Fitness Logs

FLogs are a way to motivate yourself and others by sharing your health and fitness progress with the community. You may use the links on the right to limit the FLogs which are displayed.

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  • 2nd day on Hcg Solutions

    by: Tawakkal79 on: 2012/08/12
  • First 5k Complete

    I just finished my first 5k and it felt too easy. It was 3.4 miles and raining and it was great. I can't wait to do another one. All that training was definately worth it even if I didn't want to do it sometimes. I have also gotten over my "fear" ...
    by: jasmine.shirts on: 2013/04/20
  • Proud

    There is nothing more rewarding than stepping on that scale after a long weekend and seeing a loss!  This makes me so proud of myself and also makes me realize i'm on the right track and I am able to do this!
    by: Cheller4 on: 2014/02/18
  • A New Start

    So tonight it starts, the real healthy eating and the exercise, tomorrow swimming at 7 30am, and then running at 8 30pm, got the kids to give me that kick up the bum when needed, but hopefully that wont be needed.
    by: isabel38 on: 2012/04/03
  • Here I go!!!

    I start working out tomorrow. I'm feeling very good and am excited to finally get going on my new workout program. I will be starting with Cardio, which I will do everyday and then move on to weight training which I will do 5 days per week.
    by: oldfighter56 on: 2012/02/28
  • Saying out loud makes it real

    So weighed myself this morning .....68kg saying it out loud or well typing it makes it more real for me. I am not letting this number get me down, i am letting this number motivate me, things are happening! just have to stick to it. 2 down 18...
    by: WilmaHagen on: 2012/01/19
  • Biking 4 miles a day!!

    Today was the start of biking to class day 2/11/13, I will not have a ride to my class for about 3 weeks (I dont drive, cars kinda scare me) and it's only 4 miles. I have walked it before and it took me 1hour and 50mins. Today I bike a little and ...
    by: JessicaD999 on: 2013/02/12
  • Thanks

    I would like to say thanks to all the men and women who have taken time to support someone else throught the process of getting healthier and stronger. Motivation  is a great tool in achieving our goal and we can do it together here in 2012 THAN...
    by: James47 on: 2012/03/08
  • Pumped up!

    I'm going to my gym today to get my keycard, and on monday i start my 12 week mass and strength program. I'm so excited!
    by: MestariYoda on: 2012/01/18
  • So far so good

    I started a new meal plan a couple of weeks ago. The first week went well; I had prepped 3/4 of my food, so all I had to do was heat it up. The second week didn't go well, I think becaues I didn't prep my food. Well, I prepped my meat and that was...
    by: on: 2020/10/26
  • Workout Session

    Working out today running is gonna be a motivational boost to getting into shape and loosing all my weight.  I have previously had enough fiber for my daily workout.  I'm gonna take my protein shake starting tomorrow i'm not really going to be abl...
    by: rasconalex123 on: 2012/08/01
  • First workout

    Am feeling good have just finished my first whole body excercise session, am hoping to go for a long walk tomorrow!! Size twelve here I come!!!!!!
    by: hezbishop on: 2013/03/16
  • Monday will be my first day

    Going to start on Monday, I'm 50 and need to keep it tight, pray for me lol
    by: Msnniecy on: 2013/05/11
  • Starting Out

    Current weight: 123.8kg Dress Size: 18-20 Goals: 100kg Size 16. Starting diet plan next week, probably looking into 5:2 diet. At home excerices will be starting tomorrow at 4 times a week at home. Next check in January.
    by: Courtsj on: 2015/12/03
  • My workout today

    boy was it AWESOME
    by: Sacredbeauty660 on: 2021/02/19
  • Im back and I am ready!

    I signed up before a few years ago but I wasn't motivated enough for this to work. Now Ive joined a gym and I supplement my routine at home with freetrainers. I am so motivated and ready to make this work for me. Im eating healthier, taking care o...
    by: Annielew on: 2015/08/21
  • Getting Into the Routine

    Last night was such a big accomplishment for me. I was working out for an hour, which is pretty big for me. I'm a lazy kid, you see, so actually putting down the remote, signing off Facebook and working out was awesome! I always thought exercise w...
    by: ConfidenceNeeds on: 2012/01/15
  • Workout 1 done

    Brilliant first workout done. Love the exercises and the instructions on how to do them. Feeling ready for Tuesday.
    by: JimmyC1 on: 2015/03/07
  • Rack DL

    Well been doing Rack DL from about knee high and hit 635x1 last week.  This week I got that again them 655x1....I plan to lower it a bit and work on getting it up from below that knee.  Will see what happens.  Plan to do these for about 2-3 weeks ...
    by: 7707mutt on: 2012/02/01
  • Day 1

    well day 1 went well for me. i posted a picture of my torso after i finished my workout so that anyone who reads this can see my day one. my goal is to tone up my body. hopfully this will work out well im motivated and im ready to go! day 2 for me...
    by: ekim1793 on: 2012/01/09
  • Diet

    Feeling great about diet to day and started the home workout plan yesterday and will continue to do on the weekends. Starting the gym workout plan tomorrow i belive this will help me reach my goals.
    by: lillybeewells on: 2013/03/24
  • Plank Workout - Day 7

    Starting my own daily plank routine, goal is to get to a 10 minute plank. Doing 5 sets.   1st set - 1 minute 30 seconds 2nd set - 1 minute  3rd set - 1 minute  4th set - 1 minute  5th set - 1 minute
    by: nismolu on: 2020/03/05
  • Starting Over Again

    I only had eight intermediate circuit training sessions for October. The last was on the 16th. A quite long break... I just added the advanced circuit training on my calendar. And, wow! Only the abdominal workouts have a resting period between ...
    by: kenmarvi on: 2014/10/29
  • A New Beginning!

    So I have set up my workout calendar. I am moving Friday and decided that with the new location, I need a new outlook on life. Its time to get in shape so that I can both look and feel good. I am so excited. I will be starting on Monday. Here's to...
    by: jazzy9181 on: 2012/02/23
  • mondays workout

    rack pulls 585x3 635x2 655x1 675x1!!!!!!  All new PR then at shin level I hit 475!  Great freaking workouts
    by: 7707mutt on: 2012/03/13
  • Feelin awesome

    :) Ha-ha. I just power walked 3 miles with only a 1 minute break between each mile and I’ve never felt more energetic. :)  *sings to self* “Macy’s on top of the world. Macys on top of the world” :P
    by: macybelle1015 on: 2012/03/07
  • On Track

    WOrk out today
    by: Ktron1975 on: 2012/01/11
  • Day 1 on the road back

    Yesterday was the first workout on my road back to getting in shape.  Was super tired when i got home yersteday, went to bed about 8PM.  Woke up feeling great, niot sore at all and ready to keep it going.  Just cardiio today and back to the weight...
    by: derrick.m1 on: 2015/02/10
  • Hello!

    Hi, I'm new here and just getting everything set up! I'm starting my workouts tomorrow and couldn't be more motivated! I plan to take my weight tomorrow so I know where I'm starting! Looking for friends to help keep me motivated and chat with!!
    by: Ekhickox on: 2012/11/28
  • The Climb

    My fourth circuit training session and I admit, there were external factors that distracted me - like the rain (and the risk of heavy traffic later on), the gym being far from home, squeezing my workout time just before going to work, on a night s...
    by: kenmarvi on: 2014/10/07
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