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2006/08/13, 07:23 AM
XXmister this post is a year old...and very much pointless and dead....no reason to bring it back up...
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Joined: 2002/10/21 ![]() |
2006/08/13, 12:41 PM
haha its back! Next should be the biceps post lol-------------- Get your bicep curling, cut off shirt, matching workout outfit wearing,flexing in mirror "toned" wanna-be ass , out of my squat rack! People don't reach thier true potental, only those who seek it. |
Joined: 2004/01/27 ![]() |
2006/08/15, 12:19 AM
nah, i got a better one to bring back up :angry:
... you'll see. -------------- Iron and chalk. |
Joined: 2006/08/20 ![]() |
2006/08/24, 10:46 PM
I think xxmister is useing weights measured in kilograms not pounds because 140 kgs.= 308 lbs. Like me I workout on the bench with 105 kgs.= 231 lbs.
TO the Bench press versus dead lifts or squats or anything else. THis is my problem like most people who posts hear I tend to work on things that I already know is up to par. It's time to focus on other muscle groups! I'm not saying completely give up your favorite's just use them as a secondary workout. I am guilty of this but I'm trying. |
Joined: 2002/06/18 ![]() |
2007/01/04, 03:37 PM
lol-------------- Curl Jockeys, get outta the squat rack! Warning:Deadlifting going on! 7707mutt@freetrainers.com |
Joined: 2005/03/20 ![]() |
2007/01/04, 03:41 PM
That was wrong!
Joined: 2002/10/21 ![]() |
2007/01/04, 10:05 PM
funny this was actually a serious post, just got sidetracked a little-------------- Get your bicep curling, cut off shirt, matching workout outfit wearing,flexing in mirror "toned" wanna-be ass , out of my squat rack! Don't talk to me, only thing that should be moving is the bar. |
Joined: 2004/05/19 ![]() |
2007/01/05, 03:22 PM
i think you guys are missing a point here.
there's a reason why the bench press has attained its status as the premier mark of strength. for one, a bench press requires much less technique, and from my experience, a benchpress is much easier to acquire for a lot of people. when it comes down to it, A LOT of people lift specifically to look good for the ladies - and while legs and ass certainly play a role, an impressive chest and arms are easily more important in attracting the opposite sex because they can be seen at all times. i like benching, it's a good way to show progress because it's more consistent for me. If i go out and play three hours of basketball before I lift, my squat numbers aren't going to be very good - but my bench is going to be consistent. for the record, i won a high school lifting competition specifically because i out-squatted the other guy even though he out-benched me. |
Joined: 2006/05/19 ![]() |
2007/01/05, 03:26 PM
kidfreedom...curious here...how is it you know just what it is us opposite sex like????
ass...as you put it...can be seen plenty...if you have chicken legs...we can tell...just a heads up... -------------- \\"If you had one shot...or one opportunity to seize all you ever wanted...in one moment...would you capture it...or just let it slip\\" eminem |
Joined: 2006/04/22 ![]() |
2007/01/05, 03:53 PM
Yeah, we're not into that popsicle look. Actually, I hope there aren't a lot of guys working out to look good for the ladies. What a waste of time.
Joined: 2006/05/19 ![]() |
2007/01/05, 03:57 PM
yes...because...we are not impressed.-------------- \\"If you had one shot...or one opportunity to seize all you ever wanted...in one moment...would you capture it...or just let it slip\\" eminem |
Joined: 2003/10/05 ![]() |
2007/01/05, 04:24 PM
If you're too top heavy, you'll fall over. Work your legs.
"How much do you bench?" is likey a question asked by the uninformed. -------------- I see the words you are typing, but all I read is *click*click*click* Be here. Live. Love. Hope. Now. Faith. Believe. You. - Keith Urban They always say time changes things, but you actually have to change them yourself. - Andy Warhol |
Joined: 2003/10/05 ![]() |
2007/01/05, 04:24 PM
Further to the above...
Of course that comment based on the context of the question. t -------------- I see the words you are typing, but all I read is *click*click*click* Be here. Live. Love. Hope. Now. Faith. Believe. You. - Keith Urban They always say time changes things, but you actually have to change them yourself. - Andy Warhol |
2007/01/05, 09:16 PM
A new response to that should be "what's that?"...and a puzzled look...lol
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Joined: 2003/10/05 ![]() |
2007/01/05, 09:23 PM
I think I may start doing that.
t -------------- I see the words you are typing, but all I read is *click*click*click* Be here. Live. Love. Hope. Now. Faith. Believe. You. - Keith Urban They always say time changes things, but you actually have to change them yourself. - Andy Warhol |
Joined: 2005/12/04 ![]() |
2007/01/05, 10:59 PM
Your Wrong!
A Women see's a man with big strong legs and instantly thinks something Else is big. If your doing Curls for the Girls then we know what kind of girls your after so ask yourself this, if a women gets to make a choice of sex with Mr Chicken Legs wimpy pumps or Mr Strong Solid Muscle thrusts who's she going to pick? Answer isn't Mr Piss Legs thats for sure! Women aren't looking for big chests buddy, Arnold Arm and 6 packed abs, they do exactly what men do LOOK DOWN 1ST and if they see shaken legs from a slight breeze, if not a laugh a disappointed sigh is what you'll get but hey on the bright side of thing women are funny about things and if you listen to them and or make them laugh they may decide to work with you after all. ============ Quoting from kidfreedom: when it comes down to it, A LOT of people lift specifically to look good for the ladies - and while legs and ass certainly play a role, an impressive chest and arms are easily more important in attracting the opposite sex because they can be seen at all times. ============= |
Joined: 2006/12/02 ![]() |
2007/01/05, 11:34 PM
Hey I can bench the bar. That's right the whole bar
Woo HOO! Look out :laugh: |
Joined: 2002/10/21 ![]() |
2007/01/07, 10:54 PM
well concidering MVP your a girl/woman, glad to have your insight lol-------------- Get your bicep curling, cut off shirt, matching workout outfit wearing,flexing in mirror "toned" wanna-be ass , out of my squat rack! Don't talk to me, only thing that should be moving is the bar. |
Joined: 2005/12/04 ![]() |
2007/01/07, 11:16 PM
Message deleted by moderator due to unsuitable content for this board.
Joined: 2002/10/21 ![]() |
2007/01/08, 12:13 AM
I think you need to calm down, I was not calling you a girl/woman......you where speaking from that perspective as if you where.
Which you are not, so how can you speak for women and what they want? -------------- Get your bicep curling, cut off shirt, matching workout outfit wearing,flexing in mirror "toned" wanna-be ass , out of my squat rack! Don't talk to me, only thing that should be moving is the bar. |
Joined: 2005/12/04 ![]() |
2007/01/08, 12:24 AM
Because they tell me so, I've been with and around allot of women and I speak for them as they speak to me.
Joined: 2002/10/21 ![]() |
2007/01/08, 12:27 AM
And I have to my friend...never have I heard a girl say " look at the legs on that guy"
Cute butt...yes I've heard that nice chest, arms, abs....80% of the time. Look at GQ, or other mags...how many leg shots? -------------- Get your bicep curling, cut off shirt, matching workout outfit wearing,flexing in mirror "toned" wanna-be ass , out of my squat rack! Don't talk to me, only thing that should be moving is the bar. |
Joined: 2006/05/19 ![]() |
2007/01/08, 08:28 AM
well....to be honest...this is true...It would take a very nice pair of legs to say look at his legs...
BUT...when the guy is all heavy on the top...with skinny chicken legs...we'll LAUGH and say look at his legs.... So the chest and back probably comes first...but if the eyes wonder down to find skinny legs...the top half becomes uninteresting. -------------- \\"If you had one shot...or one opportunity to seize all you ever wanted...in one moment...would you capture it...or just let it slip\\" eminem |
Joined: 2002/10/21 ![]() |
2007/01/08, 09:33 PM
Read/saw somthing in a mag/tv ( can't reamember).....that the actul most "wanted" part on a guy. Was A strong wide shoulder base. Women seem to lean more toward broader shouldered guys more so than narrow shouldered guys.
-------------- Get your bicep curling, cut off shirt, matching workout outfit wearing,flexing in mirror "toned" wanna-be ass , out of my squat rack! Don't talk to me, only thing that should be moving is the bar. |
Joined: 2002/10/21 ![]() |
2007/01/08, 09:35 PM
Another point, women on this sight are "different" in the fact they are health concious, and spend time lifting weights etc. They for the most part know what a balanced physigue is.There fore know how comicical chicken legs are lol
-------------- Get your bicep curling, cut off shirt, matching workout outfit wearing,flexing in mirror "toned" wanna-be ass , out of my squat rack! Don't talk to me, only thing that should be moving is the bar. |
Joined: 2003/10/05 ![]() |
2007/01/08, 09:42 PM
I read something that said it was forearms women found most attractive.
Guess nobody knows what anybody wants except for the person that wants it. Maybe we should just stop trying to figure out each gender. Of course that would mean millions of dollars lost each year on Mars/Venus type books. How much do you bench? t -------------- I see the words you are typing, but all I read is *click*click*click* Be here. Live. Love. Hope. Now. Faith. Believe. You. - Keith Urban They always say time changes things, but you actually have to change them yourself. - Andy Warhol |
Joined: 2003/02/26 ![]() |
2007/01/09, 10:04 AM
The part of the man that a woman is most attracted to.....
the wallet! Just kidding - could not help myself |
Joined: 2006/05/19 ![]() |
2007/01/09, 01:17 PM
And it's moth balls???????-------------- \\"If you had one shot...or one opportunity to seize all you ever wanted...in one moment...would you capture it...or just let it slip\\" eminem |
Joined: 2002/10/21 ![]() |
2007/02/21, 02:17 PM
hmm wonder what this said?-------------- Get your bicep curling, cut off shirt, matching workout outfit wearing,flexing in mirror "toned" wanna-be ass , out of my squat rack! Don't talk to me, only thing that should be moving is the bar. |
Joined: 2007/11/20 ![]() |
2007/11/20, 08:20 PM
This is my post the one above
Joined: 2002/10/21 ![]() |
2007/11/22, 10:17 PM
Well i've been around alot of girls..being involved in cheerleading....and:
Guys are way more "look orriented" than women. I know women like Brad Pitt or whatever...but for the most part women will give a "bigger" guy a chance more so than a guy will give a "bigger" girl a chance. So saying guys workout for women is pretty bold....when at my gym 75% of the men are married or already have a girl. The bench press just gets way more air time from day one that like the 1st excercise that is taught and or talked about....usualy once a month I get asked how much I bench...I hate answering it...cause it's pointless....and plus..i'm like "look at these 33in quads...ask me how much i squat dammit!" -------------- \"The eight laws of learning are explanation, demonstration, imitation, repetition, repetition, repetition, repetition, and repetition\" You have to learn to follow, before you can lead. |
Joined: 2004/01/27 ![]() |
2007/11/23, 12:04 PM
First of, 85% of the people that workout for "women" end up quitting. I would be willing to bet you that most of the people on this site are not nearly as vain as you and are in the gym for their own personal reasons. Those that do end up working out for "women" end up quitting far sooner than those that have their own personal reasons. Remember that just because you do something doesn't mean the rest of us do. In fact, to a lot of us, your reasoning makes no sense whatsoever.
Second of all, most people find that being stronger and in better shape has a much better carryover to having a better life than having a well defined chest. Getting stronger will help in almost all sports, not just bodybuilding or MMA. And as far as this goes, leg strength is infinitely more important than how much you bench press. The bench press isn't nearly as important or effective as many other exercises that can be done. These are the exercises everyone should be asking about. In fact, America is the only area where the bench press is so popular. I attribute this fact to how easy of a lift it is, and how lazy most Americans are. And finally, you're in denial if you think girls don't see below the waist. While you're shopping for sweatpants, she's checking out my legs and ass. -------------- SQUAT MORE ~Jesse Marunde Mortal by birth. Strongman by the grace of god. Blood Guts Sweat Chalk |
Joined: 2002/10/21 ![]() |
2007/11/23, 05:23 PM
lol..I have a new favorite quote!-------------- \"The eight laws of learning are explanation, demonstration, imitation, repetition, repetition, repetition, repetition, and repetition\" You have to learn to follow, before you can lead. |
Joined: 2005/12/04 ![]() |
2007/11/24, 03:18 AM
I just told a few guys today at the gym that it's real funny how my lightest lift can be the hardest and that lift if you want to call it a lift is the dumbbell walking lunges!
I just recently raise the bar on most my lifts and the ones I hold the most pride on is the Squat, Good Mornings, Walking Lunges and deadlift. Although my bench went up this is the 1st time I said it to anyone but today I sure did talk about them lunges and the 2 response that hit my the hardest was, Yeah they are F'n Hard and the other was, Yeah but you got to do them! It's funny how you can get more respect from 2 40 pound dumbbells doing full range not touching the floor walking lunges then the guy's on the benches and cages with loaded plates doing 1 inchers! -------------- Knock-Um Down & Keep-Um Down! |
Joined: 2004/01/27 ![]() |
2007/11/24, 05:12 PM
You think lunges are humbling, try doing bulgarian split squats. First time I did them, I was using 15lb dumbbells and having problems. Progressed very quickly to doing a respectable weight, but can't do them anymore till I have my labrum repaired. You'll make quick progress with them, and get stronger while you're at it.
I've always hated single leg moves. Doing a set of 8 takes forever. 16 total reps! |
Joined: 2005/12/04 ![]() |
2007/11/24, 07:22 PM
Oh I do them also but it's been awhile and your right they have to be the hands down toughest with the lightest weights in your hands at that!
Much Much more balance and stability required and it's why I do them! -------------- Knock-Um Down & Keep-Um Down! |
Joined: 2003/10/05 ![]() |
2007/11/24, 07:23 PM
Ugh... the Bulgarians. I was doing them from Cosgrove and Schuler's New Rules of Lifting. They were the toughest thing in the world, till they added an Overhead Press with the damn things.
I curse those two everytime I do them. -------------- I see the words you are typing, but all I read is *click*click*click* Fat loss isn?t under the control of the magic fat loss fairies. - Alwyn Cosgrove |
Joined: 2007/11/30 ![]() |
2007/12/07, 12:50 PM
Im good at the bench press but lack in squats but i still dont boost my bench press its pointless really and quiet annoying. I especially hate the folks walkin around sayign guess wat i benched 250 yesterday. I just shake my head and think to myself who f((**kin cares really. I go to the gym for myself, myself only and if i get good attention by girls or whoever good if i get bad attention who cares. I love weightlifting and when ever im doing it i feel good and my ego rises and it gives me a good feeling. thats why i do it and to stay in shape. Iam going to start workin hard to boost my squats though i really want that.