Plank Workout - Day 11

    Starting my own daily plank routine, goal is to get to a 10 minute plank. Doing 5 sets.   1st set - 1 minute 2nd set - 1 minute  3rd set - 1 minute  4th set - 1 minute  5th set - 1 minute Situps 1st set - 30 reps 2nd set - 30 reps 3rd...
    by: nismolu on: 2020/03/23
  • 100 Pushups Daily Challenge Day 13

    100 Pushups Daily Challenge Day 13 5 Sets  1st Set - 30 2nd Set - 40 3rd  Set - 40 4th Set - 45 5th Set -  45 Total Pushups - 200 Goal of this challenge to keep a routine of daily pushups until can do 100 pushups overall and then 100 p...
    by: nismolu on: 2020/03/23
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