Fitness Logs

FLogs are a way to motivate yourself and others by sharing your health and fitness progress with the community. You may use the links on the right to limit the FLogs which are displayed.

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  • none

    On 19 December we went on vacation. Wife and me caught some damn bug on the ship. We were pretty sick but are on the mend. Had a very light day today. I lost 8 lbs the hard way since we left. I'll be back to full speed in a week or so. rotator ...
    by: Mr_Geezer on: 2014/01/08
  • 1st Day 2 A New Me

    Today I started working out again. I tend to go through these phases like most people around the new year then tend to fall off the wagon a couple months in. The last time I was on the wagon I lost 20 lbs and kept that off for about year. That was...
    by: sexymeeko2014 on: 2014/01/07
  • Catch Up!

    Okay so I have struggled a lot latley. In the 2013 year I tried and tried to loose weight but I kept gaining. I lost 3 close family members that year. I gained a toatal 130 lbs since that happened. I did good in september. i lost from 375 to 302 b...
    by: FatKristen on: 2014/01/05
  • Day 2

    Started off with a warm up run a mere 5mile an hour.. fluctuated it throughout the 3 mile goal in 30 min Resulted in 3 miles in 31 mins and 15 secs.. slower but... I got to do a range from 5 mile and hour all the way up to 6.7 mile an hour whi...
    by: KM1010 on: 2014/01/05
  • day 1

    ran my 30 mins on the treadmill 3.02 miles in 30 mins
    by: KM1010 on: 2014/01/04
  • Day 2: I can't with the flexiones!

    To begun my second day with FreeTrainers and can say that I follow very motivated. I have been looking for new exercises of the zones that more want to work and that resemble those that give me in the program of each activity. In the training of c...
    by: jmelgarejo on: 2014/01/04
  • THE NEW ME!!!

    It's a new year and time for a new me!!! I want to focus on myself...i know it sounds a little selfish, but this is what i will need to do if i want to succeed in this weight loss battle. Time to get back in the gym and get my groove back. I can u...
    by: deslicious on: 2014/01/03
  • Day 1: I can!

    My purpose for this year was can do something of exercise and lose weight, but owing to my studies that occupy the elder of my day in day out could not aim me to a gymnasium. It is not the first time that try to llevar the challenge to lose weight...
    by: jmelgarejo on: 2014/01/03
  • Dear everyone

    All, My wife and I have been working out pretty steadily for about 3 months now and are starting to slack off a little. As you can imagine this is yeilding no results and frustrating us to no end. But today we make a change! We are very excited...
    by: jacobnpaula on: 2013/12/28
  • day 1

    just finished my first workout! im ready to go eat healthy and improve my body!
    by: EmilyJoFaye on: 2013/12/21
  • first day

    by: HOMEALONE19 on: 2013/12/21
  • pain

    by: HOMEALONE19 on: 2013/12/20
  • none

    Salsa dance lesson 1 hour rotator cuff warmup 10 minutes push ups decline 3 sets of  25 scissor legs 3 sets of 15 butt ups 3 sets of 15 lying side leg raises and tucks 3 sets of 20 side planks with tuck 3 sets of 12 straight leg rais...
    by: Mr_Geezer on: 2013/12/17
  • none

    Winding down to a week off. rotator cuff warmup 10 minutes push ups decline 3 sets of 15 scissor legs 3 sets of 15 butt ups 3 sets of 15 lying side leg raises and tucks 3 sets of 15 side planks with tuck 3 sets of 12 straight leg rai...
    by: Mr_Geezer on: 2013/12/16
  • none

    2 posts today . I was locked off the sight with a password error or something. 12/14 lying two leg, side leg tuck to elbow   3 x 15 mountain climber.........down dog push up  3 x 15 with 15 push ups per set lying leg raises on bench 3 sets of...
    by: Mr_Geezer on: 2013/12/16
  • First Day

    Last Monday was the start of my new beginning. And in this one week I've made a lot of good decisions. Like Tuesday I turned down a cigerette for the first time. And instead of having pizza and cheeseburgers for lunch I've been eating turkey sandw...
    by: hollowayrebecca on: 2013/12/15
  • December 2013

    I feel great I completed a workout, I modified and change some of the workouts. But I did the complete sets and even more.
    by: Distnction on: 2013/12/12
  • none

    back hyper 3 sets of 20 side hyper 3 sets of 20 tuck crunch knees up...crunch 3 sets of 20 chin ups sets of 2 gorilla chins 8 reps sets of 8, 10, 12, 10, 8 groiner 3 sets of 20 mountain climber 3 sets of 20 6 sets of 25 push ups coc...
    by: Mr_Geezer on: 2013/12/12
  • none

    flies 15 x 15 lbs 12 x 25 lbs 10 x 40 lbs dumbbell bench press 15 x 50 lbs 12 x 60 lbs 10 x 70 lbs horizontal pull ups 3 sets of 15  mountain climber 3 sets of 20 with 15 push ups at the end of each set knees up twisted crunch 3 sets of...
    by: Mr_Geezer on: 2013/12/11
  • none

    1 arm swing 3 sets 15 x 15 lbs 2 arm swing 3 sets of 15 x 30 lbs goblet squat 3 sets of 15 x 35 lbs lunges 3 sets of 15  leg raises on bench [hang over end, raise back off of bench 3 sets of 20 bench jump  2 sets of 6 ....tweaked back....I'l...
    by: Mr_Geezer on: 2013/12/10
  • none

    butt ups 3 sets of 10 scissor legs 3 sets of 10 plank 4 x 30 seconds lying side leg raises and tucks 3 sets of 20 straight leg raise 3 sets of 20 side planks with knee tuck 3 sets of 10 bicycle with tucks 3 sets of 15 p...
    by: Mr_Geezer on: 2013/12/09
  • Success!

    Today was my first day of the *new* rest of my life my work out went great! I ran for 6 mintues straight on the tredmill. When i realized it was 6 mintues and i wasnt tired, it was as if all the hurt and tiredness hit me all at once and i start...
    by: fsbeih on: 2013/12/09
  • Bottom

    Today I signed up on this site. Im honestly hoping that this will be a positive start for my reimaged healthy fit life. Ive tried getting back in shape in the past but it was never really motivated. Now im p-mped up and ready to change my self ima...
    by: Vpope04 on: 2013/12/08
  • none

    rotator cuff seated curl  15 x 15 lbs ,4 x 90 lbs,   8 x 80 lbs, 10 x 70 lbs, 12 x 60 lbs seated overhead dumbberll extensions 15 x 15 lbs ,4 x 90 lbs,   8 x 80 lbs, 10 x 70 lbs, 12 x 60 lbs dumbbell hammer curls 15 x 15 lbs ,4 x 90 lb...
    by: Mr_Geezer on: 2013/12/08
  • starting fitness and weightloss journey

    Ive been lazy lately and have not been able to make myself stop eating and giving myself more food or eating too much sugary foods, i am the highest weight i have ever been (66kg) i am not obese, just overweight and look a little chubby so my goal...
    by: aliida13 on: 2013/12/08
  • none

    full rotator cuff rehab lying two leg, side leg tuck to elbow   3 x 15 mountain climber.........down dog push up  3 x 15 military press 3 x 10.... 50 60 80 chin up 5 x 8, 12, 12, 10,8 burpee 1 x 10 gotta work up to multiples side planks with...
    by: Mr_Geezer on: 2013/12/07
  • none

    Same as yesterday standing alternate knee to opposite elbow  15 x 3 sets each leg lying two leg, side leg tuck to elbow.3 sets of 15. 1 arm dumbbell swing  2 sets of 15 x 20 lbs. chin up 5 sets of 12 2 arm swing  40 lbs 2 sets of 15 goblet...
    by: Mr_Geezer on: 2013/12/06
  • new workout

    So today I tried a new core and leg workout today. It was definitely challenging but I worked through it. I actually enjoyed it. i felt the burn in areas I hadnt before. Excited to continue on and start seeing results.
    by: diamonddiva80 on: 2013/12/05
  • none

    Still on BodyRockTV. I do not know what some of  these exercises are called so I made up descriptions. Some are timed. Some are counted. This is much harder on me than lifting. I'm losing the last 5 lbs for a cruise. Juicing and tuna days ahead. ...
    by: Mr_Geezer on: 2013/12/05
  • none

    rotator cuff burpees 2 sets of 15 dumbbell single arm swing 2 x 15 x 15 lbs dumbbell swings 2 x 15 x 35 lbs down dog side to side jump then push ups 2 sets of 15 mountain climber 2 sets of 15 side planks with elbow to knee touch 3 sets of 15...
    by: Mr_Geezer on: 2013/12/03
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