Group: Competitive Bodybuilding & Fitness

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2005/06/04, 10:39 PM
After watching a disturbing video on a certain subject i've considered to being a vegetarian but i have a question, will the lack of meat stop my muscules from forming or any other unwanted affects?

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2005/06/05, 10:10 AM
you can get protein from other sources being a vegetarian (ie dairy, nuts, beans, etc.). its just going to be harder in my opinion to hit your daily protein values without a subsequent effect on carb/fat intake
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2005/06/05, 10:11 AM
I think I have seen what you talking about......horror stories of the slaughter house, chicken pens, whatever.....but to be is you not eating meat, gonna save that cow? People are mistreted, animals are mistreated....list goes on and on. Some say we shouldn't eat animals they are alive......well so are plants. No ne cryies when I up root a carrot?

Rats are too, but we put out rat posions, and traps that break their neck and they die slowly or starv to death with the tail stuck in a trap.........any save the rat foundations?

Animals kill other animals all the time, thats the way life is.

Hell if you take away mans abilty to make things, we are actually fairly weak animals. We have no claws, can't run fast, can't see in dark well.

Yes we use steriods on cows, yes we make chickens lay eggs till they die.......but you know what? Do you knwo why? cause theres over a billon people on this planet to feed! We give them steriods to produce more meat.....we give chickens hormones to lay more feed...guess who everyone!

If people wanna save the about start using birth control, condoms or not having sex? That would do the planet more good than not eating a damn cow.

Sorry if I offened any vegaterians.

gravity is not a law, only a obstacle
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2005/06/05, 10:13 AM
Vegetarian protein sources must be combined to become complete, most are lacking in one or more essential amino acids. Vegetarian lifestyle may not the healthy lifestyle it is purported to be. Do not be swayed by a single video.

If you don't stand for something, you will fall for anything....
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2005/06/05, 11:38 AM
Just to put this out there. God put chicken's, cows, and so on on this earth for us to live off of. Get my drift.
I know myself can't live alone off veggies. Gotta have my meat. You need the protien from meat my man.
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2005/06/05, 12:54 PM
Please remember not ALL livestock producers/handlers are cruel. That's the same as accusing all vegetarian of not eating a healthy diet. One brush can not be used to paint an entire group.


I respect why some opt for a vegetarian lifestyle. Personally I couldn't do it. In fact I'm a borderline carnivore! It's a lot more work. Almost all of my vegi friends have a hard time resisting the temptation to overindulge on carbs. Most of the vegis in my life are constantly fighting a weight battle because they don't get a properly balanced diet. On the other hand one of my closest family friends is vegi and she seems to have endless creativity when it comes to meal preparation.

-just a few thoughts from a farm-girl
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2005/09/13, 09:17 AM
Why do people have such aggressive reactions to vegetarinism? Whenever people find out that I am a vegeatarian, I am bombarded by demands and questions, similar to BigAndrew's. Everyone is entitled to their opinion, of course, but why does vegetarianism provoke uch a reaction? I never ever impose my lifestyle onto others, or demand justification of theirs.

each to their own
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United Kingdom
2005/09/13, 09:18 AM
Willy123 - try tofu, quorn, yeasty things - I've been veggie for 8 years and i am neither weak nor malnourished - it is possible!

each to their own
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2005/09/14, 03:53 PM
first of all, i eat meat. Second, Andrew, that is one of the most uneducated, arrogant (or ignorant can't tell??) arguments i think i have ever heard on this topic. what do you mean, how is some one not eating a cow going to save it? if we all didn't eat cows, they wouldn't be slaughtered for meat. also, have you ever really wanted to steal something? you really wanted that candy at the store, and no one was looking and all you had to do was grab it and walk out. but you don't right? why is that? its because its a moral issue. If you stole it you would feel bad, even though no one else would be wise to your actions, you would still know and you would feel horrible inside. (at least i hope you would) I think that is a big part of choosing that life style. you are making decisions that are right for YOU, and that YOU can personally live with feeling like a descent person. again, not saying eating meat is wrong. also, if Willy123 doesn't eat meat, more for you right? That will cause less strain on the environment to mass produce cattle, clear cut rainforest so that McCows can graze and so on. Open your mind a little once in a while. Also, he was asking for alternate protien sources...not your opinion on his lifestyle or morals. Good thing he didn't ask what people thought of abortion. ha.
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2005/09/14, 06:38 PM
Everybody settle down and move on...



You already blew out your wraps.
Your towel cant absorb any more sweat.
Theres puke on the floor.
Your partner is passed out.
Theres a crowd gathering...

And that was just the warm up!
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2006/06/07, 05:45 PM
ok. i just had a baby and am trying to lose weight. you'd think being 90% vegetarian would help with that, but im still fat. so anyway, im hoping someone will actually read this and help me out. but i have some "beef" to deal with on this site...while filling out my nutritional profile, i ran into a few problems...the veggie foods i eat, simply arent on here (i.e. morningstar farms products) and none of the protein supplements listed are close to the value of what i consume. second, the juice i dring isnt on here either. how the hell am i supposed to be accurate if i cant find what i buy on this damn site?? i thought welchs was a popular brand! jeez!
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2006/07/31, 01:26 AM
I'm veg too. I had a baby 18 months ago. It took me about 8-12 months to get into normal shape, and I only gained 15 lbs. while I was pregnant due to losing so much weight in the first two trimesters. I was practically at my normal weight right after I had the baby, but my body fat shifted up, so I looked a lot heavier. It is natural to cling to a little more weight to nourish the baby in case of famine. Therefore, the weight was like velcro! Be patient, and it will come off. Weight-lifting made a huge difference. After a year, I was a size lower than when I got pregnant. It also took a year to get my breasts to shrink to normal size, which was annoying because they're normally D's to begin with. I know it sounds like a long time, but time just flies with an infant, and you'll be back to normal before you know it. Also, check out They have a custom section where you can enter in your veg products if they're not already there. Good luck.
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2006/08/10, 12:28 AM
hows you not eating meat gonn make you loose fat?

Droping body fat is calories period. IF you drink alot of welchs juice....there sone problem...tons of suger.

Weither you eat meat or need to cut the empty calories(juices) whole foods.... The point of being a to eat as organtic as possible....enginereed foods with soy....aren't organic(or anything in a box)....they are processed. Ff you read them carefully....they have hydronated oils in some of them.

Which is worse in the long run than a piece of chicken.


Get your bicep curling, cut off shirt, matching workout outfit wearing,flexing in mirror "toned" wanna-be ass , out of my squat rack!

People don't reach thier true potental, only those who seek it.
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2006/09/19, 11:26 AM
Yeah, also watch out for soy. I used to work at a supermarket that was all organic/vegetarian/vegan based foods and we found out that overexcessive amounts of soy could lead to pancreatis! I don't eat meat. I like it, but I started working at a grocery stores' deli about a month or two ago and it definetly lost it's appeal. However, the REAL test is going to be when I go down to Florida to visit my mother on Thanksgiving....her meals are so good! Haha =)

Anyway, I am having the same problem as you. I have just been told to eat a lot of nuts and cheeses by the woman who runs the Curves in my town. She didn't mention meat, which was odd, until I mentioned not eating meat and she still said nuts, cheeses. Beans too. Less in fat, high in carbs and protein.

Listen, the thing is, there's always something out there that is going to be bad for you. Nothing is 100 percent perfect. Look at how a lot of people are eating fast food these days...You're taking a good step at helping yourself, and others. I've seen some videos/pictures, and although I felt bad for the animals, it wasn't bad enough to stop eating them. It would not even make a dent in the mass murder of livestock these days...The only thing that could be done would have to be drastically major and loud enough for the world to hear. We have been eatign meat forever, but I do not believe they should be treated cruelly nor injected with things. Free range meat is what I think is best. Before I stopped eating meat I ate a free-range cheeseburger and I must tell you, it tastes a whole lot different...a whole lot BETTER.
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2006/09/20, 03:56 PM
I am a vegetarian. whey protein, and egg protein are complete protein sources, meaning they have all the known amino acids in them, and are just as good as meat protein. i am allergic to soy so i cant eat all that soy 'fake' meat, and still have made great gains in muscle mass. alotta people have that stereotype in their mind that vegetarians cant get big and strong (they dont think about it much but believe it, or so i have found), i love it when people approach me in the gym and ask me what supps im using and how my diet is, when i tell them im vegetarian they are so suprised, hah. as a side note Bill Pearl was also a vegetarian.

you can be a fat meat eater. you can be a fat vegetarian. you can be a muscular vegetarian, you can be a muscular meat eater. you can be an individual with a healthy body who eats meat and you can be an individual with a healthy body who eats vegetaraian, and likewise you can be an individual who is unhealthy because they eat meat and an individual who is unhealthy because they have a poor vegetarian diet. simple.
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2006/09/28, 12:56 PM
sure its not the "supplement" your taking? where these great gains are coming from?


Get your bicep curling, cut off shirt, matching workout outfit wearing,flexing in mirror "toned" wanna-be ass , out of my squat rack!

People don't reach thier true potental, only those who seek it.
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2006/09/28, 01:00 PM
I thought you wouldn't see many gains from supplements(well I suppose other than steroids)...that proper diet(whatever it may be)and hard work would be the only way you saw impressive gains...just curious.
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2006/09/28, 04:36 PM
I was refering to the M1-T


Get your bicep curling, cut off shirt, matching workout outfit wearing,flexing in mirror "toned" wanna-be ass , out of my squat rack!

People don't reach thier true potental, only those who seek it.
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2006/10/07, 01:20 AM
still making gains, m1-t free. maybe im just doing it right.
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2006/10/28, 11:41 PM
Nothing wrong with vegetarians....vegans and vegetarians should make sure they are getting adequate amounts of nutrients that could be lacking in their diet. These include B12, carnitine, the omega3 fatty acids EPA and DHA, creatine, CoQ10.

Maximus from Gladiator....Strength and Honor!
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2006/12/02, 04:34 PM
You know, I have made earlier posts regarding food must be combined to make complete proteins, but this is in fact norally done anyway. Vegetarian proteins sources are mainly complete, just simply weaker in one or two amino acids. This is pretty much remedied with a varying diet of plant sources. As I posted earlier, just make sure to get adequate supplementation of B12 and W3's, along with CO Q10.

Maximus from Gladiator....Strength and Honor!
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2007/01/26, 03:09 PM
Hello, new here, I'm 50 and have been a vegetarian for 29 years, I eat dairy and egg whites though. I've always been in good shape and active physically. Since my move to Mexico I started looking for new ways to exercise and found bodybuilding to be just the ticket. It's precise and efficientand I'm definitely seeing good results. I've been looking for bodybuilding vegetarian regimen and have been disappointed at the lack of info on the subject. I'm doing pretty well on my own and have started eating 6 small meals a day. I thought I could share these links with you:
This is just a start and I would like to invite anyone to contribute a database of links on the subject which I believe isn't taken very seriously considering there are a lot more vegetarians out there than people seem to think IMHO.

Never eat more than you can lift. -- Miss Piggy
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2008/01/17, 02:09 PM
Getting protein even from non meat sources is easier than what anyone thinks. There is protein in everything except for fats and sugars. Look on a box of Boca burgers or similar and look how much protein is in one patty. Then look up how much protein is in a lean hamburger patty. Very similar, without the fat and cholesterol. Plus you have other high protein items such as tofu, seitan, falafel, etc. As far as the extra carbs because of the grains, yeah that has been a problem for me, but I try to eat whole grains such as brown rice and whole wheat bread. I don't always succeed (darn cheetoes), but I'm trying. The key thing is though, whether you're vegetarian or not, is to eat healthy. Respect your body and respect everybody else.
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2008/02/05, 12:08 PM

Quoting from willy123:

After watching a disturbing video on a certain subject i've considered to being a vegetarian but i have a question, will the lack of meat stop my muscules from forming or any other unwanted affects?


Hey man, i'm a 23yr male 165lbs. I've been vegetarian since 17yrs of age. Sure i'm not huge but i still have the strength to keep me happy. (My proudest moment is on the leg press- 1k ten reps.)

I've experienced my ups and downs with this diet. My advice to you is to do some research on plant based protein and complex carbs to help you understand what your choices are in your meals. I can honestly say there are alot of ways to gain lean muscle without every touching meat, just have patience and experiment with different foods.

heres a couple of links to get you started.

i'm not a consistent reader of any of these sites; however, i have found some interesting articles and recipes from them in the past.

Good luck.
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2008/10/21, 02:16 PM
I'm a vegetarian because I don't like the way meat makes me feel, gross and weighed down. I can do fish sometimes cause its light but also being vegeatarian helps me avoid the fast food places cause I cant eat all the nasty dripping meat burgers. =)