Fitness Logs

FLogs are a way to motivate yourself and others by sharing your health and fitness progress with the community. You may use the links on the right to limit the FLogs which are displayed.

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  • Getting ready

    Hello, about to start my course for the first time, want to lose weight, eat healthier, and get more comfy in my body and accect who I am. Hope this works and I get better about who I am soon, get to lose weight on the way as well.
    by: zoemeades on: 2020/01/02
  • Starting

    I'm starting at 335 today and am hoping that by this time next year it'll be down to 220. Did my first exercise yesterday, and starting today with the tools found here.
    by: Jramosg on: 2019/12/28
  • Day 1

    Hey fellow Brad and Chads, this is my first day on this new website, and i like it, it really fits me and my giant ego
    by: tylerpell36 on: 2019/07/31
  • Life happens, NO EXCUSE!

    Today is June 11'2019. I'm trying to get back on track with my goals but I let life happened to be my excuse to not take care of myself! I'm so tired of starting over SO I'm recommitting to working out and eating healthy whole foods. My addicti...
    by: CGMoore on: 2019/06/11
  • First Day!

    So today is my first day on my new workout program! I’ve been going to the gym but never had a consistent routine which is what I’ve been wanting. I’m hoping this will help me be more consistent and give me the results I’m looking for!
    by: Maggz95 on: 2019/06/06
  • the pity

    right now I'm eating so boom chicka pop (its the bomb too) sweetand savory thinking about how perfect mystomach used to be I had a tummy ring looked awsome in midriffs now all I got is boody do.. (ask a close friend from chicago) feeling li...
    by: g2strtsomewhere on: 2019/05/31
  • Uh-Oh

    Unfortunately I have to push my schedule back to see what is going on with my thyroid issues, but I have the date set to this Monday, so hopefully I can start soon!
    by: IsabellaW on: 2019/05/30
  • 06052019

    This is the day when i decided to restart my fitness routine after 6 months of hibernation due to my usual gym close down.  so feel the down time.
    by: JoelleChew on: 2019/05/05
  • Feeling the Burn

    Played around with machines today, felt good to exercise.
    by: ReeceB on: 2019/04/21
  • Newbie

    Hi, I'm sundew and I'm new here. This is my first time on a fitness app. Any fitness app, this is actually my first time in 21 years gaining weight and I'm sort of lost as to how to reduce it. Hoping to look for advice from any of you.
    by: Sundew_97 on: 2019/04/19
  • Newbie

    Hi, I'm sundew and I'm new here. This is my first time on a fitness app. Any fitness app, this is actually my first time in 21 years gaining weight and I'm sort of lost as to how to reduce it. Hoping to look for advice from any of you.
    by: Sundew_97 on: 2019/04/19
  • Day 4

    I missed yesterday's workout. I feel bad about it but I'm going to start again today. I downloaded a calorie counting app to help me control my eating habits better. My family eats out all of the time so it's hard to always eat healthy. Im trying ...
    by: LindseyG24 on: 2019/03/26
  • Day 1

    Today was the first actual day of tracking for me. I did about 15 mins of actual activity but had a lazy day for the most part it's been a crappy day at eating I had half a gallon of sweet tea and 2 burritos for dinner and 4 eggs with salsa in tor...
    by: Angelboys3 on: 2019/03/23
  • stress

    I am being evicted, I lost my best frriend and I have a job I love--that is coming to an end very soon. But I am still working out and trying to stay away from my sugar addiction. That's not going so well. I keep going, I keep doing. It's who I am...
    by: awheatl1 on: 2019/03/23
  • Exercises

    by: Bazreti1 on: 2019/03/23
  • Rest day

    Today is a rest day but my body is telling me I need to move. I'm over the initial soreness from day 1 and I'm feeling compelled to do more. I'm not sure if I should just workout or listen to my schedule and wait. Maybe I'll try some yoga and see ...
    by: LindseyG24 on: 2019/03/22
  • Day 1

    I am addicted to sugar. However, I am also addicted to working out. I love all types of exercise, especiallly swimming and workouts on the stability ball. today I weighed in at 234. My goal is 180. I was 400 pounds, and had gastric bypass 9 years ...
    by: awheatl1 on: 2019/03/19
  • The beginning

    Overweight and uncomfortable. Getting tired all the time Eating to much
    by: robertpowell on: 2019/03/11
  • Sabatoged by my Teeth

    Well...its been a week and a couple days since I have been able to go work out at the gym. Ugh. I have continued to get in my 10k steps. Sidetracked by some serious dental issues and nasty meds. This could have been lots worse than it has been....
    by: copperblonde on: 2019/03/06
  • Sabatoged by my Teeth

    Well...its been a week and a couple days since I have been able to go work out at the gym. Ugh. I have continued to get in my 10k steps. Sidetracked by some serious dental issues and nasty meds. This could have been lots worse than it has been....
    by: copperblonde on: 2019/03/06
  • Fat...

    day one:  two goals do a workout and write down everything i eat.
    by: Chasencasey on: 2019/03/03
  • Day 1

    I had a really rough day and I kept thinking about how uncomfortable I'm with my body, so I decided to make a change in my life, at this point I have tried but not giving 110% of myself, so here I'm ready for giving the 200%, until I get to my goa...
    by: slatsmarley on: 2018/12/17
  • What to do ?

    So 6 months ago, after weeks of pondering on it, my friend and I walked through the doors of a gym. You see I had just moved to the UK about 4 months earlier and had found myself somewhat depressed. And I can say I was clinically depressed with al...
    by: Carieluv on: 2018/12/12
  • First Day

    It's your sixteenth birthday! You're going to get ripped soon!! YOu can DO IT!!!
    by: laladoodles on: 2018/11/30
  • First day

    so I saw the results one of my friends got from working out and I decided I really needed to crack down so I have my plate app and I'm on a 1501 calorie per day diet and this workout plan so let's hope for the best
    by: grayciealcott on: 2018/10/24
  • Day 0

    I am starting this FLOG out on day 0. Day 0 because I am not doing anything today. I should be waiting to start my fitness journey until after October because right now I am staying at my aunts house and I do not have any healthy food. But my issu...
    by: raftergirl on: 2018/10/14
  • Work Out Goals

    Lose "weight" - really I mean decrease in body fat percent Feel healthy -  I want to feel good about doing things like dancing  Be more confidant - Cause I'm not and I want to be  I wanna fit into the cute clothes
    by: Sarahb00 on: 2018/10/11
  • Beginning a New Chapter

    Today I start to get serious about maintaining a regular workout regime. Need to be consistent with toning and cardio. Want to melt my last 33 pounds quickly while shaping up and slimming down a few more sizes. Excited to reach my goals and want t...
    by: Graceburnette on: 2018/09/20
  • Test

    by: qbatten12 on: 2018/09/12
  • Starting up

    Nothing to write on benefits, just a reminder to myself that this is where I started the gym based program.
    by: [Former member] on: 2018/09/09
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