Fitness Logs

FLogs are a way to motivate yourself and others by sharing your health and fitness progress with the community. You may use the links on the right to limit the FLogs which are displayed.

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  • Hello

    Hello my name is Jamie. I just made this today. So I thought I would write and introduce myself. I am a mother of 2 beautiful little girls. Their names are Reagan (7) and Zoey (1). I am married to an amazing man Joey(36) who has been inspiring me ...
    by: JamieKat3238 on: 2017/02/02
  • First Day!

    Hey Guys, Today is my first day on and I already feel so comfortable with sharing my progress with you all. Tomorrow i start my first day of workouts. I also will have a fast day to cleanse my stomach and so when I start my diet t...
    by: CaylinParker on: 2017/02/02
  • The Journey Starts!

    So I am a young guy who wrecked a nice life by not doing anything physical since I was 16-ish. I have 2 kids and started feeling extremely fatigue after running after them for like 3 minutes and had just enough about it. I decided it was time t...
    by: [Former member] on: 2017/02/21
  • Day one...... again.

    It's been a good year since Ibe really hit for the gym and I can tell. It will be doff cult to get up and go now being that I have a one year old but I need to be in good shape so I can stick around and watch him grow, it's also necessary for my s...
    by: Battletoad24 on: 2017/08/23
  • Train hard work easy

    Been up since 0320 and ready to go after a 2 hour session I the gym I do t hurt or feel bad and ready to start feeling my work out for this morning. Back to day shift and ready for it.
    by: Battletoad24 on: 2017/08/25
  • DAY 1

    Hey guys!!! So excited to start my new workout plan! I get to start it tonigt, and will see how I feel! lately I have been to the gym nd kind of just muster around what I am doing, with no focus points. So this will be good for me, letting me k...
    by: Hope1124 on: 2017/04/19
  • You're getting old

    Probably shouldn't be out of breath after 10 minutes of basketball! Time to get back in shape.
    by: awiatr8 on: 2017/05/09
  • First Day on this Site!

    Stand: 28.6 This is my first day here in this website and I´m starting this journey now, because of me moving downstairs in my own apartment. Which means I can do all this exercises way easier and whenever and wherever I want. I want to get up...
    by: Elli-Angel on: 2017/06/28
  • My first day

    18/07/2017 After years of avoiding going to the gym my lazy ass is back. Fist group class ever and after 45 min of sweaty pain BodyPump is now on my to do list. Tomorrow is time for cardio and core Wish me luck
    by: Knikt on: 2017/07/19
  • weight on dates

    weight 249 on 7/21/17
    by: eric01981 on: 2017/07/21
  • 1st Day Leg Dayy!!

    To start, it was a bloody experience for sure, after taking a caffeine pill and hammering it with Barbell Squats, Leg Press and Calf Raises... It's been some time since I last done a heavy Leg Workout as If only recently returned to the whole Gym ...
    by: Mo_sz on: 2017/07/25
  • Day 1!

    121 lbs Looking a little out of shape Abs definitely need work Arms could be musclyer Legs could use some shaping
    by: Kancee on: 2024/07/22
  • 2/18/13

    tae bo in the morning. Later I did a 2.8 mile jog and finished out the 40 minutes with a walk. I also did 40 minutes of lower body strength training mixed with jump roping.
    by: jasmine.shirts on: 2013/02/18
  • 2/11/13

    30 day shred level 1 in the morning. After school I did a 2.6 mile jog and finished the 45 minutes with a walk. In the evening I did 40 minutes of strength training with jump rope mixed in and 10 minute yoga cool down to stretch.
    by: jasmine.shirts on: 2013/02/11
  • December 2013

    I feel great I completed a workout, I modified and change some of the workouts. But I did the complete sets and even more.
    by: Distnction on: 2013/12/12
  • Sunday feb 10

    Well I started my workout and eating right. Did the first day of a c25k program and about died. Lol. It was a start and I'm going to be at it.
    by: singletona on: 2013/02/11
  • May 11

    Did a 20 minute Youtube cycle, pretty challenging Did most of the workouts in this one- didn't technically "choose one." Only for some! Reminder: you're doing this FOR YOU!!! 
    by: emilycovert on: 2020/05/11
  • 2/14/13

    Decided to take a light day today. I did 30 day shred in the morning and 20 minutes of VERY light aerobics in the evening. Despite all the junk food I had I am still feeling good about taking a nice day off to spend with family and friends.
    by: jasmine.shirts on: 2013/02/14
  • Chest Day #3

    Chest day using the FreeTrainer 12 week Mass Workout - Phase 1  Chest Day #3 Stretches Chest Stretch Barbell is 7KG Dumbbell is 2KG Barbell Flat Bench Press Set 1 - 12 reps - 27 KG Set 2 - 8 reps - 37 KG Set 3 - 6 reps - 43 KG Se...
    by: nismolu on: 2020/03/17
  • 11/9/12

    3.25 mile jog with .15 mile walk for a cool down.
    by: jasmine.shirts on: 2012/11/09
  • 2nd day

    Hit the gym before going to the farm. Felt great!
    by: Geantady on: 2019/07/01
  • 2/12/13

    30 day shred in the morning. After school I did 40 minutes of step aerobics. At night I did a 2.8 mile jog and finished out the 40 minutes with a walk on an incline.
    by: jasmine.shirts on: 2013/02/12
  • Week 2

    I am working in the middle of my week 2.  Adding upper body strength and core support elements.  Getting myself fit to where I want to be again.  I decided on my new goal.  I am going to train myself hard this winter to push my limits, get tone...
    by: upallnightops on: 2013/02/13
  • Monday Jan 7, 2013

    Mondays and Wednesdays:  Pilates.  In addition I take a turn on the treadmill and did upper body light weights, more reps. Tuesday, Treadmill and Lower body light weights and more reps Wednesday;  Pilates, treadmill, back and more abs!!!
    by: jr28752 on: 2013/01/09
  • 2/19/13

    30 day shred in the morning. Afternoon- 30 minutes of light step aerobics. Evening- 3 mile jog and walked to finish out 45 minutes.
    by: jasmine.shirts on: 2013/02/19
  • Time to Start

    Today I am starting this journey, that I've been trying over and over to finally go on. I sincerely hope that this time I stick with it!  I CAN do this!
    by: Scrogham on: 2014/04/27
  • 2/13/13

    30 day shred level 1 in the morning. After school I did 45 minutes of tae bo and 40 minutes of step aerobics with strength training.
    by: jasmine.shirts on: 2013/02/13
  • I WILL

    by: mz.stripper13 on: 2012/11/27
  • I'm back

    After a month away from the gym I spoke with my husband last night and was inspired to go back. He started going back to gym to get in better shape. Something. I've been praying for him for a while and God did it for him. He is now motivated to ch...
    by: nateshamarcia on: 2013/06/12
  • 1/2

    It has been a long Christmas break from school. Even though I haven't been documenting my workouts I have been doing them. Today I played Just Dance 4 for 20 minutes, and walked for over an hour with some stairs. I also did some yoga for core stre...
    by: jasmine.shirts on: 2013/01/02
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