Fitness Logs

FLogs are a way to motivate yourself and others by sharing your health and fitness progress with the community. You may use the links on the right to limit the FLogs which are displayed.

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  • Day 4 A Change For The Better In A New Direction

    Had a great truly great morning. Got to the gym early. So I was able to do all my strength training; working on my Core, Shoulders, Back and Biceps before I did my Zumba class.
    by: Tasheika on: 2017/01/20
  • Plank Workout - Day 1

    Starting my own daily plank routine, goal is to get to a 10 minute plank. Doing 5 sets. 1st set - 2 minutes 2nd set - 1 minute 5 seconds 3rd set - 1 minute 4th set - 1 minute 5 seconds 5th set - 1 minute
    by: nismolu on: 2020/02/05
  • 100 Pushups Challenge Day 3

    100 Pushups Daily Challenge Day 3 5 Sets 1st Set - 14 2nd Set - 16 3rd  Set - 20 4th Set - 20 5th Set - 30 Total Pushups - 100 I hit 100 overall pushups in only day 3!! LETS GET IT!  Goal of this challenge to keep a routine of daily p...
    by: nismolu on: 2020/02/05
  • Walking

    It turned out to be such a nice day today that me and my daughter went for a 1 mile walk.   :)
    by: needs-to-lose on: 2013/02/06
  • Revamped

    So I just redid my workout to just include free weights. Ive noticed I feel more comfortable using free weights than the machines... I am so glad i started. I definitely feel better. Now if I can just get my diet in order, lol. On a side note, ...
    by: jazzy9181 on: 2012/03/07
  • First Day

    Had a great workout this morning! Started the day off with a nice simple breakfast:  a bowl of oatmeal with 2 tsps of sugar, a bowl of Rasin Bran, 2 strawberries and my douse of C4 pre-workout suppplement, oh and don't forget my Omega 3, Calciu...
    by: 8percentorless on: 2012/04/30
  • Good Morning

    I woke up this morning(an hour later than I wanted too, I HATE SNOOZE), and it was LASHING rain outside typical Ireland. I did not let this stop me exercising though. I got out of bed threw on rain gear and went for an hour walk. This walk was uph...
    by: Aiswel on: 2012/05/01
  • Update

    I've been out for my morning walk and climbed 150 steps. Had a healthy breakfast and what to do with my day. I've been cleaning but I'm bored and I don't wanna spend the day on the internet or watching TV thats the old me. I'd like to ...
    by: Aiswel on: 2012/05/02
  • I'm a working girl!

    So good news today! My bff got me a job! I'm soooo excited :) I start Thursday, so that mean's I can purchase myself a Caitlin Cooke Meal Plean and start my trimming :) I'll need to stay focused and stay motivated. I will be doing a daily log, so ...
    by: worktheglutes69 on: 2012/07/17
  • Increased weights at gym

    YES!, I increased all my weights at the gym for my strength workout, problem is i'm feeling kinda tired now so my MMA workout tonight will be interesting.
    by: [Former member] on: 2012/04/11
  • Tomorrow's the day!

    Tomorrow is the first day of my new workout plan! I really want to make this work! Praying I stay motivated!
    by: MrsHillendahl on: 2018/05/06
  • 6/14/2013

    One hour Zumba Walked 3/4 of a mile with kids at park Completed an exercises and it seemed easier today Trying to find an eating plan that will work for me but I have to really commit to one paleo, zone or vegetarian ( since I'm not a big me...
    by: nateshamarcia on: 2013/06/15
  • Pragmatic at Heart

    I just happpened to come across this site and I am so happy that I did. I was doing really well a few weeks ago in regards to my weight loss journey. I had joined a gym, began to eat healthy, and was feeling better than I had in quite a while. Unf...
    by: mirage734 on: 2012/03/26
  • Run this town toniite!!!

    Hey Nikki :), This feeling on top of the long will it last. Run this town tonite- Rihanna/ Jayz. Emeninem. Christina. Give me my motivation to run a million miles. Look at myself with confidence and a half smile on my face. Look at m...
    by: rj57wdqszc on: 2012/06/01
  • Captain's Flog Stardate 61215

    Still working. Feeling tired after yesterday's moving experiences.  Thought I'd start off with a Freya's Friday of rest to really get going.  Wooh!
    by: flubmuffin on: 2015/06/12
  • Ride for Heart 2012

    by: Fyrblade on: 2012/06/04
  • 4 Free Passes to fitness center

    Where are the people in my immediate area?!?!?! I have 4 free passes to the new fitness center and would love the company * Marylanders come on out.....
    by: LadyAries99 on: 2012/06/04
  • 100 Pushups Daily Challenge Day 4

    100 Pushups Daily Challenge Day 4 5 Sets 1st Set - 20 2nd Set - 20 3rd  Set - 20 4th Set - 20 5th Set -  20 Total Pushups - 100 2nd day 100 pushups overall! This was tougher than yesterday seeing as my arms are probably really tired. my...
    by: nismolu on: 2020/02/07
  • Day 2

    Today was my first workout with Let me just say I am exhausted! I did a 30 minute bike ride (6 miles) followed by 45 minutes of cardio; it took a lot of effort simply to walk back to my apartment! Let me just say I cannot wait to...
    by: brripley89 on: 2013/07/31
  • ReBoot: Week 2

    30 July: Feeling great. Lower body work-out. (abs, back, hips, thighs, calves) Felt tired but "good". Looking forward to a great day. If the rain holds off, maybe get a 20-30 minute walk into the mix.
    by: williamhcroom3 on: 2012/07/30
  • Welcoming myself to Free Trainers!

    So while surfing the web I clicked on this fateful website, hoping for some tips adn tricks to getting in shape. Not only did I find that, I also found more on this website! I think I will enjoy using this site with my sister Ella Redburn while we...
    by: chloeredburn12 on: 2012/07/06
  • Day 1: Aug 21 (End)

    Finished my first run of hopefully many that i am going to track. Ran on a dirt road, don't really know the length, felt like 2 1/2- 3 miles. finished in 25 minutes. Ran first portion, sprinted last 1/4th mile.
    by: amaevers10 on: 2012/08/21
  • Here we go!!

    Today is day one in stepping back up. I began my fitness journey 1/1/12 trying to get back in shape after having my second child. It's me time, right? By the end of may I had lost 35 lbs and could successfully do 20 pushups (could barely do modifi...
    by: Spoole03 on: 2012/07/07
  • day 1 of exercise

    Hello there, so today was great 2 mile walk on treadmill and I did my first day of at home workout. I feel great and hope I can stay motivated to keep it up. can't wait till tomorrow!! :)
    by: newme2love on: 2013/02/22
  • Day 1

    Today is the first day I am actually using this site. I LOVE the circuit training workout it made for me! Can't wait to go to the gym this afternoon and give it a whirl!!
    by: olsenjoanne74 on: 2013/02/24
  • Motivate!

    The only easy day was yesterday!
    by: Bminka on: 2012/08/16
  • 12/5/12

    20 minutes of stairs in the morning. 40 minutes of jump rope with upper body strength training every 5 minutes. About 35 minutes of jump rope.
    by: jasmine.shirts on: 2012/12/05
  • Spin/weights

    Full on spin. Biceps & triceps Biceps 7 kg dumbells 15 kg bar bells Triceps 17kg too heavy last reps 15 kg
    by: Jempa37 on: 2012/09/10
  • 10/26

    2.75 miles + .25 mile cool down. Core strength yoga after and 30 minutes of tae bo this afternoon.
    by: jasmine.shirts on: 2012/10/26
  • Restart

    Its hard to be almost 40 and have to start all over again with your fitness. You are unsure of what you are capable of and what may or may not work for you. With all that being said, I am so ready for this. I have put taking care of myself off for...
    by: KaDeK on: 2013/01/31
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