Fitness Logs

FLogs are a way to motivate yourself and others by sharing your health and fitness progress with the community. You may use the links on the right to limit the FLogs which are displayed.

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  • 12/1/19

    1st workout using Freetrainers
    by: Chalfitz on: 2019/12/01
  • 2/25 log

    2/25 entry supplement jack3d 1 scoop streched HOME: full bar curls 3 x10 or failure wrist curls 3 x10 or failure side flys, 10lbs each hand 3 x10 Explosive pull and drop ,  full bar 3x10 or failure NEXT DAY: slightly sore t...
    by: Jax2012 on: 2012/02/26
  • First Day

    I never realised how bad in shape I am. I remember in middle school being able to do many of these. In fact, I used to do them every two days. I have gotten lazy, I haven't done these in almost seven years. Hopefully I can get back in shape soon. ...
    by: [Former member] on: 2012/06/09
  • Kick Starting on a Monday

    Good Evening everyone! I thought I'd plan out my new diet tonight and get into it tomorrow moring so I searched the web for some diet plans and I came across this one. It seems good so I am going to try my best to stick to my plan. Hopefully I...
    by: WishingToBeThin on: 2012/02/12
  • Day 2

    Day 2!  Today my wife joined me and it went great! Next workout day is on Tuesday, we have a three day break, looking forward to see how well it goes at 0400 hrs before I go to work.
    by: johnnyo61 on: 2015/08/08
  • Last - 2/26

    On 5/15
    by: Shrng on: 2018/02/07
  • 1st workout from plan

    Follewed my workout from here last night at the gym aching a bit today but raring to go again tonight and continue on my plan
    by: dylan75uk on: 2012/02/07
  • Jan 8, 2012

    Did my 20 min of Cardio today. Heartrate between 145 and 160 for the 20 min. Higher than target zone but I was on the easiest setting for my elliptical machine- I figure it is a sign of just how out of shape  I am right now and that the heart rate...
    by: chapliana on: 2012/01/08
  • arms shoulders heavy abs back

    Rotaror Cuff Set 20 Minutes Dumbbell Front Raises 10x 5 lbs  10x10 lbs 10x15 lbs Dumbbell Lateral Raises 10x 5 lbs  10x10 lbs 10x15 lbs Bent Over Dumbbell Raises  10x 5 lbs  10x10 lbs 10x15 lbs Seated Dumbbell Military Press 10x80 lbs ...
    by: [Former member] on: 2012/04/16
  • C1, Day 5

    Well, today mom went in for her knee replacement surgery and it's caused an uproar in the house. My lazy sister who doesn't like to do anything was forced to do the dishes and I started cleaning up the livingroom, cleaned the bathroom and even fol...
    by: emp67 on: 2012/01/20
  • Yes iv started

    Today iv starded working out currently on beginners homeworkout and cardio quik easy but felt a work out might step it up next week see how i go
    by: rosinarihari on: 2012/01/08
  • another walk

    Wind was still stout today so we walked another 5 miles.- 67 minutes
    by: [Former member] on: 2012/02/12
  • PM

    PM Start: 7:13am Finish: 8:17am Warm Up: HKC 12:00 Practice: Goblet Squats with the 16kg 3 reps Dowel Deads - KB Pendulum and KB DL Manmakers: 32kg bell with a 20/20 work/rest ratio - total of 128 swings Roller & Stretch: 10:30 ...
    by: yadmit on: 2013/01/24
  • Project April #8

    Ok, so it is really hard to measure my progrees because I have a super unhealthy relationship with the scale, but I fianlly got some vindication today!!! Today I got a Tshirt that I bought for a video game charity live stream back in may and it is...
    by: QueenRose238 on: 2015/07/22
  • Sunday

    3rd workout. Feels great, might have to step it up a little, somehow seems easy enough to add a little to it next week. I will do one more at the beginner level and then try the intermediate. if it seems to hard I will go back to beginner for anot...
    by: Ramonalisa1 on: 2014/03/09
  • none

    side planks with knee tuck 2 x 20 butt ups 2 x 20 lying side leg raises 2 x 20 lying side leg 2 x 20 push ups 1 set of 50 , 1 set of 45 lying straight leg lifts 2 x 20 bicycles 2 x 20
    by: Mr_Geezer on: 2014/06/29
  • More Yoga and the Next Phase

    Yoga... 45:00 or so... Tomorrow I am going to start the PM from ETK once again. I have an HKC cert coming up in November and I kinda wanna be ready for it.. but I also want to stay uninjured. :) t
    by: yadmit on: 2012/05/23
  • PM

    Program Minimum Start: 7:01am Finish: 8:00am Warm Up: 11:40 - HKC Practice: Arm Bar - Brett-zel - Crow Pose (:16 & fall) TGU: 12kg - 5:00 - 3/R & 2/L Roller & Stretch: 19:00 Thoughts: Not so bad today. Nice stretches with the ar...
    by: yadmit on: 2012/12/21
  • none

    weighted bench sit ups 10 x 40 lbs, 10 x 45 lbs, 10 x  50 lbs weighted  back hyperextensions 10 x 40 lbs, 10 x 45 lbs, 10 x  50 lbs weighted side hyper extension 10 x 40 lbs, 10 x 45 lbs, 10 x  50 lbs elliptical 30 minutes side planks 3...
    by: Mr_Geezer on: 2014/07/20
  • none

    lunges, goblet squats 10 x  25 lbs, 35 lbs, 45 lbs single leg calf raises 10 x 30, lbs, 40 lbs, 50 lbs crunch, side hypers and back hypers 3 sets of 10 x body weight 2 sets of 25 bent knee crunches side planks with knee tuck ...
    by: Mr_Geezer on: 2014/04/25
  • Day 2

    I forgot to write on my flog yesterday so this is my make up. Did my daily workout for 30 mins and then rode my bike for 30 mins afterwards. Went out again when my daughters got home from school and rode my bike for another 30 mins with my girls.
    by: plumpeachy81 on: 2012/01/11
  • none

    dumbbell lunges 10 x  50 lbs, 10 x 60 lbs. 10 x 70 lbs weighted incline sit ups 10 x 30 lbs, 10 x 40 lbs, 10 x 50 lbs dumbbell goblet squats 10 x 50 lbs, 10 x 60 lbs, 10 x 70 lbs side hyper extension 10 x 30 lbs, 10 x 40 lbs, 10 x 50 lbs s...
    by: Mr_Geezer on: 2014/07/06
  • 1/24/13

    40 minute workout in the morning step aerobics. At night I did 10 minutes of difficult upper body strength training and 30 minutes of stairs and jump rope. I had like 4 pieces of pizza and 2 ice cream cones as a splurge night because I got my LDS ...
    by: jasmine.shirts on: 2013/01/24
  • Getting Started

    My name is Denise, Today I have decided to try to get into better shape. I joined this program because I had an assignment for my P.E. class at school. This assignment had me come up with an execrise plan that I can do either at home or at school...
    by: jturnersgirl on: 2012/02/07
  • 1st day

    Feeling sluggish, stiffness. Ended well, had good meal and lots water. Felt good when going to sleep. Might do run tomorrow, depends how I feel. Motivation: The only person standing between myself and my goal is, me
    by: carlmatt on: 2013/07/20
  • Little by litle.

    Well I had a great weekend even though I had to work on Sunday.  But, I still got outside and enjoyed the wonderful weather.  I took the girls bike riding for a little bit and I'm feeling it now in my legs and my butt (need to get a new bike seat ...
    by: ehernandez0908 on: 2014/04/29
  • New Beginnings

    Well after being on the fire department for 2 years and being sick the past month time to get off my butt and work. I wish i could find a workout buddy in person but if anyone wants to add me go for it. Any help is awesome. I love to work out it m...
    by: Mistressp86 on: 2012/11/11
  • none

    Dumbbell lunges 10 x 40 lbs 10 x 50 lbs, 10 x 60 lbs incline sit ups...weighted 10 x 30  lbs, 10 x 40 lbs, 10 x 50 lbs goblet squats weighted 10 x 40 lbs, 10 x 50 lbs, 10 x 60 lbs side hyper extensions 10 x 30 lbs, 10 x 40 lbs, 10 x 50 lbs ...
    by: Mr_Geezer on: 2014/06/30
  • Kickboxing Kicked Great

    Today  I did Kickboxing with my trainer for 1 hr  I feel grate
    by: LadyNellB on: 2015/05/22
  • First Entry

    Starting this FLog after july 4th madness! ready to get back into lifting shape and actually pull some weight again. gonna start with Back today. Warmup: Row Machine, Tire Flips Start:  Seated cable row  Lat pulldowns DB back fly Farmers ca...
    by: Ierek on: 2014/07/06
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