Fitness Logs

FLogs are a way to motivate yourself and others by sharing your health and fitness progress with the community. You may use the links on the right to limit the FLogs which are displayed.

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  • First Workout

    Good first workout. Kind of sucked that it was lower body, but it has to be done either way. My ass is numb, and the meeting place between my ass and hamstring hurts! Other than that, it's been great!
    by: MattDavis5 on: 2014/03/31
  • First workout

    Well, completed my first workout with no problems! Let's continue with that!
    by: ZacSloan14 on: 2014/03/31
  • none

    dumbbell fly  3 sets of 10 at  20 lb, 30 lb and 40 lb  each arm superset with single arm dumbbell rows 3 sets at  40 lb 45 lb 50 lb dumbbell flat bench press  3 sets  at 50 lbs 60 lbs and 70 lbs each arm horizontal pull ups 3 sets of 10 x body ...
    by: Mr_Geezer on: 2014/03/31
  • none

    rotator cuff warm up  10 minutes seeated dumbbell overhead press 10 x 10 lb  20 lb total 10 x 20 lb  40 lb total 10 x 30 lb  60 lb total 10 x 40 lb  80 lb total 10 x 50 lb  100 lb total superset with  5 sets of chins   x   5  reps ...
    by: Mr_Geezer on: 2014/03/30
  • Starting information

    Today I start my workout program... I am really excited but a little nervous at the same time... My starting weight is 201 and that is what has made me decide to get in shape and I'm not getting any younger... I am going to push my self as far as ...
    by: K.mcnally1 on: 2014/03/30
  • yoga is not gentle

    Been enjoying 2 - 3 yoga classes a week for abouth 3 months, mainly to give my joints and muscles a rest form the hard flog! Oh but yesterday's session can be called nothing short of brutal. Yes, it was slow and smooth movements controlled by stre...
    by: cathiepatrice on: 2014/03/29
  • none

    four sets of 10 at 30 lbs 40 lbs and 45 lbs seated dumbbell curls  seated overhead dumbbell extensions seated dumbbell hammers lying overhead dumbbell extensions four sets of 10 no weight incline crunch back hyperextension side hyper...
    by: Mr_Geezer on: 2014/03/29
  • none

    My entry didn't show up again. Moved furniture all day. Danced an hour with my girl 4 sets of 15 bent knee crunches side planks with knee tuck butt ups lying side leg raises lying side leg push ups lying straight leg lifts bicycles
    by: Mr_Geezer on: 2014/03/28
  • test

    Just noticed my flogs have not been posting. I wrote them but they aren't showing up. Yesterday went this way. 2 hours of dance lessons 4 sets of 15 bent knee crunches side planks with knee tuck butt ups lying side leg raises lyin...
    by: Mr_Geezer on: 2014/03/28
  • Captain's Log

    I've smoked waaaay to much in my life already to have any sort of memory left, I don't even remember how many times I've gone to the Gym already, it must be 3/4?Either way, that must be a good sign because It seems I'm already (mentally) easing na...
    by: Liberality91 on: 2014/03/28
  • getting ready for enlistment

    Well im not to sure  what i really need to do  to get ready for the army. I do know i need some help getting in better shape for it. just did. 200 situps,114 pushups,114 curls with a 25lb weight, 114 squats  also. any help would be awesome ? boy a...
    by: WYGANTRAY on: 2014/03/27
  • The BIG 2nd stage

    I never thought I would make it to the first round let alone the second, there's always that "yeh I went yesterday and it was alright but today was just shit" feeling. But I'm soldiering on nicely, even after the first day I'm already feeling t...
    by: Liberality91 on: 2014/03/26
  • Dusting off the old "Guns"

    I apologise first for the "Guns" reference, I like quwerky titles. But i'm in no way a v-neck wearing ego warrior. My arms are like pins. First day back in the gym yesterday, the stormy weather after work inspired me to stay inside in a warm g...
    by: Liberality91 on: 2014/03/25
  • AM/PM

    AM Workout: 5 X 5 @ 55 lbs Deadlifts Hang cleans Front squats Push press Back squats PM Workout: 30 minute Ab workout 45 minute Strength endurance 250 paddle erg X 2
    by: Minimus on: 2014/03/21
  • 3/20/14

    Hit a wall on weight loss with healthy eating, can't get below the 180-183 mark. Finally joined gym this week. Lifted some 3/18, Started day one of sites exercise plan today, went relatively well, no went awesome! Arms feel like rubber! Even ran ...
    by: foust130 on: 2014/03/20
  • 15 minutes in my car

    4 rounds of: 15 burpees 150 jump ropes 25 cal row As fast as possible... I spent 15 minutes recovering in my car.  Tonight: Lower body Squat: 4X6 @ 90 lbs RDL: 2X6 @ 70 lbs Calf raise: 4X12 Lying leg curl: 4X12 Leg extension:...
    by: Minimus on: 2014/03/20
  • Ahhh finally some rest

    Since I didn't get any rest yesterday I will have some today. Will get back into it tomorrow :D
    by: kattyfigs on: 2014/03/20
  • Fyrsta æfingin:)!

    Jæja. Í dag gerði ég fyrstu heimaæfinguna og gekk það bara mjög vel! ég náði að gera allar æfingarnar plús það að ég fór á skíðavélina í 20 mín áður en ég gerði æfingarnar..  Ég er sveitt og ógeðsleg núna og fer bráðum að fara í sturtu! Mér líðu...
    by: alfrun94 on: 2014/03/20
  • Upper Body

    Yesterday:  BB Bench press:  55 X 10, 75 X 10, 85X 8,  90 X 4 Single DB row: 4X 10 (40 lbs) Standing overhead press: 12X12X10X8  (45 lbs) DB curl: 12X12X108 (15 lbs) Seated chest fly: 4X12 (20 lbs) Lateral raises 4X10-12  (10lbs) Bent over...
    by: Minimus on: 2014/03/19
  • Week 1

    Started my new diet on monday, and I am very motivated! Been yo-yoing on various diets since the new year, and I finally feel like I can stick to this and finally achieve some weight loss. I've been going to the gym for the past three days, ...
    by: emmar24 on: 2014/03/19
  • It was meant to be my rest day

    I went to my sisters house today and we did an hour of yoga together. I'm trying to practise it everyday but then my sister thought it would be fun to go for a bushwalk along some erratic terrain. That was super fun! I was exhausted afterwards and...
    by: kattyfigs on: 2014/03/19
  • Pre-Flog

    So this is a "Flog"... I never thought I'de get to the day where I'd be writing a fittness diary again, I read a fittness diary of a SUPER  hot girl I know a while back, she's started beoming a " Boss Girl " as ego-hungry girls like to call it...
    by: Liberality91 on: 2014/03/19
  • none

    Dumbbell fly 3 sets of 10 x 20 lb   30 lb   40 lb Dumbbell flat bench press 3 sets of  10  x 40 lbs 50 lbs 60 lbs Chin ups 6 sets of 5 horizontal pull ups 3 sets of 10 side hyperextension 3 sets of 10 each side back hyperextension 3 sets of 1...
    by: Mr_Geezer on: 2014/03/18
  • My least favourite day

    I was right, I would be sore today after doing chest and abs yesterday! Still, no excuses. Time to workout a different muscle group. Ugh. I did 20 minutes of cardio on a stationary bike. How do you not get bored doing cardio at the gym? My litt...
    by: kattyfigs on: 2014/03/17
  • none

    4 sets of 15 bent knee crunches side planks with knee tuck butt ups lying side leg raises lying side leg push ups lying straight leg lifts bicycles
    by: Mr_Geezer on: 2014/03/17
  • Squats after a leg day :(

    Leg and back day yesterday.  I've been playing around with my program the last couple of week.  Tonight, I'll put pen to paper and come up with something concrete for the next couple of months which will take in consideration my AM circuit workout...
    by: Minimus on: 2014/03/17
  • Monday, Chest

    Went to the gym again. Decided that I'm giving up on my friends who say they want to workout with me. Took a break on the weekend because of work (I'm a swimming instructor) and there were a lot of parties on. However I'm more focused on my goals ...
    by: kattyfigs on: 2014/03/16
  • none

    Took a couple of months off to tend to family stuff. 2 weeks ago I started back with circuits. I hit every muscle group, every day with 2 sets of ten and starter weights for me. I did not want to go through the soreness.  It's worked for the mo...
    by: Mr_Geezer on: 2014/03/16
  • Slowly, but surely

    I am seeing and feeling a difference. It feels good to be fit!
    by: phillyslim98 on: 2014/03/15
  • Back in business

    Hi Everyone! So, I started exercising again today after God knows how long...3 weeks I think it is. I did abs and legs at the gym and went home to do 20 minutes of yoga. Felt knackered when walking home from the gym. That will teach me to walk ...
    by: kattyfigs on: 2014/03/13
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