Fitness Logs

FLogs are a way to motivate yourself and others by sharing your health and fitness progress with the community. You may use the links on the right to limit the FLogs which are displayed.

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  • 11/3/12

    3.5 mile jog in the morning. At night I did a 5 minute warm up, back exercises for about 20ish minutes, and yoga for balance.
    by: jasmine.shirts on: 2012/11/03
  • 11/1

    This morning I did 20 minutes of stairs. This evening I did 3.2 mile jog with a short cool down
    by: jasmine.shirts on: 2012/11/01
  • Actual Start

    Time to get serious about this and get it started. Day 1 tomorrow. The rest will fall into place
    by: LoRenS83 on: 2018/05/26
  • Size 14

    I am super excited to say that I finally hit a size 14. This is the first time I have ever been this small since I had my oldest child, over 11 years ago. I can wear a size L but feel more comfortable in some XL. My confidence level is HUGE! No...
    by: thosecrazysims on: 2012/12/29
  • Awesome!!

    First day to workout... and I like it. I love to workout with my ball and everything I was looking for, gave it to me today. Thank you so much.... and keeping up with my Fitness Goal
    by: yaninafontana on: 2012/11/29
  • 11/30/12

    20 minutes of aerobics in the morning. At night, I did 60 minutes of stairs with upper body strength workouts built in every 5 minutes. 10 minutes of yoga for flexibility and range of motion.
    by: jasmine.shirts on: 2012/11/30
  • First Day

    Today is my first day! I am excited to get started and see what results I get from this site! This time I am going to start out slow and only workout a couple days a week in hopes that I don't burn myself out. It is summer and the weather is to...
    by: Workout_Girl on: 2014/05/29
  • Enuff is Enuff!!

    OK.  This is it!  I have no other choice than to quit bouncing around on my diet and exercise program.  I consistently start and stop and never make any real headway.  Now my doc tells me I have NO CHOICE but to loose the weight because my glucose...
    by: cmraines on: 2013/03/12
  • Week 3 a thing of the past

    Got myself going along a cutting it up.  Resistance training has helped firm up my muscels and hit my goal of 400lbs for leg presses.  I know that doesn't seem like much, but for someone weighing in a 156lbs and doing 3 sets of 8 its a good goal. ...
    by: upallnightops on: 2013/02/23
  • Focus T25 - New Workout from Shaun T (Insanity Creator)

    Have you guys seen this yet?? Is anybody as excited as I am about this? 25 minutes wow.
    by: chriswatson06 on: 2013/03/21
  • Can't wait to get started!!!

    Hopefully this site will give me the organization I need to match my motivation to lose weight and get healthy! I've been winging it for too long! Tomorrow is my first day!
    by: Olexys on: 2013/03/22
  • Day 5

    I feel awesome. it really felt like a good workout today and some of the exercises arent nearly as painful as they were on day 1. That's not to say that some of them are a little harder lol. Now if I can get my diet under better control, I'll be s...
    by: LindseyG24 on: 2019/03/27
  • 10/18/13

    Yesterday was Cathe Friedrich's - Step Max and abs. The day before was a 4 mile power walk and later that evening Kathy Smith's, Step workout. She incorporates abs and weight toning at the end of the step routines. The weight routine is  for muscl...
    by: bdattel on: 2013/10/19
  • Day 1

    Day 1: A normal day for me consists of waking up, rushing to get ready for school, not eating breakfat, and working hard to get everything done that needs to be done for the yearbook. Then I get home and barely have enough time to eat a small s...
    by: sydney.nix on: 2014/01/24
  • Starting information

    Today I start my workout program... I am really excited but a little nervous at the same time... My starting weight is 201 and that is what has made me decide to get in shape and I'm not getting any younger... I am going to push my self as far as ...
    by: K.mcnally1 on: 2014/03/30
  • Workout 1

    So I spent most of yesterday pumping myself up for this journey and today I worked out for the first time in months.  I didn't do much, but I built up a sweat and could feel my core working. Afterward I spent about an hour browsing fitness tips to...
    by: Scrogham on: 2014/04/28
  • Early Mornings

    For the first time in a while I actually had work today. Which would mean getting up at 6AM just to get ready, however that wasn't the case this particular morning. I woke up at 4AM just so i can have enough time to go for a short 30 minute jog an...
    by: Rianneable on: 2013/08/18
  • Starting on the workout plans

    Today I have decided to out my foot down and say no to laziness. By the end of this year, I want the beer belly gone, legs toned and everything better. I am supers-excited.
    by: dolk on: 2013/10/19
  • Day 1

    Starting my workout today. I am very excited! Its been a long time since I felt good about myself. Wish I had a friend to join me but looks like this is something Ill be doing on my own for a little bit. Cant wait to get back to it.
    by: SarahHester on: 2013/09/09
  • day by day with FREE TRAINERS

    by: snehilpallavsin on: 2013/08/13
  • 1' per 10kg

    Good morning/day/afternoon all I have decided to challenge myself to loose the weight and to finally wear heel comfortably, so every 10kg I loose I will increase my heel size by 1'...(I only wear flat shoes at the moment). I havealways wanted to ...
    by: tpmatoka on: 2014/03/03

    Tredmil run - 23 / 11 / 2013 Distance - 2500 meters Time - 18:10 minutes Speed - 8.0 / 8.0 / 8.0 / 8.0 / 10.0 / 10.0 / 12.0
    by: Jess1030 on: 2013/11/22

    I'm so excited for this summer and my workout program , just did my first day of exercise and it feels great ! bring on the rest of the summer and reaching my squash goal ! B2 here i come :P
    by: Jess1030 on: 2013/11/22
  • Starting Point

    45 min interval run - 18th Nov (Sun)
    by: Julia6195 on: 2013/11/17
  • 12

    Set 1Set 2Set 3Set 4 Barbell Squats 15 reps 12 reps 6 reps 5 reps Set 1Set 2Set 3Set 4 Leg Presses 15 reps 12 reps 6 reps 5 reps Calf Stretch Set 1Set 2Set 3Set 4 Seated Calf Raises 20 reps 10 reps ...
    by: dkarnes on: 2013/12/02
  • Day 1

    Done all the house work and got everything sorted! Feeling motivated all day! Then my dad comes home and picks an argument so if I was already motivated for the gym I'm even more so now!, gym buddy isn't getting back to me so looks like a hard ind...
    by: Abihope on: 2014/05/01
  • Legs/Calves Day #1

    Legs/Calves day using the FreeTrainer 12 week Mass Workout - Phase 1 Legs/Calves Day #1 Stretches Standing One Leg Thigh Stretch One Leg Hamstring Stretch Calf Stretch Barbell is 7KG Dumbbell is 2KG Barbell Squats Set 1 - 15 reps ...
    by: nismolu on: 2020/02/07
  • First Workout in a LONG time.

    I just did my first workout with my Rip:60. It was very challenging for me. I think I will continue on the week 1 routine until I find it easier. Any comments? Is anyone out there using suspension trainers (ex TRX)?
    by: WRose on: 2014/11/05
  • Day Three

    Well, yesterday I didn't do my workout from FreeTrainers.  I did, however, go to our local Fit Club (which I didn't think was going to start until tomorrow) and do the 1st Combat workout.  I was totally stoked.  Got an awesome workout.   Was ad...
    by: on: 2015/01/07
  • first day: abs and shoulders

    Today was my first day using this program and getting serious about working out again. I'm really proud of myself for taking the initiative to take care of my mind and body! Ready to see how this week will go. The shoulder workouts weren't too bad...
    by: kenya2254 on: 2015/08/24
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