Fitness Logs

FLogs are a way to motivate yourself and others by sharing your health and fitness progress with the community. You may use the links on the right to limit the FLogs which are displayed.

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  • 12/10/12

    20 minutes of step aerobics in the morning. Finally got the new treadmill in and working. Alternated between jogging on the treadmill and the stair stepper for 40 minutes followed by 10 minutes of yoga to build strength to cool down.
    by: jasmine.shirts on: 2012/12/10
  • 1/31/13

    20 minutes step aerobics in the morning. In the evening I did a 2 mile jog. After the jog I did 25 minutes of the stair machine and jogging alternating. Finally, I did 20 minutesof strength training mixed with jump roping
    by: jasmine.shirts on: 2013/01/31
  • Plank Workout - Day 10

    Starting my own daily plank routine, goal is to get to a 10 minute plank. Doing 5 sets.   1st set - 1 minute 2nd set - 1 minute  3rd set - 1 minute  4th set - 1 minute  5th set - 1 minute
    by: nismolu on: 2020/03/15
  • 1st Day

    Just tried all the machines and they are great I'm very motivated and believingI can reach my Goal :)
    by: Mr.NoComment on: 2012/11/08

    Im all done with my workout! Im a little sore...but thats good for me! now to shower and to play Gears of War on the xbox!
    by: VictoriousLette on: 2012/10/31
  • Day 2

    I started doing the at home exercise program on here yesterday! I am feeling sore today, but it is because I haven't really had any type of routine since about 2 years ago. I am very excited. I allready did my exercises for today but might do some...
    by: dlehman on: 2012/09/24
  • Still going strong

    Hi there so proud of myself today, I worked outside gardening all day then instead of skipping my workout I did when I came in. I am still watching the calorie intake so I dont eat to muck. I am hurting all over from using mussles I have not used ...
    by: newme2love on: 2013/02/24
  • Second day

    Second day feeling pumped after lasts nights workout. I am feeling pumped because i have started to eat healthy foods and i am feeling clean and i am pumped for tonights workout and healthy food so lets get it on.
    by: Tavita14 on: 2012/10/07
  • Getting in 'Mint' Condition

    Today is day 1 of the 12-week fitness challenge at my job and I am so pumped! Good luck to all the participants!
    by: gidva04 on: 2013/08/15
  • cheap eats

    I am very concerned abot keepin my nutrition on track. I am a nursing student with 2 kids, disabled hubby and work 72 hrs a week. I can not afford the fat burners, the high end protein powders, etc... I can barley afford meat! how much beans and r...
    by: mauimama60 on: 2012/11/14
  • Bench Press PB Again

    With a few new good gym buddies, I've been pushing the limits!
    by: kolhy on: 2012/05/06
  • Project April #4-5

    Hey all! Feeling great and finally made a 12 week exercise plan!! Can't wait to lose this weight!!!! <3
    by: QueenRose238 on: 2015/07/01
  • First Day

    I'm motivated and pumped probably because it is my first day, but honestly I am excited.  I work with a few body builders and a lot of people who go to the gym, lift weights, exercise regularly.  They motivated me to get back into shape!  I used t...
    by: figuem4 on: 2018/05/21
  • 100 Pushups Daily Challenge Day 13

    100 Pushups Daily Challenge Day 13 5 Sets  1st Set - 30 2nd Set - 40 3rd  Set - 40 4th Set - 45 5th Set -  45 Total Pushups - 200 Goal of this challenge to keep a routine of daily pushups until can do 100 pushups overall and then 100 p...
    by: nismolu on: 2020/03/23
  • Day 1 01/16/16 New Me

    A good workout 11:26 AM to 12:42 PM planning on doing more cardio later of GSC.
    by: 2010RDE on: 2016/01/16
  • Starting this new journey

    I gave birth to my daughter in November 2018 and I have been struggling ever since to lose the weight. Don't get me wrong... I never had the body of a runway model but I used to be fit. a few eyears before my pregnancy, I started to gain weight. I...
    by: clupien3 on: 2020/06/11
  • 25.10

    Wide Grip Machine Pulldowns 18kg One Arm Dumbbell Rows 5kg Dumbbell Shrugs 5kg Seated Dumbbell Presses 5kg Standing Dumbbell Curls 5kg
    by: Amanfranca on: 2020/10/25
  • 2/23/13

    Tae bo in the morning and a 3 mile jog in the evening and to finish out the 45 minutes on the treadmill I walked.
    by: jasmine.shirts on: 2013/02/23
  • Plank Workout - Day 11

    Starting my own daily plank routine, goal is to get to a 10 minute plank. Doing 5 sets.   1st set - 1 minute 2nd set - 1 minute  3rd set - 1 minute  4th set - 1 minute  5th set - 1 minute Situps 1st set - 30 reps 2nd set - 30 reps 3rd...
    by: nismolu on: 2020/03/23
  • Plank Workout - Day 3

    Starting my own daily plank routine, goal is to get to a 10 minute plank. Doing 5 sets.   1st set - 1 minute   2nd set - 1 minute 15 seconds 3rd set - 1 minute  4th set - 1 minute  5th set - 1 minute  started to shake on 4th set, getti...
    by: nismolu on: 2020/02/07
  • Injury Reflection

    I did a chest workout day as well as play basketball same day roughly 3 or 4 weeks ago, and I set a pick and a persons body weight went straight into my chest muscle and basically I collapsed. I couldn't really move my arm without pain in my chest...
    by: nismolu on: 2020/03/23
  • 100 Pushups Challenge Day 5

    100 Pushups Daily Challenge Day 5 5 Sets  1st Set - 20  2nd Set - 20  3rd  Set - 20  4th Set - 20  5th Set -  20  Total Pushups - 100  3rd day 100 pushups overall!  Goal of this challenge to keep a routine of daily pushups until can d...
    by: nismolu on: 2020/02/07

    Water ExerciseWater Exercise is a workout that is generally carried out in the swimming pool with waist-deep water.This form of exercise is not as stressful on the joints as other types of aerobic activity, and strengthens and tones muscles too, i...
    by: James47 on: 2012/05/18
  • Re ganined my motivation

    Comitted to improving my health.    30 minute cardio with eliptical. tomorrow core and back....
    by: MCM57 on: 2019/03/21
  • Shoulders/Triceps - Day 1

    Shoulders/Triceps day using the FreeTrainer 12 week Mass Workout - Phase 1 Shoulders Day #1  Stretches Rear Shoulder Stretch Chess Stretch Tricep Stretch Barbell is 7KG Dumbbell is 2KG Seated Dumbbell Press Set 1 - 20 reps - 8KG ...
    by: nismolu on: 2020/02/06
  • Finishing up Week 4

    I am back in my local fitness center for the past four weeks. While I cannot say I am joyful about getting up at 5:30 am to get a workout in before my workday starts, I can honestly say it hasn't been that difficult. Of the past 26 days, I have ma...
    by: SportyMomDJG on: 2021/08/26
  • Expect change: Day5

    Whooh! Did lunges for the first time. Burn, burn, burn, burn. Feeling great though. Feeling better day by day.
    by: williamhcroom3 on: 2012/05/11
  • 100 Pushups Daily Challenge Day 14

    100 Pushups Daily Challenge Day 14 5 Sets  1st Set - 40 2nd Set - 40 3rd  Set - 40 4th Set - 40 5th Set -  40 Total Pushups - 200 Goal of this challenge to keep a routine of daily pushups until can do 100 pushups overall and then 100 p...
    by: nismolu on: 2020/03/24
  • anticipation

    So excited to start a work out routine again... I had lost 20 pounds last fall and I have put some of it back on. I know I can get into the shape that I want, just putting forth effort and watching what I eat and drink. I will keep everyone posted...
    by: stephens319 on: 2012/04/08
  • Day 13

    about to get up and do my cardio , and workout. got a hectic day ahead Yesterday i went and did cardio even though it was not on my log sheet. just felt i needed to blow off osme steam and power walking does that for me... TILL LATER ALLIGATORS
    by: Kikie007 on: 2012/08/29
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