Fitness Logs

FLogs are a way to motivate yourself and others by sharing your health and fitness progress with the community. You may use the links on the right to limit the FLogs which are displayed.

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  • My workouts

    I will post my workouts here, I am training to compete in a powerlift meet soon!
    by: 7707mutt on: 2012/01/04
  • Stay the course....

    I was going to keep a hand written journal but found this site and decided this would be better. Since I work out alone this is the next best thing to going to a gym and learning from others. I hope to make freinds here and pick up great workout t...
    by: CKuranda on: 2012/10/04
  • Intro

    Heyy All! My Name is Vasilia and I am going to be 23 years old. The reason for me to be joining this site is to get my life on track. I have a goal to get down to a size 12 from a size 24. I know it wont be done in a day, but it is possible! I hav...
    by: vpatsourakis on: 2012/08/13
  • Im back and with a vengence! :0)

    Ive made more changes in my life within the past week. I have cut out all pop, added sugar and sweets!!!! I have to admit that I feel like a junky needin their fix ughhhh. Sugar is very much an addictive substance to be avoided as much as possible...
    by: gerilynn1975 on: 2012/03/19
  • In the begining

    So I have just realised that I am heavier than I ever was!  Got on the scales and saw that god awful number and cried....and cried....and cried.  I always knew that I was getting bigger.  I just did not realise how big.  I honestly didn't think I ...
    by: anna_megs on: 2012/06/12
  • Serious workout begins tomorrow!

    That's it! More motivated than ever to get a better toned body, and shed the fat! I've been going to the gym on and off since August, but never really had a proper routine. I've sorted myself some workouts and routines to work to my own capabil...
    by: workitalex777 on: 2014/05/02
  • 11lbs.

    So I haven't quite been eating like I am supposed to however I started officially on the treadmill last week.  After 3 days of 20 minutes on the treadmill and attempting to stay under 1700 calories (although most days exceeding by a couple hundred...
    by: phildrena on: 2012/02/27
  • question

    does anyone know if a waist trimmer belt really works?? cause i bought one but i'm afraid it won't work like it says it if anyone has any info about this please comment
    by: blondeiangel on: 2012/02/04
  • Wonderful purchase!

    On the weekend, I went out and bought Zumba Fitness for the Wii...  Best purchase ever!  I love it!  It's fun, sometimes confusing which makes it funny and boy, it can make you break a good sweat! Have'nt done a full class yet but having a ball...
    by: isabelle14 on: 2012/02/29
  • Pumped up!

    I'm going to my gym today to get my keycard, and on monday i start my 12 week mass and strength program. I'm so excited!
    by: MestariYoda on: 2012/01/18
  • Where's the APP?

    To whom this may concern, I have been very eager to work out these last couple days, especially after I found the site!  I cant wait to get working on my program!  However, I would love to see an App in the works, it would be helpful and a lot ...
    by: JarHead4Lyfe95 on: 2014/09/10
  • Motivational Friends

    Isn't it bad when you see some1 u'd like 2 have as a motivational partner & they haven't signed in since 2007? I'd like 2 meet (online) some motivated friends who will sign in at least a few times a year, share their diet & exercise ups & downs, f...
    by: luv1butterfly on: 2012/04/01

    2018... just like every other year I spent January 1st writing out my goals for the year, but this year it was different. I actually know that I will achieve these goals. To hold myself accountable for these targets, I will write them here.  Drin...
    by: AnnaLouise02 on: 2018/01/01
  • Tomorrow

    Tomorrow I i being my journey of being health, confinident, and unstoppable. I am ready!!
    by: ButterflyENic on: 2018/01/05
  • Full Body and Cardio

    Full Body Took 1 hr Advanced to intermediate Treadmill 20mins 3.9kph 7incline 210calories
    by: RIDWANARBI on: 2017/12/10
  • My 2012 Eating Plan

    Day 1Day 2Day 3Day 4Day 5Day 6Day 7BreakfastCereal with skim milkCereal with skim milkTwo slices seed loaf with peanut butter +rooibos tea/coffeeCereal with skim milkMuesli +low fat yoghurt2 slices seed loaf +eggToast with any toppingSnackPineappl...
    by: farhaanah on: 2012/01/10
  • bench press

    im 14 6'1 a freshman and an Outside Linebacker and Wide Receiver for my highschool football team i can max my bench press at 165 3 times and normally i can do 145 6 times is this good or should i try less weights but more reps?
    by: tvaltv on: 2016/11/07
  • Digestion and Work-Outs

    I've heard that digestion stops when you're working out so its not a good idea to eat before you exercize but we need some fuel to burn and not get weak. What would you recommend? And about how much time does it take to digest boiled egg?
    by: WendyGarmany on: 2017/04/21
  • 1.00 pm Wednesday, Day 1

    So, Hi! I'm Amy. I have been working out with trainers for the past 4 years and loving it. But I couldn't really afford to keep up the lifestyle (They are expensive!) So I took the course and got certified to be a PT, which is great, but I don't w...
    by: Amypet on: 2016/08/24
  • 1st day!

    omg this hurts so much!
    by: rspiller21 on: 2017/09/11
  • Beginning Of Week 3

    So far, so good, I can already notice the differences from working out to this plan. It's pretty amazing if i/m going to be honest, I'm slowly trying to push myself more and more by slowly increasing the weights and sometimes adding on a couple or...
    by: Mo_sz on: 2017/08/07
  • Today I start the big weight loss!! I want to lose 10 pounds!! :D

    I keep saying to myself that I want to get in shape and lose weight, but it never really comes to fruition. Today I found a website called Free Trainers (The one I am on now) Ha ha! And I feel like it will help motivate me to work out and be fit!
    by: ktutaj0307 on: 2015/11/02
  • Can't see my workout schedule for tommorow

    How do I get to see my workout schedule for tommorow? Thank you :)
    by: Fyibreakdance on: 2015/10/05
  • Fun in the Sun

    Well thank you for this web site. Being a senior citizen I wanted something with the least amount of video. I mean just show me how to do it,  and I get the picture quickly. I do not have to watch a lot of video that will likely depress me when I ...
    by: glendasuedirks on: 2015/09/12
  • its only the begining

    just hit P90X ab RIPPER hard! ew ah oh yay ew ah feels good!
    by: bradenderrick on: 2015/03/02
  • Bad Personal Trainer

    A friend of mine joined the gym the other day and as part of joining she got 2 free PT sessions. She went in tonight to receive her first session. So after the session she felt de-motivated, less inspired, and doubted she could reach her goal. ...
    by: [Former member] on: 2012/04/16
  • Cardio is not included

    Hi there!, I am very excited to take advantage of the home plan workouts and from what I can tell it is going to be beneficial.  I am wondering why there is no cardio listed in the workout plan.  I do alot of walking and hiking so I will contin...
    by: TFullerton on: 2016/05/16
  • My New and Improved Goals

    I'm new to this site, I really haven't been on sites where I have gotten actual support. I even tried the spark people site for teens, nothing... My friends don't support me.. they just tell me I'm fine the way I am, which i'm not AT ALL.. I weigh...
    by: fat2fit98 on: 2014/02/08
  • high spirit

    i started my weigh loss journey in 2012,alone no one 2 motivate me no 1 2 encourage me ,so i became my biggest fan,& my biggest motivator& i gotta say it has ben fun,now i workout -6 times weekly,i truly love it
    by: goldie007 on: 2014/05/13
  • Back again

    Forgot to write a flog yesterday because I had to go to work straight after the gym. So yesterday I did 20 minutes on the bicycle and I think that made my right leg start hurting when I got to work. For strength I did: abs 3x15 crunches 3x15 ...
    by: kattyfigs on: 2014/04/07
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