Fitness Logs

FLogs are a way to motivate yourself and others by sharing your health and fitness progress with the community. You may use the links on the right to limit the FLogs which are displayed.

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  • none

    The only rest is as described between reps. There is no rest between movements. seated dumbbell curls . Using dumbbells means the actual rep would be 50 lbs with 2 hands 25 lbs x 1----   rest 1 second 25 lbs x 2----   rest 2 seconds 25 lbs x...
    by: Mr_Geezer on: 2014/05/31
  • Alright Me, TIme for Day 1

    Yesterday I made my first FLog/ Blog and it really put me in a positive mind set as to how and what I want to do it. I realized that I am making big changes so everything has to be done new and differently. Even if I am just talking to myself, it ...
    by: jazzminefd on: 2014/05/31
  • Day 4

    I hate sweating but i know that im truely getting a good burn....trying to stay motivated i talk to myself in my head while im walking and working out it will all be worth it if i keep it up!
    by: jaiandzaymommy on: 2014/05/31
  • Day 1

    May 30 2014 After waking up at 0515 and taking my medications (metformin for PCOS and phentermine-prescribed by my dr) I began day 1 of my journey! While waiting on my sister I cleaned my fridge, did laundry, and walked the dog, followed by br...
    by: candigirl1985 on: 2014/05/31
  • none

    End of 7 days off for the most part. I have never used an elliptical trainer. Did 30 minutes today. The movement seems unnatural but I guess muscle memory will fall into place in a week or two. Back at it tomorrow...
    by: Mr_Geezer on: 2014/05/30
  • My first day, hopefully not my last

    Today is my first day working out in a looooooooong time. I gave birth to a beautiful baby girl a little over 3 weeks ago and I am ready to start saying buh bye to this ugly loose belly. I started off weighing 238lbs when I got pregnant and lost a...
    by: taniagoddard on: 2014/05/30
  • My first day of a new me

    Today is the first day of the rest of my new life. Working hard to losw the rest of the 120 pounds i have left to lose. It will not be easy but i know that I can.
    by: jackie1964 on: 2014/05/30
  • Day 3

    I was disapointed in myself because i didnt workout tuesday i just couldnt get myself up to do anything so it was a depressing day for me but today i did it yayyy go me
    by: jaiandzaymommy on: 2014/05/29
  • none

    Blew out the second bearing on the treadmill today. Drove to the city and bought a new elliptical. It was very expensive. The treadmill is dead. Long live the elliptical. few days off and back on it day after tomorrow.
    by: Mr_Geezer on: 2014/05/28
  • none

    dance 1 hour bent knee crunches 2x 20 side planks with knee tuck 2 x 20 butt ups 2 x 20 lying side leg raises 2 x 20 lying side leg 2 x 20 push ups 2 x 40 lying straight leg lifts 2 x 20 bicycles 2 x 20
    by: Mr_Geezer on: 2014/05/27
  • none

    lunges no weigh  3 sets of 25 each side goblet squats    3 sets of 25 single leg calf raises 3 sets of 25 each leg side hyper extension  3 sets of 25 each side back hyperextension  3 sets of 25 incline crunches  3 sets of 25 danc...
    by: Mr_Geezer on: 2014/05/26
  • change up

    I've been on a strength gaining workout for close to 12 weeks. Along with strength gains comes a bit of fat gain. It's inherent and unavoidable. My weight varies just a little bit these days but to gain strength I have to eat more. I'm changing to...
    by: Mr_Geezer on: 2014/05/24
  • Day 2

    Proud to say i completed my workout today, had to push myself to get started but im not gonna give up
    by: jaiandzaymommy on: 2014/05/24
  • none

    leg day just sucks lunges 10 x 50 lbs, 10 x 60 lbs, 10 x 70, lbs weighted incline crunch 10 x 15 lbs, 10 x 20 lbs, 10 x 25, lbs goblet squats 10 x 40 lbs 10 x 50 lbs, 10 x 60 lbs side hyperextension 10 x 15 lbs, 10 x 20 lbs, 10 x 25, lbs...
    by: Mr_Geezer on: 2014/05/23
  • Day one:

    It's bittersweet starting up again because the "yay" of beginning your journey along with the "nay" of not being able to push your body to the extent it once stood. I ran a lap around a lake by my house, it is probably a mere mile I followed it wi...
    by: Sydmarinie on: 2014/05/22
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    rotator cuff strength work 15 minutes dumbbell fly 10 x 25 lbs, 10 x 35 lbs, 10 x 45 lbs per hand horizontal pull ups 3 sets of ten slow and full stroke dumbbell bench press 16 x 50 lbs, 14 x 60 lbs, 12 x 70 lbs each hand bent over dumbbel...
    by: Mr_Geezer on: 2014/05/22
  • Day 1

    Im really excited about my first day back working out, i did my 30 mins on my tredmill 2.0mps then did my home work out thatplanned for me hoping i will keep this up trying to get my life in order to a new healthy me!
    by: jaiandzaymommy on: 2014/05/22
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    day off..........much needed
    by: Mr_Geezer on: 2014/05/21
  • DAY 1: Hip Hop Abs

    Haven't logged in this for a while... been so busy with college and jogging I forgot that I had this :/  I have started Shaun T's Hip Hop Abs...
    by: KirstOBrien10 on: 2014/05/21
  • none

    staight arm raises...laterals, front, side 10 x 5 lbs, 10 x 10 lbs, 10 x 15 lbs dips 8 sets of 8 pull ups 8 sets of 8 chin ups 8 sets of 8 seated military press 10 x 40 lbs, 10 x 45 lbs, 10 x 50 lbs dance lesson 1 hour bent knee cru...
    by: Mr_Geezer on: 2014/05/20
  • 30 day challenge: Day 19

    Today I went to uni and did a 2 hour dance class. Jazz/Broadway. Need to practice getting my technique down pack. The warm up was the hardest part but it was really fun. It's really late and I've been on the go all day. So I'll keep this short ...
    by: kattyfigs on: 2014/05/20
  • none

    lunges, goblet squats, single leg calf raises 10 x 50 lbs, 10 x 60 lbs , 10 x 70 lbs back hyperextension, side hyperextension, incline sit ups 3 sets of 15 each treadmill  45 minutes All supersets in rest between side planks wit...
    by: Mr_Geezer on: 2014/05/19
  • 30 day challenge: Day 18

    I was incredibly tired today. It was my first day of uni so I was walking around all day with heavy books in my bag. First class was acting so lots of movement there. It was good. Then I started day 18 of my challenge. First 100 tricep dips....
    by: kattyfigs on: 2014/05/19
  • 30 day challenge: Day 16 + 17

    So yesterday I didn't get a chance to go on the computer. I even did my 50 lunges on each leg at my friend's house. I also did 50 donkey kicks on each leg. yesterday was a pretty easy day, I do like leg workouts. Today was harder. I had to do 3...
    by: kattyfigs on: 2014/05/18
  • none

    rotator cuff shoulder warm up 15 minutes dumbbell seated curls 4 x 50 lbs, 10 x 45 lbs, 10 x 40 lbs, 10 x 35 lbs, 10 x 30 lbs ,  20 x 15 lbs seated overhead dumbbell extensions 6 x 50 lbs, 10 x 45 lbs, 10 x 40 lbs, 10 x 35 lbs, 10 x 30 lbs ,...
    by: Mr_Geezer on: 2014/05/17
  • none

    lunges 10 x 50 lbs 10 x 60 lbs, 10 x 70 lbs incline sit ups weighted 10 x 25 lbs, 10 x 30 lbs 10 x  35 lbs single leg calf raises 10 x 50 lbs 10 x 60 lbs, 10 x 70 lbs  weighted side hyperextension 10 x 25 lbs, 10 x 30 lbs 10 x  35 lbs gobl...
    by: Mr_Geezer on: 2014/05/16
  • 30 day challenge: Day 15 ( the real day 15 :P)

    Short flog. I want to go to bed. 4 x 60 second plank 100 russian twists
    by: kattyfigs on: 2014/05/16
  • none

    All upper body movements superset with core movements Body weight gorilla chins 5 sets of 5 side hyper extensions each side 5 sets of 10 pull ups 3 sets of 5, 2 sets of 8 back hyperextension 5 sets of 10 chin ups sets of 6, 8, 8, 9,...
    by: Mr_Geezer on: 2014/05/15
  • 30 day challenge: Day 15

    I suppose I should log that I walked laps of the pool for roughly 3 hours today at work. I always feel too lazy to exercise after work. Ugh but I got straight into my workout after because I wanted to go to karaoke tonight :P So firstly I did 5...
    by: kattyfigs on: 2014/05/15
  • 20 minute run

    Did a 20 minute run today about an hour after my lunch
    by: ShaydiR97 on: 2014/05/15
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