Fitness Logs

FLogs are a way to motivate yourself and others by sharing your health and fitness progress with the community. You may use the links on the right to limit the FLogs which are displayed.

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  • Proud

    There is nothing more rewarding than stepping on that scale after a long weekend and seeing a loss!  This makes me so proud of myself and also makes me realize i'm on the right track and I am able to do this!
    by: Cheller4 on: 2014/02/18
  • Day 1

    Did first workout skipped 2nd to last exercise category.
    by: younglink44 on: 2013/08/05
  • My progress

    Well, I have dropped 10 pounds and I know some size. I really feel good. Had a rough night, on and off sleep. Got up was not to thrilled thinking about the gym. But, now, I've been up a bit and can't wait to get there!! Love going and feeling ME ...
    by: SusanB1957 on: 2020/10/12
  • Full Body and Cardio

    Full Body Took 1 hr Advanced to intermediate Treadmill 20mins 3.9kph 7incline 210calories
    by: RIDWANARBI on: 2017/12/10
  • Digestion and Work-Outs

    I've heard that digestion stops when you're working out so its not a good idea to eat before you exercize but we need some fuel to burn and not get weak. What would you recommend? And about how much time does it take to digest boiled egg?
    by: WendyGarmany on: 2017/04/21
  • 1.00 pm Wednesday, Day 1

    So, Hi! I'm Amy. I have been working out with trainers for the past 4 years and loving it. But I couldn't really afford to keep up the lifestyle (They are expensive!) So I took the course and got certified to be a PT, which is great, but I don't w...
    by: Amypet on: 2016/08/24
  • Day 5

    Wow!  I am feeling so energised tonight....  I dont know what happened , must probably be the fact that I worked from home today and didnt go to the office .  Last night I was  in the slumps tired from work and didnt put much effort in my wor...
    by: Kikie007 on: 2012/08/15
  • day 2 on here.. someone friended me already...that feels good!! I ran again today....but 2 days in a row I have gotten a late start due to work, homework,etc and I ran in the noon hot shade on my paths. I need to find a shady path! Without sna...
    by: CKuranda on: 2012/10/05
  • Day 1

    I had a really rough day and I kept thinking about how uncomfortable I'm with my body, so I decided to make a change in my life, at this point I have tried but not giving 110% of myself, so here I'm ready for giving the 200%, until I get to my goa...
    by: slatsmarley on: 2018/12/17
  • Pull ups Day 3

    Two days of back to back pulls ups!  I used weights and did them over and over and over and over... Personal best = 11 pull ups unbroken.  Working towards 15!
    by: kolhy on: 2012/04/27
  • This is MY year

    Well here goes my very first Flog: It's only the second month of the year but I am feeling motivated to make this my year.  By that I mean making it a year that I can look back on and say that's where I started to live the life I always wanted....
    by: Cheller4 on: 2014/02/06
  • Stay the course....

    I was going to keep a hand written journal but found this site and decided this would be better. Since I work out alone this is the next best thing to going to a gym and learning from others. I hope to make freinds here and pick up great workout t...
    by: CKuranda on: 2012/10/04

    I just did a full body workout for two hours straight! I'm hoping if I do this 5 days a week it will make up for my constant xbox playing. I love my xbox so much Im addicted, but I'm really outta shape. I just showered, now to steal the xbox from ...
    by: VictoriousLette on: 2012/10/31
  • 3/21/13 - Start

    As of Christmas I had allowed myself to get to 210-215 lbs Mid February, quit drinking beer throughout the week!! What an excellent start. This is really where it all begins. Descipline. Dieting soon followed, within a month I had eliminated sec...
    by: foust130 on: 2013/03/21
  • Digestion and Work-Outs

    I've heard that digestion stops when you're working out so its not a good idea to eat before you exercize but we need some fuel to burn and not get weak. What would you recommend? And about how much time does it take to digest boiled egg?
    by: WendyGarmany on: 2017/04/21
  • Ugh...

    Well, my mom was visiting all last week and I feel like all we did was eat LOL. I had grown stagnant with my workouts. Bored. BUT, I just realized that I could add more than one workout to my calendar! So now I am going to do circuit training t...
    by: on: 2020/09/29
  • Goal Meet

    Core, Chest and Biceps
    by: thay413 on: 2018/05/26
  • New Adventure

    I was always the super skinny girl. I weighed 100 lbs until I was 27, even after having 3 kids. Some medical issues came up and changed my life drastically. I currently weigh 148 lbs and have been at this weight for about 4 years now. I want t...
    by: GetFitBritt on: 2018/10/30
  • Day 56 Workout with new attitude! =)

    No more excuses! Today's exercises are: * 4 Mile Super Challenge Power Walk w/ Leslie Sansone * Inversion Table hanging for a few minutes Making realistic goals and no more excuses!
    by: Monica11082012 on: 2013/01/03
  • Introduction

    I am looking to make many new friends to take the healthy journey with me. I had really let myself go when my mom passed Oct. 2015. Then I decided in April to start exercising and taking better care of myself. I want to inspire others to do the sa...
    by: redhawk553 on: 2016/07/21
  • Getting Started

    downloaded a plan and i'm ready to start my workout tomorrow.
    by: Droughn on: 2012/12/12
  • CJ

    Over weight with a lot of energy. No definition in arm, thighs are touching and a belly extended over my waist. Time to change. Today 191 lbs. Goal is 160 lbs with muscles. Icoa do it!
    by: 31Caron on: 2017/05/25
  • Hello!

    Hi, I'm new here and just getting everything set up! I'm starting my workouts tomorrow and couldn't be more motivated! I plan to take my weight tomorrow so I know where I'm starting! Looking for friends to help keep me motivated and chat with!!
    by: Ekhickox on: 2012/11/28
  • Diet

    Feeling great about diet to day and started the home workout plan yesterday and will continue to do on the weekends. Starting the gym workout plan tomorrow i belive this will help me reach my goals.
    by: lillybeewells on: 2013/03/24
  • First day!

    It's my first day today working out, i felt very motivated and by the time i did my first few crunches it struck me. I could barely finish my 2nd set. I find it funny and it won't keep me from hitting the gym tomorrow! Finished my whole workout lo...
    by: Geantady on: 2019/07/01
  • This is it: Day 1

    Today I'm ready to become a healthier me. I have a very basic body for my age but I feel like I can be stronger or just all around more in shape. So here I am, getting ready for my first day of becoming a better Me. :) I am prepared for whatever s...
    by: Xiggy on: 2012/08/10
  • About to begin day 3!

    I am about to leave for the gym in about 10 minutes...and I'm pumped! I haven't felt this good in a long time!. Last week, I started taking Super B complex vitamins, to get my energy level up before I began my workout plan. I plan on taking NO DAY...
    by: skielborn on: 2012/02/07
  • DAY 3 AND 4

    by: Tawakkal79 on: 2012/08/09
  • Just joined Elite Gym and Fitness, Koh Samui, Thailand (Nathon Town) 2018-01-12

    I'm interested in cardio, all types. I want to one day run a 6 minute mile--let's check again in 6 months and then 1 year. Last time I ran a mile I was 16 years old. I have no idea if I can even walk a mile now.
    by: [Former member] on: 2018/01/12
  • test

    by: Stanislava on: 2022/04/29
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