Fitness Logs

FLogs are a way to motivate yourself and others by sharing your health and fitness progress with the community. You may use the links on the right to limit the FLogs which are displayed.

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  • 1/7/13

    20 minutes of step aerobics in the morning. In the afternoon I did 40 minutes on the stair machine and jogging on the treadmill (4 minutes stairs, 2 minutes treadmill). At night I did 30 minutes of lower body strength training.
    by: jasmine.shirts on: 2013/01/07
  • 10/18

    I just finished my 2.7+ mile jog took around 32 minutes (I did a .2 mile cool down so about 30 minutes for the jog). Feeling great, want to keep working out but I need to do some homework. Helped me forget my sad Chem test score for a while. Unfor...
    by: jasmine.shirts on: 2012/10/18
  • Exercise

    Today i woke up lttle late at 5:30 then from 7-9Did walking ang small exercise
    by: Ashleyprasad on: 2013/04/12
  • Getting signed up

    Today I signed up to transform my body in 21 days. I wish to be a 32 cm wait and have a very good body. Starting weight 73kgs Goal 58 kgs Bikini body is desired.
    by: Rosslinda on: 2020/03/26
  • 4/8

    I have been really busy with exams so I haven't had a chance to post my workouts. I have exercised for at least an hour every day except sunday. Today I did two be fit 30 workouts, 30 minutes of step aerobics and a 3.0 mile jog ( walked to finish ...
    by: jasmine.shirts on: 2013/04/08

    Ive been working out all morning then which is great BUT I HAVE JUST BOOKED MY ZUMBA INSTRUCTOR TRAINING COURSE eeeeeeek i am SO PUMPED AND EXCITED AND BEKSHGA\SKH  things are looking up :D Hope everyone has an AMAZING DAY! Ais xo
    by: Aiswel on: 2012/05/22
  • The beginning

    The time has come to make a concerted start to the fitness.
    by: trinirja on: 2017/01/11
  • Fly little Butterfly

    Je puis tout par celui qui me fortifit! Phillipien 3:14
    by: Lady_Day on: 2017/01/19
  • 2017 motivation workouts

    This year I will lose weight using this workout
    by: encaputxat on: 2017/01/12
  • April #11-12

    Been keeping up with my exercise plan and I am currently on week 9 of 12! My pictures look great and I am so excited for what is to come!
    by: QueenRose238 on: 2015/08/19
  • 2/25/13

    30 day shred level two in the morning. After school I did a 3 mile jog and finished off the 45 minutes with a walk. At night I did strength training with jump rope mixed in.
    by: jasmine.shirts on: 2013/02/25
  • Project April #9

    Looking and feeling great! Had a big move, but now getting ready to get back to the swing of things!
    by: QueenRose238 on: 2015/07/29
  • House work = Excersise

    So yesterday was my second day to workout. I ended up spending the day cleaning. Dusted, laundry, dishes, tidy, bath night for everyone, it was a productive day that I was pretty proud of. Only problem is I worked my butt off and never got around ...
    by: mistressbanes on: 2014/10/24
  • Legs/Calves Day #2

    Legs/Calves Day #2 Stretches Standing One Leg Thigh Stretch One Leg Hamstring Stretch Calf Stretch Barbell is 7KG Dumbbell is 2KG Barbell Squats Set 1 - 15 reps - 17KG Set 2 - 12 reps - 17KG Set 3 - 6 reps - 23KG Set 4...
    by: nismolu on: 2020/02/15
  • Chest Day #1

    Chest day using the FreeTrainer 12 week Mass Workout - Phase 1  Chest Day #1 Stretches Chest Stretch Barbell is 7KG Dumbbell is 2KG Barbell Flat Bench Press Set 1 - 12 reps - 27 KG Set 2 - 6 reps - 37 KG Set 3 - 5 reps - 43 KG Se...
    by: nismolu on: 2020/02/11
  • First workout in

    In attempt to workout post running knee injury, but avoid the gym, I have joined this. It sticks well with my love to HIIT, and gives me a great way to set my timer and go hard plus provides me with the assigned exercise to perform. Thank you!
    by: lawlong1 on: 2016/09/15
  • Plank Workout - Day 4

    Starting my own daily plank routine, goal is to get to a 10 minute plank. Doing 5 sets.   1st set - 1 minute   2nd set - 1 minute 3rd set - 1 minute  4th set - 1 minute  5th set - 1 minute
    by: nismolu on: 2020/02/14
  • Project April #8

    Ok, so it is really hard to measure my progrees because I have a super unhealthy relationship with the scale, but I fianlly got some vindication today!!! Today I got a Tshirt that I bought for a video game charity live stream back in may and it is...
    by: QueenRose238 on: 2015/07/22
  • 100 Pushups Daily Challenge Day 6

    100 Pushups Daily Challenge Day 6 5 Sets  1st Set - 25 2nd Set - 25 3rd  Set - 25  4th Set - 25 5th Set -  25 Total Pushups - 125 3rd day 100 pushups overall! ]Goal of this challenge to keep a routine of daily pushups until can do 100 ...
    by: nismolu on: 2020/02/14
  • 100 Pushups Daily Challenge Day 7

    100 Pushups Daily Challenge Day 6 5 Sets  1st Set - 30 2nd Set - 30 3rd  Set - 30 4th Set - 30 5th Set -  30 Total Pushups - 150 Goal of this challenge to keep a routine of daily pushups until can do 100 pushups overall and then 100 pu...
    by: nismolu on: 2020/02/18

    I joined to kick start my healthy lifestyle as I feel led and not by anyone else's standard of how to get fit and healthy in 21 days or less, or by slumming through an 8-week unreasonable starvation diet of dandelion greens and tasteless cardboard...
    by: SahiaBoo on: 2016/09/25
  • Day 1

    May 30 2014 After waking up at 0515 and taking my medications (metformin for PCOS and phentermine-prescribed by my dr) I began day 1 of my journey! While waiting on my sister I cleaned my fridge, did laundry, and walked the dog, followed by br...
    by: candigirl1985 on: 2014/05/31
  • Getting in shape

    After having my son I haven't been able to get the weight off, I think if I can accomplish this it will make me, my fiancé, and my son a happier bunch. It's just not easy, it's really not I love sweets it's my big weakness! But I must do this!!!
    by: lizziej123 on: 2014/06/05
  • Day 9

    Computer wasn't coroperating with me but i still did my whole workout feeling very proud i added three other excersises yayyy
    by: jaiandzaymommy on: 2014/06/12
  • Workout#2

    Feeling energized.....3 sets of 12 chest press, 2 sets of 15 Leg extensions/curl, 15 minutes on elliptical, 2 miles on treadmill. I really push myself today and i feel it all in my knees and thighs, i need the strength back in my knee asap. #Begi...
    by: gellison on: 2015/01/09
  • Plank Workout - Day 5

    Starting my own daily plank routine, goal is to get to a 10 minute plank. Doing 5 sets.   1st set - 1 minute 30 seconds 2nd set - 1 minute  3rd set - 1 minute  4th set - 1 minute  5th set - 1 minute
    by: nismolu on: 2020/02/18
  • excited

    Working out has never been easier! Can't believe all it took was a schedual to ensure i make time for lifting. This website is the first thing i come to in the morning to see what the day holds for me, followed by breakfast. People in the gym are ...
    by: Ashley_jr on: 2014/04/21
  • Milestone

    I joined this site November 30, 2013. At the time I could not run more than 5mins on the treadmill. Today I am happy to report that not only can I run more than 5 minutes but I am up to a 40 minute run which came out to 2.21 miles, which just happ...
    by: Jersey_Jill on: 2014/01/09
  • Day 1: I can!

    My purpose for this year was can do something of exercise and lose weight, but owing to my studies that occupy the elder of my day in day out could not aim me to a gymnasium. It is not the first time that try to llevar the challenge to lose weight...
    by: jmelgarejo on: 2014/01/03
  • 29 de enero

    hoy lo hice!
    by: Nataliacarav on: 2018/01/29
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