Fitness Logs

FLogs are a way to motivate yourself and others by sharing your health and fitness progress with the community. You may use the links on the right to limit the FLogs which are displayed.

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  • 30 day challenge: Day 1

    So I've been a bit lazy the last week but I'm back because I promised myself that the 1st day of this month I will be starting my 30 day challenge. Just to change it up a bit. It's quite simple. Just 2 exercised each day to tone your body, they ca...
    by: kattyfigs on: 2014/04/30
  • none

    rorator cuff warm up 10 minutes dumbbell fly 10 x 20 lbs, 10 x 30 lbs, 10 x 40 lbs superset with horizontal pull ups  3 sets of 10 dumbbell flat bench press 15 x 50 lbs    15 x 60 lbs , 15 x  70 lbs, super set with dumbbel...
    by: Mr_Geezer on: 2014/04/30
  • Love biking in the rain

    A chilly 5 degrees with rain but came in with shorts and felt great.  Yesterday was triceps chest and abs.  Tonight its badminton wth the family, abs pushups/chinups at home...  gotta motivate Martha for a run.
    by: Misledgeekboy on: 2014/04/30
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    Boofuckingyaaah Straight arm  raises...straight, front, bent over 10 x 5 lbs, 10 x 10 lbs, 10 x 15 lbs seated dumbbell military press 10 x 30 lbs    10 x 40 lbs   15 x 50 lbs chin ups bodyweight  sets of  5, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10 ...
    by: Mr_Geezer on: 2014/04/29
  • Little by litle.

    Well I had a great weekend even though I had to work on Sunday.  But, I still got outside and enjoyed the wonderful weather.  I took the girls bike riding for a little bit and I'm feeling it now in my legs and my butt (need to get a new bike seat ...
    by: ehernandez0908 on: 2014/04/29
  • Redux

    Ok so last time I wrote a Flog was a while ago, early into my workout programme. I just had a big break from writing in it while I got stuck in as I was just going steady with my new hobby and I'm also preety sure no one reads these things. ...
    by: Liberality91 on: 2014/04/29
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    lunges 10 x 35 lbs, 10 x 40 lbs , 10 x 50 lbs single leg calf raises 10 x 35 lbs, 10 x 40 lbs , 10 x 50 lbs goblet squats 10 x 35 lbs, 10 x 40 lbs , 10 x 50 lbs weighted crunch, side and back hyperextension 10 x 25 lbs, 35 lbs, 40 lbs ...
    by: Mr_Geezer on: 2014/04/28
  • Workout 1

    So I spent most of yesterday pumping myself up for this journey and today I worked out for the first time in months.  I didn't do much, but I built up a sweat and could feel my core working. Afterward I spent about an hour browsing fitness tips to...
    by: Scrogham on: 2014/04/28
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    seated dumbbell curls 10 x 15 lbs, 30 lbs, 35 lbs, 40 lbs seated overhead dumbbell extension 10 x 15 lbs, 30 lbs, 35 lbs, 40 lbs seated dumbbell hammers 10 x 15 lbs, 30 lbs, 35 lbs, 40 lbs lying overhead dumbbell extensions 10 x 15 lb...
    by: Mr_Geezer on: 2014/04/26
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    lunges, goblet squats 10 x  25 lbs, 35 lbs, 45 lbs single leg calf raises 10 x 30, lbs, 40 lbs, 50 lbs crunch, side hypers and back hypers 3 sets of 10 x body weight 2 sets of 25 bent knee crunches side planks with knee tuck ...
    by: Mr_Geezer on: 2014/04/25
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    weighted incline crunch, side and back hyperextension 3 sets of 10 at 20 lbs chins, dips, gorilla  chins 5 sets of 8 each two dance classes, rumba and hustle 2 sets of 25 bent knee crunches side planks with knee tuck butt ups ly...
    by: Mr_Geezer on: 2014/04/24
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    incline dumbbell fly 10 x 30 lbs,  40 lbs,  50  lbs Dumbbell bench press 10 x 50 lbs, 60, lbs, 70 lbs bent over single arm rows  10 x 50 lbs, 60 lbs , 70 lbs Horizontal pull ups 3 sets of 10 Garden prep 2 sets of 25 bent knee cru...
    by: Mr_Geezer on: 2014/04/23
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    Rotator cuff warm up 10 minutes Lateral, front and bent over straight arm raises 10 x 5 lbs 10 x 10 lbs 10 x 15 lbs chin up sets of 3, 5, 5, 8, 8, 10, 10, 8, 8 dips  3, 5, 5, 8, 8, 10, 10, 8, 8 seated military press 10 x 20 lbs, ...
    by: Mr_Geezer on: 2014/04/22
  • New gym

    Started a new gym today, the equipment is all techno gym so all good on that side, was down there for hour and half to two hours, just got back home feeling achy but looking forward to tomorrow's gym session!
    by: charlieedl on: 2014/04/22
  • Burning off those baked potatoes

    I forgot to write again yesterday lol. Yesterday I did 25 minutes on the bicycle. I've upped my cardio time by 5 minutes. My legs were still a little sore yesterday but they're fine today. abs 3x15 crunches 3x15 seated twists 3x15 lying fro...
    by: kattyfigs on: 2014/04/21
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    squats, lunges , calf raises 3 sets of 15 x  25 lbs, 30, lbs, 35 lbs 2 sets of 25 bent knee crunches side planks with knee tuck butt ups lying side leg raises lying side leg push ups lying straight leg lifts bicycles
    by: Mr_Geezer on: 2014/04/21
  • excited

    Working out has never been easier! Can't believe all it took was a schedual to ensure i make time for lifting. This website is the first thing i come to in the morning to see what the day holds for me, followed by breakfast. People in the gym are ...
    by: Ashley_jr on: 2014/04/21
  • Work Out One

    DAY ONE: Thursday was sort of a warm up... Worked with personal trainer to stretch stiff muscles and to  learn some core moves. Bit of cardo Used foam roller for owie-wowies DAY TWO: Sunday Went through cardio and upper body circuit with...
    by: RippedCat on: 2014/04/20
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    Day off except for calesthinics 2 sets of 25 bent knee crunches side planks with knee tuck butt ups lying side leg raises lying side leg push ups lying straight leg lifts bicycles
    by: Mr_Geezer on: 2014/04/20
  • So sore

    I'm so sore after doing pump yesterday. My arms are killing me and so are my calf muscles and quads. Lay in bed watching movies most of the day which is the worse because when I got up it hurt even more. But lucky today is my rest day. To make my ...
    by: kattyfigs on: 2014/04/20
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    seated dumbbell curl 10 x 15 lbs,  10 x 20 lbs,  10 x 30 lbs  10 x 35 lbs, 8 x 40 lbs seated overhead dumbbell extensions 10 x 15 lbs,  10 x 20 lbs,  10 x 30 lbs  10 x 35 lbs, 10 x 40 lbs seated dumbbell hammers 10 x 15 lbs,  10 x 20 lbs,  10...
    by: Mr_Geezer on: 2014/04/19
  • classes today

    Went to my friend's gym today. Did 20 minutes of cardio on the cross trainer. Goofed around a lot on a few other cardio machines that she claimed to be hard. She was right. Afterwards we did a body pump class. It was really fun and I finished o...
    by: kattyfigs on: 2014/04/19
  • Lets do it

    Can not belive i found this website! This is exactly what i needed. I am still young and i have alot of time to improve my body. I am not just doing this to look better for my girlfriend and family but i am ready to be healthier over all. I play f...
    by: Ashley_jr on: 2014/04/18
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    Dumbbell lunges  10 x 25 lbs, 10 x 35 lbs, 10 x 45 lbs side hyperextension  10 x 25 lbs, 10 x 35 lbs, 10 x 45 lbs goblet squats   10 x 25 lbs, 10 x 35 lbs, 10 x 45 lbs weighted incline crunches  10 x 25 lbs, 10 x 35 lbs, 10 x 45 lbs si...
    by: Mr_Geezer on: 2014/04/18
  • Feeling more open and strong

    Bums! I was in the mood for some zumba and yoga today so I asked my cousin if she wanted to do it with me. She said definitely after 4 o'clock. I like to get my workouts done as soon as I can, so I waited until 4:30 and messaged her. She dogged me...
    by: kattyfigs on: 2014/04/18
  • first week

    well the first week of exercising is almost done i have to say i feel great so far. some soreness which was expected other than that it has been going good been exercising on schedule and keeping with it so far
    by: stevewit34 on: 2014/04/18
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    Dumbbell fly  10 x 10 lbs. 10 x 20 lbs,  10 x 30 lbs,  10 x 40 lbs per arm superset with' horizontal pull ups 4 sets of 10 Dumbbell flat bench press  10 x 50 lbs, 10 x 60 lbs  10 x 70 lbs   per arm superset with single arm bent over dumbbel...
    by: Mr_Geezer on: 2014/04/17
  • Brain feels like moosh

    I forgot to write my flog again yesterday. I was incredibly busy but anyways yesterday I went to the gym abs 3x15 incline crunches 3x15 seated twists 3x15 machine leg raises. I found that using these machines made it a lot harder than just d...
    by: kattyfigs on: 2014/04/17
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    2 sets of 25 bent knee crunches side planks with knee tuck butt ups lying side leg raises lying side leg push ups lying straight leg lifts bicycles
    by: Mr_Geezer on: 2014/04/16
  • Transformation...once again

    Good morning from the Great Republic of Texas, y'all.  Today is the day I begin my retransformation...once again.  January 2009, I weighted almost 300lbs.  By August of 2009, I was able to shed 110lbs by putting myself on a sound eating and 2 a da...
    by: Nosselwop on: 2014/04/16
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